Gestation: 65 days, raising puppies: 8 weeks (or more)
That's 16 weeks
112 days
2,688 hours
161,280 minutes
9,676,800 seconds
Days, hours, minutes, and seconds of constant caretaking, cleaning, feeding, providing love, giving of self, sleepless nights, constant worry, checking temperatures, health testing, X-rays, ultrasounds, skulls and spines, assisting delivery, checking weights, feeding, loving, calls to the vet, emergency visits, second guessing, questioning, am I doing this right? are they healthy? is momma ok? does she need more calcium? is she bonding with them? is there enough milk? was that a cough or a sneeze? are they getting enough stimulation? checking applications, screening new families, being verbally abused by those you denied, having to say goodbye to the little pieces of your heart... the list goes on and on, and it doesn't include all the things that could go wrong, or the time spent getting ready to breed.
How do you measure your worth? How do you put a price on all those seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks? This is not a get rich quick scheme. This is your heart and soul in four tiny paws, this is your whole world in wet noses and puppy breath... ❤️🐾
Kings Royal Frenchie’s