AJ Felts Dog Behavior Solutions

AJ Felts Dog Behavior Solutions Dallas Dog Training and Behavior Solutions What if your dog could be calm and composed in any situation, instead of being anxious and reactive?

What if he looked to you for guidance and direction, rather than ignoring you and sticking to his own agenda? Any breed, any age, any size of dog… Whatever issues you are experiencing with your dog, I can help. Even if you have already tried obedience classes, or if you have been told there is nothing else that can be done, I can help. If I don't have the answer, I will find it. I will work with y

ou to find the appropriate plan of action necessary to transform your dog. I can train your dog to behave properly, but continued success depends on you! I will teach you how to apply the simple training techniques that I use, and assist you in implementing the essential structure, consistency and leadership that is necessary to ensure continued and lasting success. Visit www.ajfelts.com to learn more!


“I’m moving I can’t take my dog with me”
“The baby is allergic”
“I am too busy for him”
”My landlord doesn’t want dogs”
This. ….
This is where your dog ends up. I’m tired of peoples excuses I’m tired of dogs ending up dead in shelter floor I’m tired.
A dog is a lifetime responsibility.
A commitment of 10+ years. That dog that you sent to the dog pound for whatever excuse ,trusted you and loved you. No excuses I don’t want to hear it.
Think about this twice before you give a small insignificant excuse as to why you have to give up your dog."

Be better Do better!



Got your morning coffee in hand?! Good. I put my rant pants on for this one.

A post two days ago highlighted a strange uttering that has been heard in vet clinics across the land for the last few years.

Apparently dogs, an animal that doesn't eat grain and won't choose it in food trials, NEED grain for the health of their hearts.

Does that seem right to you?

No, me and you both. So, where the hell did this one come from?!

Dogs have has ZERO physiological need for carbs. Even the pet food "regulators" AAFCO/FEDIAF agree with us there. They also have zero physiological need of the near impossible-to-digest protein that comes with it (wheat and corn gluten) let alone the anti-nutrient compounds therein (phytic acid sure but also tannins, saponins, gossypol, lectins, protease and amylase inhibitors and goitrogens!).

I wonder what magic compound is in grain that isn't in their normal diet (normal being meat, organ, bone, bit of veg maybe). .

Answers on a postcard.

At this point, if you think hard, you might come up with "heart healthy" plant oils, which is yet another harmful nutritional myth stubbornly perpetuated by health and heart organisations alike.

Aside large doses of omega 6 throwing out the crucial omega 3:6 ratio resulting in inflammation, something that most of us are now familiar with, we're pretty clear that plant oils are not the saviours we thought they were, in fact, they're more dangerous than sugar. If you or your doctor are under any illusions there, please check out "Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism" on Youtube. Everyone NEEDS to watch that video and needs to remove all products containing refined plant oils from your life, certainly if cancer and heart health are your concern.

So when your vet says dogs NEED the grain, what are they talking about?! Honestly, ask them to elaborate. What exactly were they missing?!!

Because here's what they're talking about - for the last 6 years the FDA and pet food producers (the ones that use grain, which was most until recently) COLLUDED to repress the growth of the "natural" pet food market. They began by attempting to slow the growth of "grain-free" pet food.

Now, we can't have a product going around boasting about NOT containing our most profitable junk food ingredient, so they contrived a plan to slow them down and came up with 600 cases (in a population of 90mil US dogs...) of POSSIBLE Dilated Cardio Myopathy (DCM) that MAY have been linked to a handful of grain-free pet food companies which the FDA dutifully named straight away so the public could be alerted and AVOID the POSSIBLE suspects.

They then did their thing, getting on their microphones to alert the public via the usual outlets - in this case The New York Times and the Washington Post, who dutifully picked up on the ‘link’ and spread the concern to worried dog owners throughout the nation. Very quickly, a Facebook group ‘Taurine Deficient (Nutritional) Dilated Cardiomyopathy’ popped up and had more than 60,000 members.

It was another terrifying pandemic being fought by the worlds most trusted regulator...after just 600 unverified cases.

It was just strange the way it happened. I mean, compare this to the melamine scandal just a decade earlier (still going on, btw) where GRAIN-BASED PET FOODS were killing tens of thousands and the FDA wouldn't name a single manufacturer even when it became clear they KNEW WHO WHICH BRANDS WERE AT FAULT and congress had to step in.

There was another scandal most are forgetting about. Back in the 1970's tens of thousands of dogs but mainly cats started dying from DCM as GRAIN-BASED PET FOODS stopped putting meat (and therefore taurine) in pet food. This was where the "cats need taurine" bit came from. They do but they actually need MEAT, meat being the best source of taurine (ta**us is the latin for bull).

This was the start of the NRC / AAFCO - they were brought in to get pet food off the floor so this may never happen again.

So how are they doing, if just on the DCM front?

Well, today there are still between 500,000 and a million cases of DCM in the US (90mil dogs) EVERY year.

[I can't bog down this already-lengthy piece with studies, all this has been covered in my book, Feeding Dogs The Science Behind the Dry V Raw Pet Food Debate, available from many independents and Amazon].

But the FDA are particularly concerned about just these 600 here.

6 years on, what have we learned. To summarise,

- no such issues popped up in EU grain-free-kibble-fed dogs
- no manufacturers found an issue, no recalls occurred
- despite heavy media advertisement, no more than 600 cases were found

Many issues in kibble can cause DCM in pets, including a lack of taurine but also methionine and cysteine (taurines' precursors / building blocks) as well too much plant fibre (think "light" pet food) which perturbs both digestion and reabsorption of bile (and thus taurine) from the intestines.

For that reason, there's no reason grain-free pet food, being high carb, low protein, ultra-processed and full of plant fibre, would be any better or worse than cereal-based pet food for causing DCM in dogs. They are a tiny step better in that they don't include wheat or barley and thus gluten, but few are better where it matters for DCM (meat).

Back to this case, the FDA charged that the new fillers being used in pet food (potatoes, peas etc) were "ingredients of concern" and highlighted two previous works that appeared to highlight such a link, neither were published and today, both "studies" are in the bin, disproven by the likes of Mansilla et al. 2019 who clearly showed neither study addressed the lack of taurine, methionine, cystine or excess fibre in their test foods.

Lack of supporting evidence aside, this tiny handful of DCM cases was enough to prompt a group of American veterinary nutrition specialists from major research universities - Dr Lisa Freeman, Dr Josh Stern and Dr Darcy Adin - to put together a piece entitled “Diet- Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs: What Do We KNOW?”. In fairness to them, they all declared interests to the big 3 cereal-based pet food producers (Hills. Royal Canin, Purina). Their piece remains today the seminal work linking DCM in dogs to grain-free pet food. It is certainly the most popular. Published in the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, it has been downloaded more than fifty times more often than the Mansilla et al. (2019) showing no correlation. With more than 80,000 downloads in just six months (Dec 2018 to July 2019), it had three times that of any article published around the same time in that journal. In fact, with those sort of numbers, it is likely the most widely read canine nutritional science article ever written, which is quite a remarkable feat for Freeman who ALSO HAPPENED author JAVMA’s other most popularly downloaded articles, this time a piece on raw dog food in 2013, titled “Current Knowledge About The Risks And Benefits Of Raw Meat-Based Diets For Dogs And Cats” which today lies in ruins, revealed for the industry-loaded, heavily biased nonsense that it was. But my, my it was effective.

Like their 2013 hatchet job on real food, this piece too is replete with errors. Again in point form for brevity:

- it states ‘over the past few years, an increasing number of DCM cases involving dogs appear to have been related to diet’ although they provide no evidence of this.
- they repeatedly implicate ‘BEG diets’ (essentially grain-free pet foods) with DCM in dogs without using a single reference
- they rely heavily on the two unpublished studies (by them) that made no such association. In fact, the Adin study was caught with its pants down when they found it had been published previously and their findings were not nearly as dramatic as their new findings reported the issue to be.
- the article was not peer-reviewed (hence they could get away with such vagary...despite saying "what do we KNOW" in the title, but it would be enough to slip it past the worlds vets who are too busy to get into the details).

Long story short, the whole debacle is being hammered out in the courts as grain-free pet food companies were not happy. They said it was bad for sales (which was the objective). While "natural" pet foods were now 50% of the market, in 2019, Statista confirmed a significant drop in their sales in the US. Where previous years, it had enjoyed year-on-year growth of nearly 10%, in 2019 sales had fallen to just 0.3%.

If by this stage you are wondering why the US government appears so willing to step in and assist the plight of the poor, suffering cereal-based pet food sector, then consider the fact that US pet food, now wiser and "naturally driven" are no longer happy feeding hazardous food waste to their pets.

Cereal-based pet food is historically a profitable endpoint for the waste of the human food industry. It is an outlet for poor-quality grain, as well as indigestible leftovers from the likes of the beet, corn and grape industries. Most importantly, it is the dumping ground for the meat industry.

Today, Americans are eating a LOT of animal protein in the form of meat, eggs, cheese and milk. The problem is this sector produces a lot of hazardous waste. Typically, less than half of a slaughtered cow is consumed by humans. The rest, much of the head, brain, carcass, much of the organs, innards, feet and tail, is waste, as far as the human market is concerned. Nor is it just the good stuff. They also have copious amounts of 4D meat (dead, diseased, dying, disabled) stuff (which has to be cremated here in the EU), along with road kill, euthanised cats and dogs (honestly) and truly toxic ingredients like left over restaurant grease.

Now, in the US, producers have two options available to them at this point – sell their waste to rendering plants which will stew it with all other meat waste and sell it to big pet food and other animal feed groups...or dump it.

Here are some throw away figures on that latter option, to give us some context: the US produces more than 50 million tonnes of meat each year (beef, chicken, turkey and pork, combined, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) figures). That is potentially 50 million tonnes of animal waste running along side it each year (or 50 billion kilos). If we estimate that the producer asks for just $0.10 per kilo of their product (in Ireland, chicken and duck carcass is worth €0.30/kg when bought by the tonne, beef organs €0.70/kg), that’s a market value of $500 billion.

This shifts our focus immediately. No longer are we talking about a $30 billion US pet food market. Now we are talking figures of half a trillion. In fact, we could easily double that figure, considering now we are asking the meat industry to adapt its supply lines and storage facilities and start paying to dump what was once a profitable commodity. Maybe a trillion dollars? That is 3 times the size of the US entire prescription drug market, and we all now know how the FDA "regulates" those guys.

So, either the producers pay or the home of unchecked capitalism, currently $33 trillion in debt (to who?!!!), will be picking up the tab to manage it for them.

They could insist meat prices increase significantly but this would result in less US meat being consumed, which is equally bad news for the economy and heavily lobbied governments as a whole.

There is simply no profitable way out of this, so they dig in and continue to relentlessly drive consumption by any means necessary.

There is one more sting in the tail. The FDA continued their completely unsupported and repressive line of inquiry until Dec 2022. Why did they stop then? Mars acquired Orijen, the worlds largest and most successful grain-free pet food company the month before. Bet they got it a significantly better price.

DCM from grain-free pet food is now no longer mentioned.

Talk about a conspiracy!

So there you have it. Your vet is still parroting the same confused, utterly unsupported and today completely disproven nonsense invented by Big Pet Food, fuelled by the FDA, supported by morally bankrupt (albeit highly effective) whitecoats like Freeman et al. and shat out repeatedly by your ever-caring mainstream media.

That's how effective this sort of nonsense is - years later, with zero evidence in support, our vets still believe it is GRAIN-FREE pet food that causes DCM in dogs so therefore the GRAIN must have been protective to heart health in dogs...despite it historically being a cereal-based pet food issue.

A shocking endictment of the state of nutritional nouse deployed by the industry today.

Now, I'm off to change my pants before I have a heart attack.

One of the perks we offer our training clients is welcoming them back for boarding. Big Stella is a regular guest and sh...

One of the perks we offer our training clients is welcoming them back for boarding. Big Stella is a regular guest and she enjoyed being pampered today at Vhea’s Laundromutt.

Vhea Cannon


Recurring skin (including chronic itch), ear and gut conditions (ReSEGs) are the #1, #2 and #3 reasons for visiting the vets today.


Medicine is changing because of you!! ❤️

As a veterinarian or single person, it's impossibe to know everything. Though humbling at times, the input from clients is essential to the growth within my profession.

In the past few years, it's been incredible to witness how pet parents are taking their animal's healthcare into their own hands.

By that, I don't mean doing your own surgeries or starting to draw your own pets' blood of course, but witnessing the tremendous learning that's taking place is incredible!

You're all becoming more deeply involved in your pet's care through research, learning from others, asking critically important questions, etc.

As a result the divide between veterinarians' and pet parents' knowledge is shrinking rapidly and the old paradigm of "God in White Coat" is shifting to a team of people sharing and discussing. I know that there is more to go and many people still feel pressured by their vets, but it's changing fast.

Over this past year of working very closely with the members of my Holistic Pet Health program, I have seen tremendous growth not just in knowledge but also confidence and the ability to improve communication with their pets' healthcare team.

Increased knowledge leads to the ability to being able to connect the dots, ask the important questions as well as critically evaluate advice given by veterinarians and lay people.

There has also been a tremendous amount of sharing and supporting of one another with the knowledge gained and experiences made.

Medicine is changing because of all of you! Thank you for your passion, dedication and love! Your making a big difference. ❤️

Thank you for being THE change! 😁

If you want a bit of fast track help and want to be more empowered, I invite you to watch this video: https://www.odettesuterdvm.com/webinar-registration/


📤 Share with the Labrador lover in your life.

Rimadyl is a commonly used NSAID for pain. Unfortunately, Labrador Retrievers are known to be especially sensitive to Rimadyl toxicity, so I avoid it with this breed wherever possible.

Potential Adverse Reactions for ALL NSAIDs ⁠
• Kidney Failure⁠
• Liver Failure⁠
• Seizures⁠
• Gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation. If your animal is on an NSAID, make sure you check their stool! Dark, tarry stools, diarrhea, anorexia, and other GI symptoms can be signs of a serious issue.⁠

✅ ⁠I ALWAYS do lab work before starting an NSAID to make sure liver and kidney function are fine. ⁠
✅ Always ASK for the drug inserts from your veterinarian!⁠

❌ Do NOT mix NSAIDs with steroids. ⁠
❌ NSAIDs should NOT be given with any other NSAID! This can kill your pet.
❌ I do NOT give antacids (like Famotidine) with NSAIDs (there is a potential reaction where the tissue of the stomach swells)⁠

If you’re using Rimadyl to manage arthritis, read more here: https://drjudymorgan.com/blogs/blog/treating-arthritis-naturally?_pos=1&_sid=e17e2511a&_ss=r


Watch the replay here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYQiBQtimMCbZlhxwUP9IRj8dCebe_PwE

After Rimadyl became popular, one of my technician's dogs died 2 weeks after using it. In the emergency service, we had dogs coming in with kidney failure, liver failure, gastric ulcers, etc. after using Rimadyl. Alarm bells!⁠

Labrador Retrievers are specifically mentioned as sensitive to Rimadyl/Carprofen.⁠
Galliprant is supposed to have the least amount of side effects, but it is labeled for use in arthritis only.⁠
Metacam can only be given by injection once for cats. Oral Metacam is specifically labeled as NOT for use in cats.* It can cause renal failure.⁠
Onsior is only labeled for postop pain for orthopedic surgery or spay/neuter.⁠
The Previcox insert has a list of adverse reactions too long to even put in this caption.⁠

Potential Adverse Reactions for ALL NSAIDs ⁠
- Kidney Failure⁠
- Liver Failure⁠
- Seizures⁠
- Gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation. If your animal is on an NSAID, make sure you check their stool! Dark, tarry stools, diarrhea, anorexia, and other GI symptoms can be signs of a serious issue.⁠

✳️ I ALWAYS do lab work before starting an NSAID to make sure liver and kidney function are fine. Then, I do lab work every 3 months while the pet is on the medication. ⁠
✳️ Always ASK for the drug inserts from your veterinarian!⁠
✳️ I absolutely minimize the use of NSAIDs with my pets by using alternative therapies and safer OTC options where possible.⁠

❌ Do NOT mix NSAIDs with steroids. ⁠
❌ NSAIDs should NOT be given with any other NSAID!! This can kill your pet. You have to have a minimum 7 day wash out period (wait 7 days) before switching.⁠
❌ Do NOT give antacids (like Famotidine) with NSAIDs (there is a potential reaction where the tissue of the stomach swells)⁠

✅ For natural pain management options, read more here: https://drjudymorgan.com/blogs/blog/treating-arthritis-naturally?_pos=1&_sid=22a88fa12&_ss=r⁠

✅ For Syringomyelia: https://drjudymorgan.com/blogs/blog/therapy-for-syringomyelia?_pos=6&_sid=5199006d8&_ss=r⁠

*Edit to add: Metacam has been labeled for cats outside the US, but still has a narrow safety margin in cats and signs of overdose may be seen at small overdose levels.


The Collar Conundrum

It seems that almost every day now, there are more false arguments being contrived to drive people away from using standard training equipment in favor of hardware that is considered more ‘humane’ or ‘comfortable’ for the dog. Many of these articles rely on ‘science’, in all of its myriad forms to bolster the weak logic of the article’s authors.

Recently a good friend and colleague of mine sent me a post that had been created about a year ago, from an author that I have (thankfully) never read whose smug countenance includes a litany of letters after their name. I give them credit for spending the time and the money on university degrees, but I think their efforts would probably have been better spent studying engineering, physics, and then observing animals in the natural world before they try to defend the banning of some items and advocating for things that are 1) less effective as a result of their design, and 2) outside the scope of most owners to employ with any meaningful expectation of permanent results.

The argument, of course, starts with why we should never pull on a dogs neck, and I am already lost in the weeds, looking for any intelligent life. I’m not pulling on a dogs neck. The dog is pulling me.

When a person comes to me for help and their dog is sporting the latest fashion trends of bo***ge attire, I have to wonder if their owners have ever actually understood the whole “less is more” principle when it comes to the effective management of behavior.

The argument against any type of collar around a dog's neck is weakly supported by the author’s depictions of the fragile components of the hyoid bones of the throat, the vascularity, the esophagus, trachea and epiglottis, the thyroid, larynx and associated apparat that supply and regulate the production of essential, life-giving hormones.

The author wastes no time and goes right for the kill shot and asks the age old question about how we (humans) would feel if we were to have a collar placed around our necks with a leash attached and ‘somebody yanking us around’.

Well, first off, fool; that ain’t gonna happen. Secondly, if you are witnessing somebody ‘yanking a dog around’, that is not training, that is an incompetent human that has no sense of reality.

Third; I have yet to see a dog suffer from injuries caused by the appropriate use of training equipment in the course of a long and illustrious career of having leather in my hands and a dog at the end of it. Nor, interestingly enough, is there evidence that actual training causes these injuries.

Yes, the inappropriate use of collars have injured dogs. Allowing the dog to grow out of the collar and not replacing it or adjusting it as the dog grows, contact dermatitis from the collar rubbing the tissue of the neck until it is raw and infected, and naturally, a human with neither skill nor sense using it as a weapon instead of a training device.

If the only tool you have is a hammer…

The author wants to sell harnesses. The language is couched as ‘saving dogs from harm’ with a lot of flowery and science-y terms used to conflate the issues of tools vs use of tools.

The author even goes as far as suggesting that people might object to the use of a harness as too restrictive or runs the risk of causing some ailment and spends an inordinate amount of time describing the risks of everything that isn’t the dog floating naked on a half-shell, like a deity, through the heavens, unencumbered by the realities of traffic, wildlife, kids on bikes or mailmen.

The ‘do no harm’ argument is so overly simplistic, it’s laughable. Since over 90% of that action is caused by the dog itself. The equipment being suggested in this blog post, in reality, acts as an endorsement for all of the activities the author is suggesting causes irreparable ‘harm’ to dogs wearing collars.

Because collars actually act as a deterrent.

I don’t disagree that dogs shouldn’t be ‘yanked around’ either, but let’s be realistic, if that’s occurring, it’s occurring on any tool, not just dog collars. The author actually classifies the dog pulling as an ‘out of character dash’ (by the dog). What that signifies to me is a lack of training. Which coincidentally, also causes the least harm.

As a matter of fact, this blogger spends more time wordsmithing over the harm from the use of tools, but little in the way of showing any real benefit of the tools this post prescribes.

The harness’ design as a device to facilitate pulling is specifically for distribution of pressure over a larger surface area so no one point of pressure is concentrated. It is comfortable for the dog, and enables them to pull more weight. If I put my dogs in a harness, their heads go down instinctively, and they drive off of the rear more aggressively, as they dig in with the front legs to get ballast and move more mass.

My 40-pound English Shepherd can topple me because of her low center of gravity, and her ability to engage a degree of force that is dependent on her anatomy and the weight distribution of the harness. It’s a physics thing.

I don’t want my dogs dragging me into traffic, and I don’t have the luxury of waiting til the dog decides it’s not appropriate. I can reinforce the desired behavior far more quickly with a standard leash and collar and a minimum of physical effort (what the author charmingly calls ‘yanking’) and make the dog think it’s the dogs’ idea.

Because I am not 'yanking'.

That’s training.

We train because management fails 100% of the time.

The author continues with the weak defense that owners are still using collars ‘because it’s what’s always been done’, without recognizing that owners still use collars because they actually work. I don’t think people should ‘be applying pressure to the neck’ either, because that doesn’t really facilitate training, at least not in the way I or my colleagues train.

If the only experience you have is people yanking their dogs around, that’s an issue of experience and knowledge, not one of equipment. The ageless trope of ‘we wouldn’t do it to a child’ was trotted out at the very last, because the message these types of people are sending is they want you to feel good about your dog not listening to you, even though you have assured its comfort, as it drags you out in front of a bus.

I find these spurious arguments unacceptable. There are lots of fancy ideas, but no concrete evidence that harnesses are more physically beneficial, nor do they facilitate learning. As a matter of fact, there are several orthopedic veterinary specialists (Dr Chris Zink and others) that have documented injuries just as debilitating as the ones alluded to by the author of the post I am dissecting. I see dogs escape them regularly, nor do they afford their users any meaningful control.

Not only are they fairly useless, but they are expensive and some of the newer models can cause harm to dogs, especially the front-clip variety. The amount of force applied to the thoracic vertebrae as the dog hits the end of that line and is pivoted 180 degrees in the opposite direction is rife with risk of injury.

The point the author is trying to make, unsuccessfully, is that our dogs should live in comfort. I agree with that. However, I draw the line when the passive-aggressive voice of hysteria emerges to chastise me for the effective employment of a standard piece of equipment that has been in use since the dawn of time. Training is what is developed to rely on for the rest of my dogs natural life. Not reliance on tools.

I have watched dogs ‘worry’ prey, by shaking it frantically, side to side, until it died, and I think about this author’s statements about injury to dogs via the use of certain types of equipment and I scratch my head at all of it.

A dog getting injured by a collar requires a great deal of force for that to occur.

The deliberate use of a device to cause harm is already addressed in laws governing humane treatment of animals. It does not require the banning of tools, or the creation of devices that are couched as ‘humane’ and ‘comfortable’ for animals.

There is nothing more humane and comfortable than a dog allowed to run unencumbered, in pursuit of his genetic predispositions, while under the well-earned control of his dedicated owner.

There isn’t a harness out there that can do that.

The author received a few comments on this post. One was from an individual that had a puppy, raised in an assortment of harnesses, and still struggling with what I can only surmise as ‘loose leash walking’. The author offers no response.

In the second comment, the critique resonated with me, because it addresses the author’s fondness for the latest fashion statement, but little in the way of training. The author’s response was to regurgitate their possession of a variety of letters after their name that more than qualify them to pontificate on the hitherto’s and wherefores.

I’d be happy to see their dog respond to a simple command on a one-time basis, in distractions, without anything on.

The only other comment is another post entirely on it’s own about how the dog ‘doesn’t like’ it’s harness, because it ‘doesn’t like’ its legs manipulated, or being picked up, or… or… or… but at least this person had the absolute sand to call the author out on the ‘that’s just what’s done’ comment by letting them know there are other reasons.

The self-indulgent rhetoric from these academy types is tiresome. When half of the dogs I see weekly are dogs on harnesses that have learned to leverage their lower center of gravity and their owners’ lack of ability to control the pointy end, I want to ask these people what their solutions are for that.

“Keep trying” seems to be a bit hollow, especially when the dog is a mid-sized bull breed, and it’s been power-walking its owner straight into downtown traffic.


A common goal with new puppy owners is for the puppy to learn to go to the door to show them they need to go out to potty.
I find owners put WAY too much emphasis on this goal.
Their expectations are too large and many accidents are permitted in the learning process.
Imagine expecting your toddler to naturally go to the toilet to potty. If you have raised kids you know that you have to walk them there by hand and wait for them to go. They will say they don’t have to go. You will say well let’s just try anyways. Eventually they get the routine but you are a huge part of that teaching process.
It is much the same with puppies.
Once again not having a leash on the puppy while in the house is a recipe for lots of trouble. This has been discussed in depth on this page in the past.
A puppy on leash goes where you go as you move through the house. They are not walking to the door on their own to tell you they need to go out because they can’t.
Nope… they are learning to wait on you to get up and take them outside when you are ready.
There is a BIG difference between a dog taught to go to the door each and every time it feels like going outside (to potty or just to run).
Rather than the dog that is conditioned to wait for you to take them outside.
The pup needs time to grow and build the ability to hold its bladder. It’s a baby step process until they are comfortable waiting for those times “you” will take them out. A crate is part of this training protocol.
The flip side is after a time the “adult” dog that is well trained has liberty in the home. They are completely used to your schedule you created for them.
They also are conditioned naturally that should an emergent need arise to try to get your attention that they need to go out.
The way the average puppy owner approaches all of this is a classic example of “the cart before the horse”.

If you have read this far you should be able to guess that we also hate the bells on the door set up for a variety of reasons. Dogs make enough noise I don’t need to add bells 😂


Dallas, TX


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