Resident geese enjoying one of their ponds
The gang
Enjoying a sunny day
We are close to meeting our Gofundme goal to build a better shelter for our two resident cows Maisey and Bucky. If you have any questions about how the money will be used feel free to contact me. Thank you for your donations.
Maisey and Bucky enjoying breakfast
The geese enjoying a swim in very cold weather
The geese enjoying this rain
Mother and daughter saved from slaughter. Happy day #animals4petsnot4food#so happy together
Some of the residents at Kismet Farms Animal Sanctuary
Mama duck visiting Bobbie one of the residents at Kismet Farms Animal Sanctuary
New residents at kismet farms animal sanctuary
New residents. Delightful turkeys. Pets not for eating.
Shearing day by Johnny and Josiah with Woolmasters
The Orrie Story coming up.