Bloom Tender

Bloom Tender Sustainable Farming & Botanical Bliss. Microfarm in Oakwood, Ohio. Sustainable Farming & Botanical Bliss

🌿 Books I am Reading This Month: August Edition 📚Continuing my journey of learning and sharing, I'm diving into a new se...

🌿 Books I am Reading This Month: August Edition 📚

Continuing my journey of learning and sharing, I'm diving into a new set of books that inspire and challenge us to rethink our relationship with nature and ourselves. Join me in this virtual book club, and let’s broaden our understanding together! Here’s what’s on my reading list for August:

🌱 Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer: Melding indigenous wisdom with scientific knowledge, this book teaches us the lessons of plants and the reciprocity of nurturing.

🧠 Atomic Habits by James Clear: Explore how tiny changes can yield remarkable results, transforming our habits and, in turn, our lives.

🥦 What Your Food Ate by David R. Montgomery & Anne Biklé: Discover how the health of our food is directly connected to the health of our land.

🌾 Healing Grounds by Liz Carlisle: An exploration of climate justice and the deep roots of regenerative farming.

🏙️ Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer by Novella Carpenter: A tale of urban farming adventure in an unlikely setting.

🍄 The Mushroom at the End of the World by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing: Delve into the world of matsutake mushrooms and the lessons they offer about ecological resilience and the global economy.

Looking to grow your library? Share your favorite reads on ecology, farming, and sustainability below!

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The itsy bitsy spider...was on my brown eyed my backyard...and had a little family...and I am crying...becau...

The itsy bitsy spider...
was on my brown eyed susans...
in my backyard...
and had a little family...
and I am crying...
because I took this picture...
with my macro lens...
and its the cutest photo...
I have ever taken...
in my entire life...

Can anyone identify this large grass? Seems to be growing everywhere in Ohio...

Can anyone identify this large grass? Seems to be growing everywhere in Ohio...


I am covered in mosquito bites. 😫

But, before you comment and say, “call up mosquito services x,” PLEASE, for the love of the planet, your children, your food, your life, just consider the following…

Many commercial mosquito sprays promise to keep your backyard mosquito-free, but they often fall short. These sprays typically rely on chemicals like pyrethroids, which may initially reduce mosquito populations. However, mosquitoes are remarkably adaptable and can quickly develop resistance to these chemicals, rendering them ineffective over time. This resistance occurs because a small number of mosquitoes naturally possess genes that protect them from the spray. When these mosquitoes survive and reproduce, their resilient offspring dominate the population. Additionally, over-reliance on chemical sprays can harm beneficial insects and disrupt local ecosystems. A more effective approach to mosquito control includes reducing standing water where mosquitoes breed, using physical barriers like screens, and promoting natural predators such as bats and birds.

Mosquito sprays, especially those containing pyrethroids and other synthetic chemicals, can have numerous adverse effects on the environment, soil, wildlife, and human health. When sprayed, these chemicals don't just target mosquitoes; they also impact non-target species, including beneficial insects like bees, butterflies, and ladybugs, which play crucial roles in pollination and pest control. The chemicals can leach into the soil, disrupting soil microbiota and affecting soil health, leading to reduced fertility and harming plants. Wildlife, particularly aquatic organisms, are also at risk as runoff from sprayed areas contaminates water bodies, affecting fish, amphibians, and other aquatic life. Birds and other animals that consume contaminated insects can suffer from poisoning and reproductive issues. For humans, exposure to these chemicals can cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and, with prolonged exposure, more severe health issues such as endocrine disruption and neurological effects. Moreover, the indiscriminate use of these sprays can lead to the development of chemical-resistant mosquito populations, making future control efforts even more challenging. A holistic approach that includes natural and integrated pest management strategies is essential to mitigate these negative impacts while effectively controlling mosquito populations.

Harmful Effects of Mosquito Sprays:

Impact on Non-Target Insects: 🐝
Pollinators: Over 40% of managed honeybee colonies in the U.S. were lost between April 2018 and April 2019, with pesticide exposure being a significant factor (Bee Informed Partnership).

Natural Predators: Pyrethroid exposure can reduce populations of beneficial predatory insects by up to 80% in treated areas (Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal).

Soil Health:
Microbial Disruption: Pyrethroids can reduce soil microbial biomass by 30-50%, affecting nutrient cycling (Journal of Environmental Quality).

Plant Toxicity: Pesticide residues can decrease plant root growth by 20-40% in contaminated soils (Ecotoxicology Journal).

Water Contamination:
Aquatic Life: Pyrethroids were detected in 60% of urban streams, often exceeding toxicity thresholds for aquatic life (U.S. Geological Survey).

Ecosystem Imbalance: Pesticides in water bodies have led to a 50% decline in amphibian populations in some areas (Global Change Biology).

Bioaccumulation: Birds exposed to pyrethroids can have residues in their tissues at levels up to 50 times higher than those in their environment (Journal of Avian Biology).

Reproductive Issues: Wildlife exposed to pyrethroids exhibit a 25-30% decrease in reproductive success (Environmental Health Perspectives).

Human Health:
Immediate Effects: Approximately 25% of individuals exposed to mosquito control pesticides experience acute symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and respiratory issues (CDC).

Long-Term Effects: Chronic exposure to pesticides is associated with a 30-50% increased risk of developing neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease (American Journal of Epidemiology).

Childhood Cancer: Children exposed to high levels of pesticides have a 60% increased risk of developing leukemia and other childhood cancers (Pediatrics Journal).

Resistance Development:
Mosquito Adaptation: In some regions, up to 90% of mosquito populations have developed resistance to commonly used pyrethroids (Journal of Vector Ecology).

Environmental Persistence:
Longevity: Certain pyrethroids can persist in the environment for up to 90 days, continuing to pose risks to non-target organisms (Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Journal).

These statistics highlight the extensive and varied impacts of mosquito sprays on the environment, wildlife, and human health, underscoring the need for more sustainable pest control methods.

Transforming our community’s approach involves planting native, beneficial plants to kickstart the natural cycle of life. Focusing on soil health and altering mindsets is what will have a lasting impact. The more we rely on spraying for mosquitoes, the more we exacerbate mosquito population problems.

Native plants are particularly effective in controlling pests because they attract and support a variety of beneficial insects and wildlife. These natural predators help keep pest populations in check, reducing the need for chemical interventions.

Additionally, native plants are adapted to the local environment, making them more resilient and easier to maintain. For example, Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) attracts birds that feed on insects, Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) supports a range of pollinators and beneficial insects, and Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) has fragrant leaves that act as a natural mosquito repellent while attracting pollinators.

Let’s work together to protect our environment, our health, and our future by choosing sustainable mosquito control methods. 🌍💚


Yesterday was TATER THURSDAY with my best SPUD !💖Harvested the first tower of golden potatoes. May have over packed the ...

Yesterday was TATER THURSDAY with my best SPUD !💖

Harvested the first tower of golden potatoes. May have over packed the potato tower, but a harvest is a harvest and it’s even better with your friends. 👩🏻‍🌾🥔👩🏼‍🌾

Tomorrow looks like it’s going to be a spudtacular day to come out to the from 9am - 12pm! Swing by, say hi! Check out the taters, fresh herbs, natives, and house plants. See you there. ✌🏼

👩🏼‍🌾: //

I’m excited to share my love for learning with you all! Education is our best chance to create a better world. By unders...

I’m excited to share my love for learning with you all! Education is our best chance to create a better world. By understanding and nurturing our planet, we can make a real difference. Join me in a virtual book club and let’s grow our knowledge together! Please share your recommendations for books on ecology, farming, and sustainability.

Here are the books I’m reading now:

📚 Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown: Discover how Gabe transformed his farm with regenerative practices to improve soil health.
📚 The Modern Herbal Dispensatory by Thomas Easley and Steven Horne: Learn how to make herbal medicine at home with this comprehensive guide.
📚 Iwigara by Enrique Salmón: Explore the connection between Indigenous peoples and plants, sharing traditional knowledge and cultural significance.
📚 Restoration Agriculture by Mark Shepard: A sustainable approach to farming with perennial crops and agroforestry.
📚 The Unsettling of America by Wendell Berry: A critique of modern farming and a call for sustainable, community-focused agriculture.
📚 Teaming with Microbes by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis: An introduction to soil microbiology and creating healthy soils.

👩🏼‍🌾: // Holly Noel Pohlman��

Happy Fourth of July from Bloom Tender! 👩🏼‍🌾Celebrate Independence Day with nature’s own fireworks in red, white, and bl...

Happy Fourth of July from Bloom Tender! 👩🏼‍🌾

Celebrate Independence Day with nature’s own fireworks in red, white, and blue! Vibrant red cardinal flower, delicate white sweet alyssum, and striking blue borage are here to add a patriotic touch to any garden. 🎆

🇺🇸 Red Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis): This stunning flower features bright red blooms that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. It’s a perennial that thrives in moist, rich soil and partial shade to full sun. Perfect for adding a splash of red to your garden and supporting local pollinators!

🇺🇸 White Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima): Known for its sweet fragrance and delicate clusters of white flowers, sweet alyssum is a favorite among gardeners. This annual plant is great for borders, containers, and ground covers. It attracts beneficial insects and provides continuous blooms throughout the growing season.

🇺🇸 Blue Borage (Borago officinalis): With its star-shaped blue flowers, borage is not only a beautiful addition to any garden but also a magnet for bees. This annual herb is easy to grow, self-seeds readily, and its leaves and flowers are edible, adding a cucumber-like flavor to salads and beverages.

These beautiful blooms are not just a feast for the eyes, but they also play a crucial role in supporting our precious pollinators. Bees, butterflies, and other pollinators are essential for the health of our ecosystems, and they rely on flowers like these to thrive. 🐝🦋

Come see all of Bloom Tender’s lovely blooms in person and learn more about how you can support pollinators at the Oakwood Farmers Market this Saturday from 9 AM - 12 PM. We’ll be there with a fresh selection of flowers and expert advice to help your garden flourish. 🌿🌸

Wishing everyone a blooming and joyful Fourth of July! 🌺✨

👩🏼‍🌾: // Holly Noel Pohlman
Bloom Tender


🌸 Bloom Tender is a Proud Sponsor of Dig It for the House Columbus! 🌸This charity holds a very special place in my heart...

🌸 Bloom Tender is a Proud Sponsor of Dig It for the House Columbus! 🌸

This charity holds a very special place in my heart. Every year, my little sister and I would visit Ronald McDonald House for Christmas to do holiday crafts with the children. These moments of creating joy and spreading cheer are some of my most cherished memories.

For nearly four years now, ever since I met my wonderful husband Colin, I have been collecting tabs to give back to this amazing charity. Our collection bin is nearly waist-high, a testament to our dedication and love for this cause.

Both my sister and I have faced the challenges of auto-immune disorders, which gives us a deep understanding of what it's like for children battling illnesses. The Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) provide crucial support and resources to families with sick children, allowing them to stay close to their loved ones during such difficult times. This cause is incredibly close to my heart because I know firsthand how important it is to have that support.

Tomorrow, instead of my usual spot at the farmers market, I'll be at the Dig It for the House Columbus event as a proud sponsor. This event, organized by the Red Shoe Society, is an exciting sand volleyball tournament that raises funds to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio. The Red Shoe Society is a group of young professionals dedicated to supporting RMHC through volunteering, fundraising, and spreading awareness about the incredible work RMHC does.

My amazing sister-in-law and her team will be competing, and my business, Bloom Tender, will be sponsoring a court. This event is a wonderful way to support the incredible work RMHC does for children and their families.

Please join us in supporting this heartfelt cause. Every little bit helps make a difference in these children's lives. 💖

"There are at least 100 known species of flowers on planet Earth."And I think they are all in my garden.Wow. Science fac...

"There are at least 100 known species of flowers on planet Earth."
And I think they are all in my garden.

Wow. Science facts. Neat!


Just kidding - I hope this made you laugh and read on...

Bloom Tender will not be at Oakwood Farmers Market this weekend, but here are a bunch of pretty photos of blooms around the microfarm and pretty photos of Colin looking at me lookin at pretty flowers around the microfarm. I will be sure to post some content to keep you updated! I'll be back the following Saturday July, 6th from 9am - 12pm ready to help you get your fall crops going!

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!

👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman
Bloom Tender


🌻🌞 Embracing the Summer Solstice 🌞🌻As we celebrate the Summer Solstice today, the longest day of the year, we’re reminde...

🌻🌞 Embracing the Summer Solstice 🌞🌻

As we celebrate the Summer Solstice today, the longest day of the year, we’re reminded of the profound connection between nature’s rhythms and our lives. 🌿🌞

Sunflowers, with their radiant faces following the sun’s path, symbolize the energy and vitality of this special day. They teach us about resilience, growth, and embracing the warmth of sunlight. 🌻☀️

Let’s take a moment to pause, breathe in the fragrance of summer blooms, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Whether you’re tending to your garden or simply enjoying the outdoors, may this solstice fill your heart with peace and joy. 🌞

Happy Summer Solstice from Bloom Tender! Let’s continue to grow together with love for the earth and all its treasures. 🌍🌻

👩🏼‍🌾: //



Farmer party tricks.


Happy Father's Day to my Dad and Father-in-Law!I am incredibly blessed to have the most loving, caring, and thoughtful d...

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and Father-in-Law!

I am incredibly blessed to have the most loving, caring, and thoughtful dads in my life. Both of these men continue to support me in everything I do and are incredible role models of true kindness and compassion. The strongest of men have cores that embody the true meaning of love. Although my dad and father-in-law could not have more different personalities, they share the same loving heart.

Throughout their lives, they have shown immense strength through their unwavering commitment to providing beautiful care and love to their families. They have led by example, showing me what it means to be a good father: to be present, to listen, to encourage, and to always have open arms and an open heart. Their actions have taught me the importance of integrity, hard work, and selflessness. They have faced challenges with grace and have always found ways to make their loved ones feel cherished and secure. I still have so much to learn from their endless wisdom and boundless love.

I am the luckiest daughter to have two incredible men in my life. I am loved, and I hope they know how much I love them!

To all Dads' Happy Father's Day!

A huge thank you to everyone who visited Bloom Tender at the Oakwood Farmers Market today! 🌼It was wonderful to see all ...

A huge thank you to everyone who visited Bloom Tender at the Oakwood Farmers Market today! 🌼

It was wonderful to see all your smiling faces and chat about your favorite plants. I loved hearing your stories about comfrey and the New York Cheese Pumpkin—sharing the plants I’ve grown with love truly makes my heart happy. And of course, thank you for laughing at my plant jokes! 👩🏼‍🌾

Your support means the world to me, and I can’t wait to see you all again at the market next Saturday from 9am to 12pm!

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there! Enjoy your special day! 💚

👩🏼‍🌾: //


A huge thank you to everyone who visited Bloom Tender at the Oakwood Farmers Market today! 🌼It was wonderful to see all ...

A huge thank you to everyone who visited Bloom Tender at the Oakwood Farmers Market today! 🌼

It was wonderful to see all your smiling faces and chat about your favorite plants. I loved hearing your stories about comfrey and the New York Cheese Pumpkin—sharing the plants I've grown with love truly makes my heart happy. And of course, thank you for laughing at my plant jokes! 👩🏼‍🌾

Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait to see you all again at the market next Saturday from 9am to 12pm!

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads out there! Enjoy your special day! 💚

📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman


🌸 Hey there, Bloom Tenders! 🌸Every week, I count down the days to Saturday at the market, but this week is extra special...

🌸 Hey there, Bloom Tenders! 🌸

Every week, I count down the days to Saturday at the market, but this week is extra special because it's Father’s Day weekend! 🥰

Want to surprise Dad with the ultimate gift? How about his very own dream salsa garden? I’ve got all the tips and tricks to help you start an amazing organic garden. There’s still plenty of time this season to get those tomatoes and peppers planted for a harvest that’ll make your taste buds dance! 🌶️🍅🫑

And here's a little dad joke for the occasion: What do you call a nosy little pepper? Jalapeño business! 😂

So, come on out and say hello at the Oakwood Farmers Market from 9am - 12pm this Saturday! I’d love to see you and gush over all the beautiful blooms! 🌼💚

See you there! 🥰

📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman
Bloom Tender



While many areas face water shortages, our Buried Valley Aquifer holds an incredible 1.5 trillion gallons of high-quality groundwater. This essential resource provides drinking water to over 2.3 million people. Let's appreciate and protect this vital asset!


I wanted to share my experience with "no-till" and organic gardening, inspired by Gabe Brown's "Dirt to Soil" approach. In nature, there is no tilling. Beneficial insects and various plants coexist in a harmonious cycle.

On many farms and in gardens, we often see monocultures or rows of a single plant like cabbages or entire gardens of roses. This style can lead to challenges with pests and diseases. In contrast, nature thrives with a diverse range of species. This biodiversity encourages beneficial insects, microbes, pollinators, and enriches the soil, reducing the need for synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.

Embracing this method has significant benefits for the environment. No-till practices help maintain soil structure and health, preventing erosion and promoting water retention. Organic gardening avoids harmful chemicals, protecting local waterways and the broader ecosystem. Diverse plantings support a wide range of wildlife, fostering a balanced ecosystem that can better withstand climate fluctuations.

By mimicking nature’s biodiversity in our gardens, whether large or small, we can create healthier, more sustainable, and productive environments. This method has been transformative for my own gardening experience, and I hope it might inspire you too.

Get out there and garden wild.


Bloom Tender Goals… to become a B Certified Corporation.


Bloom Tender’s roots are deep in its commitment to this Earth. From our home
compostable packaging to no till style gardening this is a perfect goal to work toward. The B Corporation certification is more than just a badge—it's a commitment to our planet, our community, and the values we hold dear.

What is a B Certified Corporation?
Becoming a B Corp means we meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. It signifies that we balance profit with purpose, considering the impact of our decisions on our workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment.

Why This Matters for Bloom Tender and You?
🌱 Sustainability: We are dedicated to sustainable farming practices that protect and enrich our soil, conserve water, and reduce waste.
🌍 Environmental Impact: By meeting rigorous standards, we minimize our carbon footprint and promote eco-friendly practices.
🫶🏼Community Focus: We are committed to giving back to our local community, and supporting local initiatives.
💚Transparency and Accountability: You can trust that our business operations are transparent and held to the highest ethical standards.

Blooming Goals:
- Enhanced Sustainability: Continuously improve farming techniques to be even more earth-friendly.
- Community Engagement: Increase support and involvement in local community projects.
- Eco-Innovation: Innovate new ways to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability.

We believe that achieving B Corp certification will not only validate our efforts but also inspire others to join us in making a positive impact on the world. 🌎✨

Thank you for your continued support! Together, we can make a difference.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey!

Good morning friends! 🌞It’s shaping up to be another gorgeous Saturday morning, and we can’t wait to see your sunshiny f...

Good morning friends! 🌞

It’s shaping up to be another gorgeous Saturday morning, and we can’t wait to see your sunshiny faces! Join us at the Oakwood Farmers Market for a delightful day. I’ve brought my adorable cheese pumpkins, fragrant herbs, spicy peppers, and a variety of beautiful plants for you to enjoy. 🌱👩🏼‍🌾☀️🌻💖

Come hang out with us and soak up the good vibes at the Oakwood Farmers Market from 9 AM to 12 PM! See you there! ✌🏼

📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman

If fall is your favorite season, you can’t wait to smell cloves and cinnamon, and you absolutely love fresh pumpkin pie,...

If fall is your favorite season, you can’t wait to smell cloves and cinnamon, and you absolutely love fresh pumpkin pie, then you’re in for a special treat tomorrow at the Oakwood Farmers Market!

Join us for our special plant sale featuring the cutest pumpkin pie plants! These organically sourced seeds, grown in OMRI-approved soil right here in Oakwood, are perfect for your fall festivities.

Long Island Cheese Pumpkins, known for their smooth, sweet flesh and excellent flavor. They have a creamy texture that makes them perfect for pies, soups, and other fall recipes. Their unique cheese-wheel shape and pale skin make them a charming addition to any garden. Plant them now for a bountiful harvest this fall. My pies were a huge hit last year at all the fall gatherings!

Can’t wait to see you tomorrow at the market! Let’s get excited about fall, even if it’s just the beginning of summer! Come on downVisit us from 9am to 12pm at the Oakwood Farmers Market!

👩🏼‍🌾: //




First Oakwood Farmers Market 2024 in the books! A dream come true. Thank you to all the friends, family, and new plant friends that came to support me today. I can’t express in words how grateful I am for all the love today. I’ve been so blessed to have such amazing people in my life. I felt all the positive energy that you all brought.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Looking forward to a joyful season June through October every Saturday 9am - 12pm at the Oakwood Farmers Market.

📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Holly Noel Pohlman //
Bloom Tender



I remember about ten years ago, my sister and I were picking handfuls of mint in the garden. Seeing the bowls of mint we had, we decided we should totally open a farmers market booth selling our locally grown, organic mint and mint products! I guess the universe heard that and said, “I like that idea, too!” And here we are today…

It’s my FIRST DAY AT THE FARMERS MARKET! We're kicking off the season with giant tomatoes, peppers, and freshly harvested microgreens.

Come see Bloom Tender today from 9am - 12pm at the Oakwood Farmers Market! Cash preferred, PayPal and Venmo accepted.

Starting a small farm business is no joke, but I’m incredibly lucky to have my husband, Colin, by my side. From the mome...

Starting a small farm business is no joke, but I’m incredibly lucky to have my husband, Colin, by my side. From the moment the idea sprouted, he’s been my biggest supporter and right-hand man. Colin is my fence post driver, mulch spreader, soil ball maker, business coach, and warm embrace just to name a few roles he’s proudly taken on lately. When you see him at the farmers market tomorrow, give him a shout or a high five. He’s the deeply important roots behind the scenes, and I couldn’t be Bloom Tender without him.

I am so excited to meet new plant friends tomorrow at The Oakwood Farmers Market! 9am - 12pm. Come say hello!

📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman

“Epazote is to Mexican food what bees are to plants,” a friend explained to me. This secret herb from Mexico is about to...

“Epazote is to Mexican food what bees are to plants,” a friend explained to me. This secret herb from Mexico is about to transform your cooking! With its unique, pungent, earthy flavor, epazote adds an authentic touch to beans, soups, stews, and salsas. If you’re making frijoles negros, calabacitas, or cetas and champiñones, epazote is a MUST. It’s a rare find in supermarkets, so you’ll want to have it fresh on hand. Come get a plant to grow in your herb garden this year at the this Saturday from Bloom Tender!

🌱: Epazote // Grown from Organic Non- GMO Seeds and Tended to in OMRI Approved Organic Soil
👩🏼‍🌾: //


Tomato and Pepper season is here. My staple summer garden vegetables. I love the taste of fresh picked tomatoes right of...

Tomato and Pepper season is here. My staple summer garden vegetables. I love the taste of fresh picked tomatoes right off the vine. Nothing compares! What are your favorite summer vegetables?!


📍: Oakwood Farmers Market
👩🏼‍🌾: Bloom Tender // Holly Noel Pohlman
Bloom Tender

The cutest pair. 🌵🥹🥰I’ve been cultivating native Ohio prickly pear in organic soil, and I’m thrilled to share that they’...

The cutest pair. 🌵🥹🥰

I’ve been cultivating native Ohio prickly pear in organic soil, and I’m thrilled to share that they’re ready for you! The Ohio prickly pear (Opuntia humifusa) is a unique cactus native to our region, known for its beautiful yellow blooms and edible fruit. This hardy plant thrives in various conditions and is recognized by its flat, paddle-like pads. It produces delicious, nutritious fruit in late summer, is drought-resistant, low-maintenance, and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, adding a unique, exotic touch to your garden. Come see me at the Oakwood Farmers Market this Saturday and grab one of these home-grown beauties for your garden. Support local, grow native, and add a little prickly charm to your day!

🌵: Ohio Prickly Pear
👩🏼‍🌾: //





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