[NOTE: This photo is just picture of a pond in the summer. NOT a picture of a pond with the toxin.] Cyanobacteria can have many different looks, including not being visible at all. Link to Kentucky Division of Water for more photos and information: https://eec.ky.gov/Environmental-Protection/Water/Monitor/Pages/HABS.aspx #:~:text=Harmful%20Algal%20Blooms%20Division%20of%20Water&text=A%20harmful%20algal%20bloom%2C%20or,skin%20in%20animals%20or%20humans.
"Death follows minutes to hours after exposure to a small amount of this toxin." As the weather gets hotter, ponds can start to have "algae blooms." The water itself can look like pea soup, or like green paint is spread on the surface of the water. Sometimes it is not visible at all. Some of these blooms are cyanobacteria, which can produce potent toxins. Dogs are exposed when they wade in the water and either drink the water directly, or lick it off themselves when they come out. There is no antidote; treatment is supportive and many dogs don't survive. If you believe your dog has been exposed, bathe him immediately. If he has any symptoms, bring him right in to a veterinarian. See comments for more information about signs and treatment. (Most ponds that look like this are not dangerous, but it is not possible to tell which ones are toxic and which ones aren't except by having the water tested; If in doubt, keep pets out.) Edited to add links to more pond phots.