What could have been… Halfway to the Inauguration, half off most everything in stores. 1/4 off online.
Get up off the floor. Get into Penzeys. By my calculations, Friday the 13th marks the halfway point between Election Day and Inauguration Day. The day after the election we were crushed. The day before the inauguration we need to be not crushed.
Remember last time how the protest crowds eclipsed the size of the inauguration crowds causing him to fly into a rage and squander any momentum he might have had? That was huge and shaped all that followed. Maybe this time it’s not a march or maybe it is. But whatever it is we must find our way to be heard. If not, the cost to all that is good will be far too high.
But first we’ve got to stop this moping around. We can’t let our sadness for what might have been linger on through the holidays. If we are to have any hope at saving a meaningful chunk of the goodness generations of Americans sacrificed so much to achieve, we have to be done wishing we could change the past and get on to what cooks do best, building a better future.
We brought a good crowd into our stores the weekend before the election with our Halfway Loot Our Stores weekend with half off everything other than Vanilla, Saffron, and Gift Cards. So until end of day Friday we are repeating that offer to get you up off the floor and into our stores.
To get half off everything* in our stores just be ready to show this post on your phone or a printed-out image of it.
You can find our store locations here: https://www.penzeys.com/locations/
Our goal is to get you up and out and interacting, so this is store focused. But our stores aren’t everywhere, so online we are meeting in the middle at one quarter off everything other than Vanilla, Saffron, and Gift Cards. To get this visit penzeys.com, and at checkout enter RESIST in the apply code box. It’s easy.
And yes, it’s not fair to have one deal in stores and another online. But “free” shipping and handling really does cost us close to $15 on average this time of year. Stores don’t have that cost. So what in stores might simply be a “futile and stupid gesture,” online becomes a huge loss of money.
Please don’t not shop online this time even though you are right, this isn’t entirely fair. 25% most everything is still a very good deal :)
You buying and possibly even sharing spices online this time of year is an enormous help to what we do all year long and it looks like there will be much for us to do in the coming year. So please visit penzeys.com before midnight Friday the 13th and use your RESIST code. Thanks!
And yes, they have the votes to do whatever they want. And I’m more sincere in this than you are going to believe, but I really think we need to be honestly open to the idea that some of what they want to do might actually be good things to do.
But for those things that are not, for those things they’ve laid out in their 2025 project playbook they are going to pitch doing them and then wait to see the country’s reaction before proceeding. That is when we will have our say. As cooks, as people who give of ourselves to care for others, especially those in need, we are viewed as the safe keepers of this nation’s morality.
If what they propose isn’t moral. If what they propose is simply bullying people less privileged than themselves for the fun they get from bullying them, we will speak out and the one-vote majority they hold in the House of Representatives won’t be enough to stand up against what we know in our hearts to be right.
But to carry the day we have to be involved. To carry the day we have to be back on top of what we do. We can’t do that from the floor. Enough already. And real depression won’t be overcome by fortitude. If you need to stay down longer, we are here for you. We love you. But for those who can get up now really is the time.
Come in. Half off! Even all gift boxes with less than two weeks to go to Christmas/Hanukkah! Bring friends. We are a community. It’s once again time to come together. Thanks.
If you can’t come in come to penzeys.com and use your RESIST code. Thanks :)
And seriously, we could have had a president who cares enough to cook. Like you she knew how to shop for spices. This one really-really hurts, but we have to get past that hurt now. But dang, just dang.
Thanks for cooking, thanks for caring, thanks for being committed to being ready January 20 to save this world one more time.
Help us. You are our Hope,
[email protected]