Love is in the air! Come see us today from 11-3 at Petsense in Enterprise for our Purrrfect Valentine Adoption Event! We have our adoptable kitties that are waiting for their forever homes!
The lunch break of a cat lady… but when one walks right up to the front door of your work, you can’t say no! Welcome in little Gouda!
Gus says that teddy bear had it comin’!
It's a kitten shower!
Mark your calendars for April 27th from 11:00 to 3:00 at Petsense in Enterprise. Tails and Whiskers is having a kitten shower to help with the 9 nursing mommas with a total of 45 nursing babies, 11 bottle babies , 5 mush eaters plus whatever else we can possibly manage to squeeze in 😊There will be baby shower games, refreshments 🥤🍪, we will have T-shirts by Shalisha Mooney and many of the Crafts that Carla Dellavecchia has made to benefit the rescue, of course we will have kitties for you to love on & Geri DiGeorgio would be happy to show you how to apply to adopt 😊 we will also have a donation bin as many of the supplies we need can be bought here at Petsense. I will also link our wish lists for kitten season. So what we will be doing a little bit new is we will have an educational bottle baby table. What this means is we will have many of the tools and goodies we use to take care of the neonatal babies along with some babies for you to meet and watch bottle feeding demonstrations. We would like for you to see what we do and what we need to do it with. There will also be a sign up sheet for a bottle feeding class taught by Natascha Fuller, Shalisha and Robin Wade-Callaghan 🍼 this does not in any way obligate you to foster for us. This is so you'll have the knowledge if they need ever arises and if you would like to foster for any rescue it's a much-needed talent 😁 we are excited to share some of babies & hope to see you Saturday ❤️ ( links to wish lists below)
Update - we have someone donating a new window unit ☺️☺️☺️ thank you!
Hey guys 😊
Sadie Sandi & so many more babies eat a bunch a wet food which we have stocked up on. 😄Yay - buttttt the thing is the only place we can store it is in our Tails and Whiskers storage shed which is about to start getting really hot. We really need to get an air conditioner in there to keep the cans and trays of food from going bad before we can use it. That being said, before we use food money to pay for an AC window unit does anyone have one they would like to donate? Preferably an 8000btu or something similar? You can claim this donations on 2024 taxes 😁please let us know if you can help out ❤️