Envy My Dog: Obedience And Behavior Solutions

Envy My Dog: Obedience And Behavior Solutions Whether your dog is friendly and just needs obedience, or they struggle with fear, anxiety, or even aggression, there's a program for you!

Our programs are designed to build confidence in both the handler and the dog because we want you both to succeed.

Our favorite stories are those that go from, "My dog can't see strangers without blowing up" to "He passed by multiple d...

Our favorite stories are those that go from, "My dog can't see strangers without blowing up" to "He passed by multiple dogs on walks without lunging at them" or "My friend visited from out of town and they're friends!"

Aggression and reactivity rehab is about clear communication between an owner and their dog, the owner understanding body language, the dog learning impulse control, and the target heeding the dog and the owners' boundaries.

We loooove success stories. We loooove our client x dog pairs. Beautiful work, Rasheeda and Kareem!

Photo: Kareem and Rasheeda's friend from out of town 💚

Hey everyone! We are experiencing high volumes of messages, calls, and emails requesting training services. As we are wo...

Hey everyone!

We are experiencing high volumes of messages, calls, and emails requesting training services.

As we are working active client dogs and focusing on new business projects, we currently have very limited time to dedicate to callbacks.

Please be patient with us and do follow up with us when we leave voicemails or send response emails. We can't help you if we can't make contact.

Our aggression rehab program is currently booked until September! We will still try to contact everyone needing help, just know our callbacks are delayed.

Our basic obedience and puppy training schedule is WIDE OPEN. Let's get you set up!

Thanks for understanding

Friendly reminder that simply messaging a dog trainer, "Price?" will not often result in a price as a response. Because ...

Friendly reminder that simply messaging a dog trainer, "Price?" will not often result in a price as a response.

Because dog training is a matter of context and nuance, it is important for us to understand your situation with your dog, the behaviors you're struggling with, and what your goals are.

With that information, we can share with you the many different programs we have to offer and their price points.

Also keep in mind that many trainers have different training methodologies. Even if the cost is in your budget, the trainer making their sales pitch may not actually suit your dog's needs.

If you've never hired a trainer, try initiating the conversation by sharing your dog's specific behavior issues, your goals for him/ her, how the trainer expects to help you accomllish that so you feel safe with that trainer, and then price comes last. If after all that, the price is not in your budget, you'll have a better understanding of what to look for in the next trainer.

Let's get training 💪

When we encourage our clients to advocate for their dogs, that doesn't exclude us as their trainer.We are your coaches, ...

When we encourage our clients to advocate for their dogs, that doesn't exclude us as their trainer.

We are your coaches, not your authority. Your dog is YOUR dog, and YOU have the authority to approve or deny how people engage with your dog. You've asked us to show you the right way to train your dog, but if something stirs in your gut, say so.

I say this because too many times in our industry, clients begrudgingly consent to methods and practices that make them uncomfortable. I'm not talking about you feeling some kind of way about us telling your dog to get off the furniture because you think it's not nice. I'm talking about allowing professionals to induce fear, pain, or unnecessary discomfort where better methods are available. Sometimes, trainers abuse this level of compliance, and it isn't beneficial to trust between the dog and the handler nor the trust between the client and their trainer.

We educate our clients on how different methods and tools affect behavior and relationships. We must be well versed in said methods and tools, so we are giving our clients the right information. When we give opinions, it is important to indicate that's what they are so our clients can make informed decisions with their dogs.

We encourage our clients to ask why we choose the methods we choose and express any reservations they may have so we can navigate through them for the dog's wellbeing or so we can find a method or tool that our clients are more comfortable with.

We want our clients empowered to advocate for their dogs, even with us, because we want to condition confidence in advocacy. Maybe one day, our clients will move away and use a different trainer/groomer/vet in the future. If they haven't been conditioned to advocate even with professionals, they will allow inappropriate interactions because they are scared to question people in positions of authority.

If you're ever uncomfortable with how someone is engaging with your dog, remember, you are your dog's voice.

Let's get training 💪

Kauai and family, we miss you! Kauai came to us a couple years ago for leash reactivity. His folks loved to take him for...

Kauai and family, we miss you!

Kauai came to us a couple years ago for leash reactivity. His folks loved to take him for walks, but he would often get over-aroused and lunge on leash at others when passing. Now he can look up and check in with his people when he's feeling excited and they can navigate past other dogs and people without him falling apart.

Many of you know the hardest part of training is conditioning owners to handle the leash better, communicate more clearly with their dog, and nail down their timing of reinforcement and redirect before explosions. This family got the system down so well, we even merged training sessions so Kauai could help another family's dog struggling with reactivity. Best case scenario achieved from this couple's hard work, love for their goofy boy, and consistency.

Sending much love to you in Mexico!

A thing I hear periodically from my client leads is that they want their dog trained without any kind of tangible reinfo...

A thing I hear periodically from my client leads is that they want their dog trained without any kind of tangible reinforcer. I'll let you guess who always makes this suggestion without turning this into a call-out post.

They say, "I would like for my dog to do what I say, when I say it, every time, and not expect anything for it. My dog should do what I tell him just because I said so. I don't want to use treats or toys or anything like that."

I always ask the simple questions to address this issue:

+ How has that worked for you? (It hasn't. That's why you're calling a professional)

+ Do you work for your employer simply because they told you to and because they praise you at the end of the work day? (Nope, you get a tangible reinforcer in the form of a paycheck with which you can fulfill other life needs)

+ Is your dog your friend, your exercise/ gaming/work/life partner, your fun roommate, your employee, or your bond servant? (Dogs are legally considered property, so there's no wrong answer, but I'm willing to bet that most people won't actually see their dog as the latter)

Based on these three rebuttal questions, WHY do we continue to romanticize the idea that our dogs must obey for no pay? "Good dog" from start to finish isn't often good enough to inspire commitment or obligation. From a behavior science standpoint, "Good dog" doesn't even have meaning until you pair it with something they already understand - they understand fun/excitement, comfort/reduction of stress, feel good touches, hunger satiation.

The nature of perpetuating the continuation of a desired behavior is how effectively it is reinforced. This means that whatever the DOG values as reinforcement is the reason he continues to perform the behavior. So if you come up with a behavior you want your dog to perform and you pick what YOU feel the reinforcer should be, and your dog doesn't value it? Guess what? He's probably not doing it - not consistently and not with enthusiasm.

The solution: reinforce - pair - phase out - maintain.

That means finding the thing your dog values and using it as a reinforcer (It may not be food and it may not be toys, but your dog decides that - not you). Effectively pair it with your intangible so you can "Good boy" with understanding in situations where your tangible is not available. Make the intangible nearly as effective but still provide your tangible periodically to ensure the "good boy" doesn't lose meaning. Be consistent.

Let's be effective in how we train our dogs and throw away notions that will make your training experience harder than it has to be. Once you instill solid reinforcers, you'll see your dog offering behaviors "just because they love you." Just like good friends do. I'm still gonna pay him, though.

Let's get training 💪

Have you ever wanted to get your dog in the show ring but not sure how to start? Maybe you previously hired a profession...

Have you ever wanted to get your dog in the show ring but not sure how to start?

Maybe you previously hired a professional handler and you'd like to handle your own dog.

Maybe you have a loveable shelter mutt and have plans to show a well bred dog in the future, but would like to practice first.

Maybe you've already tried your hand at showing and need more repititions to gain confidence and fluency.

Whatever the reason, come join us for a conformation group workshop! All breeds are welcome to join and spectators are welcome. Professional photo opportunities for those who want nice pictures of/with their dogs.

*tentatively booking for August 25th

Hey everyone! Gentle reminder that fireworks season is upon us. Here are some safety tips to ensure everyone has a good ...

Hey everyone! Gentle reminder that fireworks season is upon us. Here are some safety tips to ensure everyone has a good time and we are proactive in preventing lost dogs due to fireworks panic. We see posts EVERY fireworks holiday, "My dog got scared during the fireworks and ran away." This doesn't have to happen to you.

+ if your dog takes anti-anxiety meds, now is the time to refill prescriptions. When it's time, BEFORE the fireworks start is the best time to give meds, not after your dog starts showing anxious behavior.

+ from July 1st to July 6th, it's best practice to slip lead your dog in the yard to go potty. Even if you have a fence. Panic can easily drive a dog to back out of a collar or harness, jump a fence, or run away.

+ if your dog is not microchipped, it costs like $25 at the vet or mobile vet at Tractor Supply. If your dog is microchipped, make sure it's registered and your contact information is up to date. This is not automatic at the vet visit, you have to actually go home, get on a computer, and register the chip online. An unregistered chip or a chip with outdated information is like a collar with no tags. This is used to trace your dog back to you in the event they do get lost.

+ ensure your dog's collar has updated contact tags or rabies tags. The license number on your rabies tag is linked to your account at your vet clinic and can help trace your dog back to you in the event they get lost.

+ dogs who aren't properly conditioned to fireworks don't often enjoy going to fireworks shows. Please consider not taking them along if you've not prepared them for this.

+ consider playing music, ambient noise, or turning on multiple tvs in the home to mask the noise

+ if you're going to a 4th of July party, avoid leaving your dog in the backyard that evening.

+ if your dog will be under the care of someone other than yourself, send them these tips and impress upon them how important it is to consider them.

+ during active fireworks hours, be vigilant about doorways and ensure everyone in the household knows to secure your dog before anyone goes in and out of exit doors.

+ enrichment toys can help keep your dog's mind off of things: a stuffed kong, snuffle mats, and puzzle toys are great for this.

Let's be proactive this year!

Let's 👏🏽talk👏🏽about👏🏽 MEDS An incredibly common combination I hear in my consult calls with my to-be clients is: "My dog...

Let's 👏🏽talk👏🏽about👏🏽 MEDS

An incredibly common combination I hear in my consult calls with my to-be clients is:

"My dog experiences extreme uncontrollable anxiety." + "I do not want him to be drugged."

I get it all the time. "I don't want my dog to lose his personality." Or "I don't want my dog to be a walking zombie."

At their peak of stress, the dog's eyes get wild, they drool, tremble, soil themselves, whine incessantly, try to flee, or try to attack whatever is stressing them out.

Anxiety is an internal behavior, a feeling which can manifest external behaviors like those mentioned above. You'll find that you can't just.. give your dog a treat or head pat to convince him everything is okay. Alternatively, you can't punish them for acting out and way and change how he feels about the thing that's stressing him out.

I won't bore you to tears on the science of how anti-anxiety medications work, but let's cover what anxiety and counter conditioning management protocols look like. Different meds have different chemicals which have different effects on influencing internal behaviors. When your dog takes a medication that makes him *feel* less anxious about an issue, he is in a mental headspace where he is receptive to operant guidance (us telling him what to do).

Exposing your dog to the stressful thing in a manner that isn't so stressful ➡️ including the right medication so he doesn't *feel* overwhelmed ➡️ then teaching him a new behavior to use in future stressful situations ➡️ then removing the stressor 🟰 counter-condition what your dog feels the next time he encounters the stressor. Successful repetition in this protocol promotes habit.

Many dogs require both medications and thoughtful counter conditioning to succeed in overcoming their anxiety. Many dogs don't even require medications forever. There are plenty of veterinarians that have a thorough understanding of how to choose appropriate medications to help your dog's very specific issue. There are plenty of trainers that understand basic obedience alone doesn't cure anxiety. They will work alongside your vet to find the right medication for your situation. Veterinary behaviorists? So incredible, and I wish we had more of them.

You tried CBD and maybe didn't see significant improvement. You tried a basic obedience program and didn't see improvement there either. If there were a way to actually help your dog feel better about life, would you try it?

Let's get training 💪

Good aggression rehab is training under threshold. That means intentionally *not* pi***ng your dog off and watching him ...

Good aggression rehab is training under threshold. That means intentionally *not* pi***ng your dog off and watching him fall apart for the sake of a lesson.

Behavior experts who train under threshold run scenarios that are visually boring. Running successful approximations is like watching paint dry.

You've seen your dog over threshold, exploding, lunging, hitting the end of the leash, snarling, spitting, carrying on. We don't need your dog to feel so overwhelmed that he is thrust into that state of mind. There are at least three phases in your dog's behavior in which to redirect the outburst before the explosion. In these phases, your dog is receptive to proper communication whereas he is not once he is in full blow up mode.

The entertaining dog training tv you love to watch is only entertaining because people like to see the drama of the explosive behavior vs the new and improved (likely shut down and suppressed) dog at the end of the episode. What a transformation!

Let us teach your dog coping skills *without* stressing him to the point of blowing up. And teach your dog he can trust his trainer and owner. That he can communicate his needs and we can communicate our guidance, navigating the issue without incident and EVERYBODY is much safer for it.

Let's get training 💪

*pictured: Prince, who absolutely will bite when over threshold, but is a peach under threshold 💚

Did you know?Conditioning a dog to accept procedural handling takes multiple baby-step sessions over time with lots of h...

Did you know?

Conditioning a dog to accept procedural handling takes multiple baby-step sessions over time with lots of high value reinforcers and decompression breaks? It's best practice to do this training when your dog is a puppy, bright eyed and receptive to new experiences. But what do you do when you missed out on proper puppy training? Maybe you didn't know procedural handling had to be taught and you learned too late that your dog was unprepared for the groomer. Maybe you adopted an adult dog with no history or training. Maybe your dog had a bad experience that tainted his perception of what is safe.

Your groomer is professional, kind, skilled, and likely knows what your dog needs but may not be equipped to tackle extreme fear and aggression. With the demand of the industry, there's only so much time in the day to groom a full schedule of dogs - dogs need to come ready and willing so they can get your pet completed safely, to standard, and in good time. A dog who screams, soils himself, thrashes around, and bites at the groomer is highly stressed, making the groomer's job impossible and sometimes even dangerous for both your dog and your groomer.

Coming September, we will offer a new training program that helps dogs overcome their fear of grooming procedures and get a grip on their aggressive outbursts during bathing, brushing, drying, hair clipping, ear cleaning, and nail trims.

Let's chat more about addressing fear, anxiety, and aggression while creating a thoughtful plan on how we'll get the job done.

New puppy owners!Did you know that fear, anxiety, and aggression in adulthood can be greatly mitigated if your puppy is ...

New puppy owners!

Did you know that fear, anxiety, and aggression in adulthood can be greatly mitigated if your puppy is properly exposed to and conditioned for:

+ social skills with dogs and people
+ new environments
+ handling for grooming and vet care
+ obedience foundations
+ safe play outlets

Join us for a fun-filled six week group class aimed to equip puppy owners with the knowledge they need to usher their pups into adolescence. A perfect intro to set the foundation for skills necessary to pass the Canine Good Citizen.

Puppies must be under 12 months at start of class - Aug 24th

Let's get training 💪

EMD Family!Drop a cute photo of you and your EMD grad💚We'd love to feature a handfull of clients on our new testimonial ...

EMD Family!

Drop a cute photo of you and your EMD grad💚

We'd love to feature a handfull of clients on our new testimonial page - to be built when the collection period is over.

If you need professional photos of you and your furry bestie, get on my schedule and we'll set something up!

Chelsea McKamey Photography

If you love a dog who threatens to bite or actually does bite in situations where it is unreasonable to do so, we know y...

If you love a dog who threatens to bite or actually does bite in situations where it is unreasonable to do so, we know you don't have a *bad* dog. We know your dog is struggling to manage his stress and struggling to communicate.

Let us help your dog learn safer alternatives and build better coping skills.

Let's get training 💪

Did you know?We don't need to witness your dog doing dangerous behavior to effectively diagnose and come up with behavio...

Did you know?

We don't need to witness your dog doing dangerous behavior to effectively diagnose and come up with behavior modification plan.

Here's a few reasons why:

+ After 20 years of handling dogs with aggressive behavior issues, we've seen exactly what you described in your dog from hundreds of other dogs. We promise we've seen it before - countless times.

+ Aggressive behavior can and often does result in a bite if present parties aren't careful. We do not want for anyone, whether owner or trainer to get hurt in the name of us "seeing the behavior first-hand". It's an unnecessary risk.

+ Every time your dog successfully completes the reported behavior, it becomes more fluent. Your dog's reaction to its trigger comes quicker. "He only reacts sometimes" eventually turns into "He reacts every time". We do not want to contribute to strengthening the reported behavior. We want for the first time we engage your dog in the activity that upsets him to be in a way that doesn't upset him. And we want that reaction to be his new normal, strengthening the more acceptable reaction. If your previous trainer is making your dog lash out in order to deliver punishment, we have a different method for you.


The consult phone call is the most important part of your behavior program because it's where we get to know you, your dog, and the history of the reported behavior BEFORE making a diagnosis and preparing a behavior modification plan. Let's get on the phone and chat.

Let's get training 💪

Counting down the days before I'm back home and back in business! Military deployments can be hard on small businesses, ...

Counting down the days before I'm back home and back in business! Military deployments can be hard on small businesses, but I'm grateful for all of my clients who have been so kind to send their love everytime I go away. Our phone line is off until I return, but we'll happily respond to Facebook message and email.

Stay tuned. Taking reservations late summer 2024.

Happy Anniversary to us! Let's get training 💚

Happy Anniversary to us! Let's get training 💚


In celebration of our six year anniversary, we are offering the community 10% off ALL training programs for the month of August. We are committed to matching the money you save and donating that amount to Douglas County Humane Society. We want to give thanks to those that supported us over the years and trusted us to help dogs find great homes and stay in great homes.

This offer expires on September 1st so let's get training!


Thank you to the rescues and shelters that allow us to help them place dogs in loving homes.

Thank you to the animal control officers that have shown extreme compassion for those struggling with difficult behaviors and connecting them with us to help.

Thank you to the veterinary professionals who work together with us to help anxious and nervous dogs find stability.

Thank you to the groomers that work with us to help dogs learn that grooming doesn't have to be a scary or uncomfortable experience.

Thank you to boarding and daycare facilities that seek our help to learn how to reinforce proper social interactions and tolerance for handling.

Thank you to pet food stores for helping us promote fitness and nutrition to offer our mutual clients the best experience possible.

Thank you to other dog trainers who send us clients with cases that don't fit their skill set, and those who eagerly take our cases that don't fit our skill set. Thank you to all the friends we've made who remain open to developing their training methods and hold meaningful discussions about the cases we take on.

Lastly, the biggest thank you to the pet parents who trust us to find real and fair solutions to behavior concerns. Your success is what we live for and we strive to empower you so you can enjoy the dogs you love to the fullest.

Now offering: Conformation training!Do you have a show quality dog that you'd like to get in the ring, but don't know wh...

Now offering: Conformation training!

Do you have a show quality dog that you'd like to get in the ring, but don't know where to start? We can help!

What you'll learn:
- How to read your breed's standard
- Rules on AKC/UKC conformation
- How to enter in events
- Customs and courtesies at events
- Stacking your dog
- Gaining social neutrality for Judge exam
- Gaining dog neutrality to gait in the ring
- How to gait
- How to groom or find a groomer (breed dependent)

Offering both private lessons and board and train. Let's get it!

Hey puppy parents!Are you struggling with typical puppy behaviors and haven't the time or knowledge to remedy issues on ...

Hey puppy parents!

Are you struggling with typical puppy behaviors and haven't the time or knowledge to remedy issues on your own?

Maybe you weren't as prepared as you thought you were - that's okay! Maybe your work schedule changed, making training difficult - we understand!

Is your puppy...
+biting hands and feet
+pottying in the house or crate
+crying excessively in the crate
+fearful of dogs and/or people
+failing to come when called
+chewing on everything in reach
+struggling with learning new commands?

All of these are a part of puppy development and it can be tough, but we're here to help!

Shoot us a message or give us a call!


Living with an aggressive dog is a challenging experience that can lead to lasting trauma. Today , we’re sharing stories from experts and pet owners that illustrate those challenges. A HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed stories of your much-loved dogs—we appreciate you so much.

Read it here: https://www.superpup.academy/blog/living-with-an-aggressive-dog

If you live with an aggressive dog please do not read this as a judgment on you, your dog, and the hard work you’re putting into your relationship and their welfare. Thank you for showing up for them, we appreciate the work you’re doing.

The Cognitive Canine, LLC, Smart Bitch Modern Dog Training, Aggressive Dog, Envy My Dog: Obedience And Behavior Solutions, Sweet Spot Dog Training

Does your dog get nervous and lash out when meeting new dogs or people? Do they cause a big embarassing scene that you h...

Does your dog get nervous and lash out when meeting new dogs or people? Do they cause a big embarassing scene that you have to drag them away from?

Does your dog light up at the front door when the doorbell rings? Do you have to put your pet away when guests come over for fear they'll bite your guests?

Let's get you some help!

Envy My Dog uses realistic scenario-based training that can be fun for your dog to learn how to properly behave in new social interactions with dogs and people. We strive for neutrality and understand that while many dogs simply don't like meeting new dogs and people, we can help them relax so you can reduce the risk and liability of a potentially dangerous dog.

Dogs are family and we want you to enjoy them no matter the circumstance. Lets get training!


Your basic pup also loves pumpkin everything! Don't deny them these delicious treats! Made with pumpkin puree, homemade applesauce, coconut oil and coconut flour.
Grain free, soy free, dairy free and Preservative free!


ANNIVERSARY MONTH DISCOUNT! In celebration of our six year anniversary, we are offering the community 10% off ALL traini...


In celebration of our six year anniversary, we are offering the community 10% off ALL training programs for the month of August. We are committed to matching the money you save and donating that amount to Douglas County Humane Society. We want to give thanks to those that supported us over the years and trusted us to help dogs find great homes and stay in great homes.

This offer expires on September 1st so let's get training!


Thank you to the rescues and shelters that allow us to help them place dogs in loving homes.

Thank you to the animal control officers that have shown extreme compassion for those struggling with difficult behaviors and connecting them with us to help.

Thank you to the veterinary professionals who work together with us to help anxious and nervous dogs find stability.

Thank you to the groomers that work with us to help dogs learn that grooming doesn't have to be a scary or uncomfortable experience.

Thank you to boarding and daycare facilities that seek our help to learn how to reinforce proper social interactions and tolerance for handling.

Thank you to pet food stores for helping us promote fitness and nutrition to offer our mutual clients the best experience possible.

Thank you to other dog trainers who send us clients with cases that don't fit their skill set, and those who eagerly take our cases that don't fit our skill set. Thank you to all the friends we've made who remain open to developing their training methods and hold meaningful discussions about the cases we take on.

Lastly, the biggest thank you to the pet parents who trust us to find real and fair solutions to behavior concerns. Your success is what we live for and we strive to empower you so you can enjoy the dogs you love to the fullest.

Helping a rescue friend in Alabama! Its a long shot but we have followers everywhere 💚

Helping a rescue friend in Alabama! Its a long shot but we have followers everywhere 💚

I'm always fussing about not buying dogs from poor quality breeders, but I really want emphasize that poorly bred workin...

I'm always fussing about not buying dogs from poor quality breeders, but I really want emphasize that poorly bred working breeds (whose traditional purpose is to chase/guard/hunt/bite/fight/kill) often produce the most devastating temperament instabilities.

Folks have to quit giving money to that random dude who deliberately had a litter of cheap puppies.

And also quit seeking breeds with powerful reputations from cheap people that don't care about health or temperament.

When people come to me about unpredictable or intense aggression in their new purebred puppy, I always ask where they got the puppy from. Very rarely do they came from a breeder who health tests, works, or shows their dogs. Unfortunately, these sellers know what sounds good to someone who may not know better. They come in the form of "some guy down the street that just had a litter" or "a nice lady that raises dogs on her big farm (always said in a tone like we should all be impressed)", or my favorite, "a breeder who gave us a great deal off their craigslist/puppyfind dot com ad"

If anyone wants to give you a good deal on a dog - you - a stranger they don't know, for little to no reason, or if they "don't believe in charging that much for a family member", just know they've got that small price tag as purely profit and zilch to lose because they invested NOTHING to ensure you wouldn't be struggling later on down the road with health and behavior that could have been prevented.

Training can do a lot, but it can't fix genetic temperament from low quality breeding programs, accidental litters, and puppies that missed out on crucial social development (yep, that puppy the breeder sold under 8 weeks).

If you're looking for a puppy and don't know where to start, we're happy to help.

If you've already got a dog from what you think may be a not-so-great breeding program and you're struggling with potentially dangerous behavior problems, we can help you determine your dogs capabilities and limitations. We'll talk about how to bring out the best and how to manage expectations for what cannot be changed so you can continue loving them to the fullest.

Let's train 💪

Congrats Jack for completing your board and train with us!Prior to training, Jack struggled with stealing various items ...

Congrats Jack for completing your board and train with us!

Prior to training, Jack struggled with stealing various items and then guarding them from his people, often causing a big fuss just to get it back. Now he makes significantly fewer attempts and can easily be called away from the item without explosive combat.

This guy had a lot of fun in his program and we're super proud of his progress!

Way to go, Jack 💚


Douglasville, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 7pm


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About Us

It is our belief that the perfect companion dog doesn't need to check all the boxes in a cookie cutter training routine. Our clients all have very different personalities, lives, and needs. Your dogs also have very different personalities and needs. Because of this, we take the time to get to know you, your family, and your dog on a personal level to create a custom-tailored routine just for you. While we believe in balanced training and responsibly utilizing a wide variety of training tools and methods to accomplish training goals, we are sensitive to our clients’ comfort level with said tools and methods. It is our goal to educate you on the pros and cons of every avenue of approach and then we tailor our training routine to best suit the handler-dog pair. We strive to increase your knowledge of dog behavior, wellness, and how to communicate clearly with your dog. This, in turn, will help you strengthen your bond with your dog. The overall result is eliminating troublesome behavior that disrupts peaceful homes and damages the human-dog relationship.

Our clients trust us to diagnose and correct serious issues in their dogs. We have seen the worst of the worst, and empathize with pet owners who feel they have no other options. Maybe their family, friends, neighbors, vet, or even a different trainer suggested re-homing or euthanasia. Let us give you a second opinion. We train in your home and encourage our clients to be actively engaged in training. We want our clients to witness their dogs' behavior transformation every step of the way. We help dogs find their confidence, encourage spirit, and encourage them to practice healthy alternatives to reported behavior problems. Not only will the dog learn how to be the model companion, but YOU will learn how to be the model dog owner and handler. We strive to be a part of your family and offer round the clock support and guidance.

Lastly, we fully support both the rescue community as well as ethical show dog and working dog breeders. If you ever find yourself adding a new companion to your home, consider consulting with us for guidance on choosing the right dog for you. We often rescue and foster dogs with behavior problems, rehabilitate them, then place them in experienced homes who will maintain the structure they learned from us.

If any of this resonates with you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Getting pet owners the help they need is extremely important to us. If we feel we are not the best fit for your needs, we will gladly point you in the right direction as we are acquainted with countless other trainers with important and special skill sets that can help you achieve your goals.

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