All the game birds seem to be very happy in thier new coops. Still have to fully rebuild the chicken coop after the microburst exploded it last summer. These hoop coops have been awesome and still lots to be done, but it’s coming along! (There will be a panel of coorigated tin all along the base for added protection)
Well, our guiding season is done! We couldn’t have been happier with our first official season guiding. We immediately transition into training this week as we head to California for the Navhda Aims and Rules clinic hosted by San Diego NAVHDA. (We will also bump back over to Yuma to make a last min run at gambles don’t you worry 🤣). We couldn’t have ended the season on a better client hunt!
Huge shoutout to The Corner Scoop in Sonoita Az for providing us with exceptional lunches for our clients all season long. Be it friends coming to visit the ranch, training or quail hunting clients, everyone is thrilled with the quality provided. Be sure to swing in and check them out!
Video credit: Point and Howl Dog Training
Finally got some snow on the ranch!
January snow
Finally got some snow!!!
Birds might not be behaving, but the dogs are! Bring on quail season!
Music to our ears… our first load of quail are in the flight pen! Blue Line Bird Dogs and The Bar King are thrilled to partner to keep our dogs and clients dogs, supplied with top notch quality home grown training birds!
We have 2 last minute kennel spots available available for the 4th. If your dog is terrified of fireworks, send them to the ranch for the night or a few nights to avoid the stress of the 4th of July! Reach out to us for details!
It has started!!!! Our first little pheasant baby has hatched! We know 4 others are peeping. Keep your fingers crossed!