She loves me...she loves me not...she loves me! Hugo the Aussiedoodle πΎ
Holiday Season at Bowser B&B and Bowser Academy
Hello to all of our Bowser friends and family...
As you can see from our posts we too are fans of Moonpie and Buttercup the little talking Dauschunds
I think I love them so much because they remind me of my own daughters when they were small
I have no doubt that all of you who are raising small children now or have in the past experienced those special moments when your child looked you in the eye and spoke words that made you blink...laugh out loud...or maybe even shudder a bit
I for one am grateful that our canine buddies do not vocalize and communicate with us in the same way..I enjoy the mystery of solving communication problems with my dogs and especially the dogs that come to me for training
Each dog I work with represents a puzzle that needs solving..what approach I need to take to unlock the mind of each dog that will best facilitate the learning process
I know that "out there" in the scientific world there is knowledge of how dogs think and why they behave as they do
The mind of the dog is a study on going and we are learning more every day about
these special creatures we live so closely with. For myself I love a little mystery and never get tired when a dog steps up to the plate and says "Oh you think you know alot about dogs?"
In this video, the Bowserlady and Sparky demonstrate some of the exercises used in the Bowser Academy Jump Start program. More training videos and information are available at πΎ
Create the best possible relationship with your dog
Bowser B&B and Bowser Academy Dog Boarding and Training: Start building the best possible relationship with your dog.
Wednesday afternoon in dogpark πΎ
Roo learning "Go To Your Place"
This is little Roo the cockerpoo in training with the Bowserlady at the Bowser Academy
Belle the yellow lab in training with Shaylee st the Bowser Academy
Our appentice trainer Shaylee working with little Rosie on the walking exercise at the Bowser Academy
We have a new website!
Log on to and check out our new website and blog. We have some familiar furry faces and training videos with the Bowserlady online! Please share us with your friends and be sure to like us on Facebook and Instagram