Green Torch LPS $25/plug!
Flashing Scallops! They're electrifyingly beautiful! Only $23.99!!!
Hey folks, here's what we picked up for the week of: Monday, October 7th, 2024! 🍄
(Pictured: Rainbow Bubbletip Anemone - Sale! $39.99)
Saltwater Fish:
- 1x Coral Beauty
- 1x Lemon Peel Angel
- 6x Orange Lyretail Anthias
- 3x Male Red Lyretail Anthias
- 1x Mertensii Butterfly
- 1x B&W Heniochus
- 1x Gold Bar Maroon Clownfish
- 2x Snowflake Clownfish
- 1x Purple Tang
- 1x Sm. Coral Beauty
- 1x Md. Copperband Butterfly
- 3x Md. Yellow Pyramid Butterfly
- 1x Sm. Maroon Clown
- 1x Lg. Maroon Clown
- 3x Sm. Green Chromis
- 1x Sm. Ruby Red Dragonet
- 1x Sm. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
- 3x Sm. Blue Tang
- 1x Lg. Scopas Tang
- 1x Md. Scopas Tang
- 1x Md/Lg. Male Blonde Naso Tang
- 1x Sm. Powder Blue Tang
- 1x Sm. Niger Trigger
- 1x Md. Black Leopard Wrasse
- 2x Sm. Cleaner Wrasse
- 1x Md. Harlequin Tusk
- 1x Md. Foxface
- 1x Md/Lg. Foxface
- 1x Md. Royal Gramma
- 2x Md. Blue Reef Chromis
- 1x Moorish Idol
- 1x Midas Blenny
- 1x Male Pintail Wrasse
Saltwater Invertebrates:
- 3x Rock Flower Anemone
- 2x Ultra Crocea Clam
- 1x Md. Long Tentacle Anemone (Green)
- 1x Sm. Rock Flower Anemone
- 2x Md. Rock Flower Anemone
- 8x Lg. Cleaner Shrimp
- 1x Md. African Red Spike Star
- 2x Md. Orange Linckia Star
- 2x Sm. Red Fromia Star
- 50x Astrea Snail
- 10x Emerald Crab
- 2x Fire Shrimp
- 2x Pin Cushion Urchin
- 4x Chocolate Chip Star
- 1x Purple Reef Lobster
Freshwater Fish:
- 25x Md/Sm. Goldfish
- 6x 5in. Butterfly Koi
- 100x Neon Tetra
- 3x Glo Shark
- 2x Md. Peacock Cichlid (Sunshine; Eureka)
- 2x Black Ghost Knife
- 100x Cardinal Tetra
- 20x Panda Cory
- 10x UFO (Hillstream) Loach
- 20x Sunset Platy
- 10x Black Molly
- 2x Figure Eight Puffer
- 5x Lemon Oscar Cichlid
- 1x Green Terror
- 2x Bi-Color Angel
- 6x Dwarf Gourami
- 6x Fahaka Puffer
- 70x Guppy/Endlers
- 3x Red Cap Oranda Goldfish
- 12x Diamond Tetra
- 20x Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow
- 2x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
- 25x Red/Blue Colombian Tetra
- 1x Blue Marble Betta
- 1x Galaxy Koi Betta
- 12x Female Crown Ta
Hey folks, here's what we picked up for the week of: Monday, July 15th, 2024! 🏜️
(Pictured: Black Angelfish $8.99)
Saltwater Fish:
- 1x Sm. Flagfin Angel
- 1x Md. Half Black Angel
- 1x Sm. Juvenile Emperor Angel
- 1x Sm. Yellow Angel
- 1x Sm. Pearlscale Butterfly
- 6x Sm. Ocellaris Clownfish
- 3x M.d Ocellaris Clownfish
- 1x Md. Pink Skunk Clownfish
- 1x Md. Snowflake Eel
- 2x Sm. Firefish
- 1x Sm. Purple Firefish
- 1x Sm. Orange Spotted Shrimp Goby
- 3x Sm. Ruby Red Dragonet
- 2x Md. Golden Head Sleeper Goby
- 3x Tail Spot Goby
- 2x Sm. Twin Spot Goby
- 1x Sm. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
- 1x Sm. Red Finned Fairy Wrasse
- 1x Sm. Orange Tail Pufer
- 1x Sm. Pink Tail Trigger
- 1x Lg. Rectangle Trigger
- 1x Sm. Harlequin Tusk
- 2x Sm. Foxface
- 1x Md. Spiny Box Puffer
- 1x Male Pintail Wrasse
- 2x Lawnmower Blenny
- 2x Psychedelic Dragonet
- 1x Male Square Anthias
- 1x Foxface
- 1x B&W Heniochus
Saltwater Invertebrates:
- 1x Md. Long Tentacle Anemone (Green)
- 2x Md. Sebae Anemone
- 3x Sallylightfoot Crab
- 1x Sm. Anemone Shrimp
- 4x Sm. Cleaner Shrimp
- 1x Md. Chocolate Chip Star
- 1x Sm. Zoa Colony
- 1x Sm. Sea Hare
- 1x Arrow Crab
- 10x Emerald Crab
- 100x Turbo Snail
- 50x Red Leg Hermit Crab
Freshwater Fish:
- 25x Galaxy Rasbora (CPD)
- 20x Goldfish
- 10x UFO Loach (Hillstream Loach)
- 10x Ghost Catfish
- 2x Sm. Flowerhorn Cichlid
- 1x Figure Eight Puffer
- 4x Balloon Ram
- 3x Hi Fin Banded Shark
- 100x Cardinal Tetra
- 10x Koi Angelfish
- 20x Panda Corydoras
- 10x Assorted Betta
Freshwater Invertebrates:
- 2x Lobster (Ivory; Blue)
Hey folks, here's what we picked up for the week of: Monday, June 10th, 2024! 🤩
(Pictured: Bloodfin Tetra $2.99ea / 10 for $27)
Saltwater Fish:
- 1x Sm. Bi-Color Angel
- 1x Sm. Flagfin Angel
- 1x Lg. Regal Angel
- 1x Md. Copperband Butterfly
- 1x Md. B&W Heniochus
- 2x Md. Ocellaris Clownfish
- 1x Md. Snowflake Eel
- 1x Md. Green Filefish
- 1x Sm. Ruby Red Dragonet
- 2x Md. Twin Spot Goby
- 2x Sm. Firefish
- 1x Md. Antennata Lionfish
- 1x Sm. Bi-Color Parrotfish
- 1x Md. Red Finned Fairy Wrasse
- 1x Sm. Bonde Naso Tang
- 2x Md. Powder Brown Tang
- 1x Md. Melanurus Wrasse
- 3x Leopard Wrasse
- 3x Md. Rabbitfish
- 1x Md. Red Lipped Blenny
- 2x White Tail Bristletooth Tang
- 1x Foxface
- 2x Powder Blue Tang
- 1x Desjardini Sailfin Tang
- 5x Azure Damsel
- 1x Clown Tang
- 1x Purple Tang
Saltwater Invertebrates:
- 1x Md. Sebae Anemone
- 1x Md. Sea Hare
- 1x Sm. Harlequin Shrimp
- 1x Lg. Blue Linckia Star
- 2x Md. Chocolate Chip Star
- 1x Md. Colored Flower Anemone
- 3x Sm. Colored Flower Anemone
- 10x Peppermint Shrimp
- 12x Bumblebee Snail
- 50x Turbo Snail
- 30x Red Leg Hermit Crab
- 2x Md. Long Tentacle Anemone (1 Purple; 1 White)
Freshwater Fish:
- 25x Pea Puffer
- 18x Sterbai Corydoras
- 50x Neon Tetra
- 1x Green Terror Cichlid
- 1x Blue Ram
- 5x Albino Red Oscar Cichlid
- 10x Md. Goldfish
- 10x Md/Sm. Goldfish
- 3x Glo Shark (Purple, Blue, Green)
- 15x Paleatus Corydoras
- 10x Bolivian Crown Ruby Ram Cichlid
- 8x Red Eye Red Swordtail
- 20x Panda Corydoras
- 1x Sm. Flowerhorn Cichlid
- 5x Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami
- 6x Balloon Red Jewel Cichlid
- 15x Butterfly Koi
- 10x Red Coral Platy
- 50x Cardinal Tetra
- 25x Galaxy Rasbora (CPD)
- 6x Empire Gudgeon
- 25x Glo Light Tetra
Freshwater Invertebrates:
- 1x Dwarf Lobster (Ivory)
Freshwater Plants:
- 10x Anacharis Bunch
- 5x Java Fern
- 5x Anubias
- 5x Corkscrew Vallisneria
- 5x Windelov Fern
- 5x Banana Plant
We've got live insect feeders gut-loaded and ready to go! Your insectivores will love our selection of super worms, crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms and earthworms 🪱 🦗🪳
Hey folks, here's what we picked up for the week of: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024! 🦐
(Pictured: *NEW* LIVE FEEDER BRINE SHRIMP! $11.99/1oz bag)
Saltwater Fish:
- 1x Md. Coral Beauty
- 1x Sm. Flame Angel
- 1x Md. Copperband Butterfly
- 1x Md. Pearlscale Butterfly
- 1x Md. Orange Skunk Clown
- 1x Sm. Orange Skunk Clown
- 1x Md. Orange Tail Damsel
- 1x Sm. Three Stripe Damsel
- 1x Sm. Azure Damsel
- 2x Sm. Yellowtail Blue Damsel
- 1x Sm. Ruby Red Dragonet
- 3x Sm. Twin Spot Goby
- 1x Sm. Red Volitan Lionfish
- 1x Sm. Purple Dottyback
- 1x Sm. Valentini Puffer
- 1x XSm. Blue Tang
- 1x Sm. Powder Blue Tang
- 1x Sm. Two Spot Tang
- 1x Md. Leopard Wrasse
- 1x Md/Lg. Female Lime Green Wrasse
- 1x Sm. Lunar Wrasse
- 1x Sm. Tomini Tang
- 1x Talbot's Damsel
- 1x Midas Blenny
- 2x White Tail Bristletooth Tang
- 1x Yellow Canary Wrasse
- 1x Sm/Md. Blotched Foxface
- 1x Md. Blotched Foxface
- 1x Harlequin Tusk
- 6x Banggai Cardinal
- 2x Fiji Blue Devil Damsel
- 3x Firefish
- 6x Engineer Goby
- 1x Convict Tang
Saltwater Invertebrates:
- 1x Md. Green Clove Polyp
- 1x Blue Spotted Sea Hare
- 3x Fire Shrimp
- 2x Short Spine Urchin
- 5x Cleaner Shrimp
Freshwater Fish:
- 13x Male Assorted Betta
- 1x Male Koi Betta
- 1x Male Rose Petal Betta
- 20x Male Green Cobra Guppy
- 5x DIamond Tetra
- 5x Red-Blue Columbian Tetra
- 25x Candycane Tetra
- 1x Kribensis Dwarf Cichlid
- 20x Male Red Cobra Guppy
- 50x Galaxy Rasbora (Celestial Pearl Danio)
- 24x Albino Longfin Corydoras
- 12x Spotted Punctatus Corydoras
- 12x Red Sailfin Venezuelan Corydoras
- 18x Otocinclus Catfish
- 3x Venustus Cichlid
- 24x Red Mosaic Male Guppies
- 5x Halfbeak
- 6x Sm. Silver Scats
- 24x Black Neon Tetra
- 24x Ember Tetra
- 10x Adolfoi Corydoras
- 6x Silver Dollar
- 5x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
- 3x Pink Kissing Gourami
- 3x Leopard Ctenopoma
Freshwater Invertebrates:
- 10x Fire Red Neocaridina Shrimp
- 10x Blue Velvet Neocaridina Shrimp
- *LIVE* Feeder Adult Brine Shrimp
- 20x Zebra Nerite Snail
Please do some level of research! They are loving creatures! If not, we have general care sheets that are written by staff and researched for you! Ask us in store for a care sheet texted directly to your device and for more advice! Let's promote healthy communication and continuous education!
🌹 ❣️Happy Valentine's Day 💌💘 Love, Vets Pets 💝✨
The correct method to fishing is in the heart ❤️
Ummm........ We've never????? Tag an aquarium bestie 😎