Contact Agape Natural Nutrition for Horses & Livestock or PM the page to get your horses and livestock started on nay cubes that are non-GMO, certified w**d-free, a great size, and have no artificial binders. These cubes are made to be cubes-- not made from leftovers! DANCO sources quality, clean alfalfa forage from well-managed Canadian (non-GMO/blister beetle free) alfalfa producers as well as p
rocessing company-owned production fields. The process begins with feed tested, fresh-quality baled forage. The forage is ground into a 4 to 5 inch (minus stem length) product. A high-heat flash process creates long-term product life span stability and subjects the forage to extreme temperatures that burn off any viable mold spores and low incidence invasive w**d species. This process also assists in a pre-digestive breakdown of the forage which benefits the digestive process and increases the bioavailability of the forage to the equine G.I. The forage proceeds to metering boxes that suspend the dried stem and leaf in proper ratios (nutrient uniform) before being presented into the cubing machine. Once inside the cuber, the forage is formed into cubes. This pressure creates high heat which assists in making the forage retain its densified format for shipping, minimal product oxidation, and feeding efficiency. The pressure is a precursor to mastication and digestion in the G.I. The hay (alfalfa stems/whole grain and oilseeds) is “snapped open” from the extreme pressure and heat which does not diminish nutrient values and creates a proper blended balanced and uniform, long stem, high percentage forage product. This is much easier to digest for all classes and ages of horses—especially those challenged via dental issues and recurring G.I. tract problems. Once the cubes are formed, they go into a bin to cool and cure before the bagging process which is generally within 24 hours of the process beginning. Agape Distributors, LLC, Agape Natural Nutrition for Horses & Livestock with Lisa Rasmussen is your Western source for DANCO Hay Cubes of the Rocky Mountains for Colorado Scottsdale, Arizona New Mexico Wyoming. Contact us by messaging the page or visit our dealer locator page to find the cubes you need near you! Agape has dealers all over the region!