When you visit another barn and realize maybe you shouldn’t have moved one on so quickly…..whoops!
TZ’s Curly Fry
TZ Lunch Money x TZ Slick Rick
A little four week old who understands her assignment.
What I like to see when I’m evaluating an 8 week old:
✔️wide chest
✔️massive bone
✔️upright and holds a pose
✔️well balanced and proportionate body type
He’s still a little awkward, but many good qualities worth growing out!
8 week old buck
TZ’s Rock the Boat x TZ’s Slick Rick
Miley loves baby prepping. She can even eat dinner with her haystache.
TZ’s Curly Fry
11 weeks
GC TZ’s Lunch Money x GC TZ’s Slick Rick
Love everything about this dude except his tight crown, hoping it relaxes a bit over the next few weeks.
A cute baby doe out of Wrecking Ball and One in a Million.
Rock the boat is such a good mama! Feeding her 8 week old babies that keep punching and kicking her in the face!
TZ’s Century (TZ100)
Doe, 7 weeks old
Smith’s Ozzie x TZ’s Rock the Boat
We’ve been watching this little doe. She’s from Ozzie’s last litter with Rock the Boat (one in a million’s littermate). Her ear number is TZ100 so we named her Century. She’s been a standout since she hopped out of the nestbox!
Morning cuteness overload!
An updated video of the auction buck for the Georgia Youth teams. TZ70 is about 3.5mo and has great type - short, wide, and full to the table. He’s extremely upright and easy to pose. As his head fur is growing back his head and crown continue to look nicer.
Auction ends on Friday! Let’s send these kids to convention!