We Pulled Donna on 12/23 thinking she would be a Fospice dog as her previous owner had severely failed this Sweet Girl.
Well today the Vet says differently, Donna went in her for recheck from a mouth infection, and arthritis, with meds, good food the love of her foster mom she is doing amazing and the vet says the following..
Can you help us Keep Donna on her Arthritis Meds, and we need to add in glucosamine.
Per Vet "We need to get her some glucosamine. Dr Hendrie said she looks great. Is giving a Rx for a years worth of meds. She said thank you for getting foster mom another big dog"
Plus her dog good is not cheap and she eats alot.
#bekindtnr #ifyoufeeditfixit #tnrworks #spayandneuter
As we approach the end of another year, you may be considering getting in one last tax-deductible charitable donation. We are a small but might rescue!
At Be Kind TNR our mission is to compassionately and responsibly manage community cat populations through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) practices while promoting public education, supporting community cat caretakers, and providing rescue and care for cats and kittens in need.
We believe that every cat deserves a life free from suffering and that TNR is a humane and effective approach to curb overpopulation and improve the overall welfare of community cats. By implementing TNR programs, we seek to prevent the cycle of endless litters, reduce euthanasia rates, and create healthier and more stable feline communities.
We have a few different ways to receive donations, it can be done via the Facebook link below, through PayPal & Zeffy. Zeffy is great because it does not charge any fees for donations like the other platforms. There is an OPTIONAL selection to give additional money to support the platform, but it is NOT required, just change the drop-down from 15% default to "other" and type 0. If using Zeffy 100% of your donor dollars will go towards the cause.
Zeffy takes Credit cards
Mail a check to: PO box 1045, Elverta, Ca 95626
Venmo-BekindTNR Williams
Paypal- [email protected]
Zelle-916-477-0856 or [email protected]
Thank you in Advance for all the support!
Big Thank you to everyone for coming into the taco bar fundraiser. We had a great time. As normal we need a bigger location for our next event. Big Thank you to Nicole for all the help and Anna and Shannon. Big thank you to everyone that donated silent auction items and big thank you to everyone that bid. Big thank you to all of our kitchen help Jim, Heidi and Laurie. Yes it was true I was late to my fundraiser because I stopped and picked up bottle babies on the way. Big thank you to kitten central for taking those sick little ones.
Next day after the fundraiser we were trapping we took 6 cats in to get fixed on Monday. We took 8 cats in Thursday to get fixed. One cat from Thursday has a broken leg it seems to be healing it was very swollen so cage rest was ordered. Then some x-rays. She is semi tame she is letting me pet her.
Just thought I should post a quick update on what we have been up to.
#bekindtnr #spayandneuter #tnrworks
Thank you all who have donated so far.
In the month of April Sara fixed 68
Feral/community cats. This just 1 person.
Please Consider donating to help us continue TNR community cats.
#bigdayofgiving2024 #spreadgeneristy #bekindtnr #BDOG2024 #supportrescue #tnrworks
Most of you know me and some don’t! I’m the behind-the-scenes person. I assist Sara with her social media posts, finding new fundraisers and well raising money in general.
My goal is for Sara to not beg for money daily or weekly. There is always a cat in need of eye removal, leg removal, kitty litter, cat food, flea and tick meds, traps, crates, and other things that are needed to run Be Kind TNR.
So today we are asking all of you to help us raise $5000.00 for Be Kind TNR! Can you help us reach our goal in 24hrs?
We may have forgotten to say thank you but please know that we are grateful for every one of you who donated and or supported us by sharing our posts over the years and well over the last few months.
So on behalf of Sara, thank you to every one of you.
Nicole 😊
#bigdayofgiving2024 #spreadgeneristy #bekindtjr #thankyouforyoursupport #bekindtnr #tnrworks #supportrescue
Big Day of Giving is coming up on Thursday May 2nd
There so many Amazing rescues they need your support but ee hope that you will choose us!
Your support has us help care to our medical kitties.
Bottle babies, eye removals, and any other major medical that comes our way.
Currently we a have momma and 5 kittens, 2 teenagers getting who are both getting an eye removed.
Thank you all for your support ❤️
#bdog2024 #spreadgeneristy #bigdayofgiving2024 #BigDayofGiving #bekindtjr #tnrworks #thankyouforyoursupport
3-22- 10:45am it is Confirmed Geisha NEURO FIP! She will start treatment today. Geisha has Neuro FIP, we are running an ultrasound to see if has a pyogranulomatous mass. This is not certain do to location, we will have more later today if not in the next few days.
So the total bill today is $278.60 we are looking at an additional cost of $510 for an ultrasound, a total of $788.60...
We have raised $518.00 as of today 3/22 @ 9:45 am.
Geisha is about 10 mths old so she still has a long life ahead of her
if we can figure out what is going on with her body.
**URGENT REQUEST FOR DONATIONS. Appt is set for 3/22**
Geisha is about 10 months old. She came to us in May of 2023 after being dumped with her littermates in a cart at a local grocery store. She recently started losing weight and the vet saw on x-rays what she suspects is either a mass, obstruction, or abnormal looping of the intestines. She said Geisha needs an ultrasound done by a radiologist in order to determine what is going on and what the next step will be. Most vets in the area are booked out at least 6 to 8 weeks for ultrasounds with a radiologist. Miraculously we found a vet clinic that has a radiologist coming to do ultrasounds this Friday and they are willing to squeeze Geisha onto their schedule that day. There will be a new patient appointment fee in addition to the ultrasound fee. We don't have the exact cost yet, but the total will likely be in the $600 to $800 range. This does not include any medications that may be prescribed, surgery if she needs it or labs that might be ordered.
When donating please make a note its for GEISHA :)
Some of the lucky 12 that got to get fixed today.
#bekindtnr #catlivesmatter #tnrworks #tnrsaveslives #TNR
Let's talk holding a feral cat for recovery. This weather has sucked. I don't want to release a cat if it's pouring rain and the area they live might get flooded. So we hold them a extra day. I don't like doing it but as long as they are eating and drinking we can.
Any time we set up a trap you should have something on the bottom I use cardboard when trapping. Let me tell I crawled in a dog trap to test it and that wire hurts your knees and hands while crawling on it. I use cardboard. Once the cat is in the trap I add pee pads to absorb the pee. I use the generic ones for the breeze litter boxes they absorb a lot of pee. They are easy to slip in and out with dollar tree grabbers if the cat does not want you near it. The cats seem to poop and pee on the pads and fold them over to cover it so it makes it easy to pull out.
Cats should also have fresh food and water for recovery and during holding time. We use 5 ounce dessert bowls. You can use whatever we just trap so many I got tired of washing little water bowls and disinfecting them for the next cats. We don't want cats sitting in pee and poop. Before surgery or after. The last thing a clinic wants to do is to clean up a cat that has sat in pee or poop. Then the cat gets chilled and we can't have that for them after surgery. I recover my cats in the garage covered and with a heating pad on top of the cages over night to help keep it warmer in the winter. After surgery they have a harder time regulating body temperature so we have to help them. We treat all of our cats with love while they are with us. We make sure everyone leaves with a full belly and love.