Hello Jenn’s Pet Parlor Clients -
As you may or may not have heard, Jenn’s Pet Parlor has closed shop. Don’t fret, we’ve gone mobile and changed our name to Inland’s Mobile Paw Spa.
You can find us here -> https://bit.ly/InlandsPawSpa, and reach us by phone/text (253) 245-0791.
Jenn’s Pet Parlor business page will remain active through 10/31/24, to allow clients time to transition to our new business page. However, messages will not be monitored. If you are looking to book grooming, please message Inland’s Mobile Paw Spa or call/text (253) 245-0791.
Thank you for your patience during this transition. Looking forward to servicing you and your pets!
Inland's Mobile Paw Spa, Ellensburg, Washington. 51 likes · 9 talking about this. Pet Groomer