Sport massage therapy is a vital aid in maintaining the well-being and performance of the equine athlete. It restores musculoskeletal balance as well as relieves stress and pain. During massage, techniques used increase circulation to promote healing and excretion of waste products built up in the muscles. Massage can also prevent the formation of adhesions and ease muscle spasms. Equine sport mas
sage is an excellent tool for preventing injury and maintaining the equine athlete, but it can also improve the horse’s disposition as well as relieve tension from pre-existing injury. The business name "In Sync" signifies the importance of staying in tune with the horse's reactions during massage. The name also reflects equine sport massage's ability to help the horse's physical condition to become in sync with its desire to perform well. The motivation behind In Sync:
I decided to get my equine massage certification a little over a year after my horse, Bran, had a major accident. In January 2014, he tore open his hind end on a metal T-post, which left him with a fibrotic myopathy in both his hind legs. The scar tissue in his hind legs prevented him from fully stretching his legs forward, resulting in a goose step. After he went back to work, I started noticing a slight limp, and eventually discovered that this largely resulted from his sore back, which was compensating for the atrophied muscles in his hind legs. Since he loved to go for rides and especially loved jumping, I sought for a solution to his pain. I started lunging him and massaging his hip area, which helped tremendously. However, I wanted to get professional training so that I could better help him and other horses. This led me to Equissage, where I was certified in equine sport massage therapy. After that, Bran enjoyed a full-body massage every 2 weeks, thoroughly enjoying it and often falling asleep during our sessions.