Cloud Nine Cavalier Spaniels

Cloud Nine Cavalier Spaniels We have been raising beautiful healthy AKC Cavalier Spaniels in our home for close to 20 years. 5+ year breeder of KC Cavalier Spaniels.

We have 3 females and our dogs live indoors with us. Our puppies are taught to use doggie door early and given lots of playtime and affection. Our adults are checked by vet regularly to insure no health problems that could be passed on. Our adoptive families keep in contact to tell me they love their beautiful babies and send me photos every so often. We ask that you have a secure yard and that yo

ur new puppy will not be home alone every day. Adoptive families may visit the puppies after 4 weeks of age to choose and prior to that I can furnish photos. A deposit will be requested in order to hold a puppy until it is 8 weeks old and ready to live with you. Cavaliers are a wonderful breed, loving and obedient. They are not known for chewing on furniture, digging, or barking excessively. These traits make them a great pet and the reason people love Cavaliers so much.

AKC Rainey and Cody have had an unusual litter with all 4 colors. Two Ruby girls, a tricolor, a Blenheim, and a Black An...

AKC Rainey and Cody have had an unusual litter with all 4 colors. Two Ruby girls, a tricolor, a Blenheim, and a Black And Tan boy. They will be eight weeks old at the end of November and I will start taking deposits soon. We are in Warren, Maine and can travel south at pick-up time. The puppies have opened their eyes and are getting plump and active.


2 little boys. They’ve had a thorough vet exam, first shots, and are ready to go. Warren, ME. We can travel to Portsmouth, NH 👀4 🏡


Last female puppy I have, Josie. 👀 4 🏡She is nine weeks old now, so these photos aren’t quite up-to-date. She started playing outside in the grass this week, it’s so much fun to watch! She has a tricolor brother and a Blenheim brother, but one of them is leaving tonight to his new family😊

Cammie is telling her babies how to climb on the couch. 👀4🏡 Warren, Maine

Cammie is telling her babies how to climb on the couch. 👀4🏡 Warren, Maine


Yes! You can find everything you need at Home Depot! Warren, Maine AKC King Charles Cavalier Spaniels 👀 4 🏡 210-316-3166 Don’t worry, 😊they’re back out playing with their siblings.


It’s true! You can get everything you need at Home Depot! AKC King Charles Cavalier Spaniels in Maine 👀 4 🏡 210-316-3166

Bought a wheelbarrow on sale at Tractor Supply yesterday. 👀4🏡 Can you look at Zippy and not laugh?

Bought a wheelbarrow on sale at Tractor Supply yesterday. 👀4🏡 Can you look at Zippy and not laugh?


Black and tans breaking out! They’re almost 6 weeks old today🐶👀4🏡


I call her Diva, but she is really very sweet 👀4🏡. She is 7 weeks old. I have a few younger puppies, too.


Here are the tricolor Cavalier boys born May 29. Cammie and Tango are proud parents, both AKC registered. We are in Warren, Maine, but we can travel🐶.

Tango, our newest AKC male produced some beautiful black and tan puppies this month.  There are some tricolors too, but ...

Tango, our newest AKC male produced some beautiful black and tan puppies this month. There are some tricolors too, but here are 2 of the dark ones. They have white chins like dad.

We have new puppies this week, but they don’t photograph well until their eyes open.  Here are some past puppies to hold...

We have new puppies this week, but they don’t photograph well until their eyes open. Here are some past puppies to hold you over🥰. The agility star is Delaney! You go girl!

New AKC Cavalier Spaniels have been born in Warren, Maine.🐶 There are five little Black And Tan puppies, two of which ar...

New AKC Cavalier Spaniels have been born in Warren, Maine.🐶 There are five little Black And Tan puppies, two of which are females, and three tricolor, one of which is a female. I will take more photos when they open their eyes in a few days. I also have one little Blenheim female, Deena, who will be ready for her new family in three weeks. She is a little sweetheart and very calm. 210-316-3166. A $500 deposit will hold her or one of the others and I’m happy to send videos or FaceTime with you. My other two females will also have puppies this week, stand by for updates!!!

It will be a busy summer at my house, starting with Cammy and Rainy having puppies at the end of May.  I’m spoiling them...

It will be a busy summer at my house, starting with Cammy and Rainy having puppies at the end of May. I’m spoiling them now. Hopefully Rainey’s pups love fetching tennis balls like she does!

These two purebred cavalier spaniel puppies are four months old and ready for a loving home.  They did not get advertise...

These two purebred cavalier spaniel puppies are four months old and ready for a loving home. They did not get advertised at eight weeks old because of a glitch in paperwork. Because of their age, their price has been greatly reduced. My sister has these cute little boys in Manchester, New Hampshire. Evergreen Cavaliers. They are current on vaccinations, mostly housebroke and very sweet and playful. Text or call 603-860-1580

One female puppy (Rosie) is waiting for a wonderful family.  She will turn 8 weeks on March 3.  She is as affectionate ...

One female puppy (Rosie) is waiting for a wonderful family. She will turn 8 weeks on March 3. She is as affectionate and playful as you would expect of a cavalier spaniel. Rosie will come with her first vaccination, appropriate wormings, a thorough vet exam and one year genetic health guarantee.  Her parents have been DNA tested for good health, and she has been started on crate training. We are in Warren, Maine, Cloud Nine Cavaliers. Text or call please 210-316-3166


71 Woodland Avenue
Danvers, MA





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