My new Canadian Horse Fable had her first ever ride today!
Fable is a gorgeous, sweet and level-headed mare.
I'm really excited for our future and to see what we accomplish together.
#firstride #canadianfable #canadianhorse #oregonhorses #coltstarting #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining
Day 192
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
Today, Twilight and I went through the trail course at OHC.
She did every single obstacle minus the water boxes. She has never seen anything except ground poles before today!
Pedestals ✅
bridges ✅
Ditches ✅
Going over logs ✅
Going over the rock steps ✅
3 tier step ✅
Suspension bridge ✅
Narrow water ✅
Donkey/cow props ✅
Narrow log attempted
Water box attempted
It was so cool to see another South Steens mustang while we were in there.
Super proud of her!
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded
Day 184
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
Twilight has started to really come around since our move. I noticed yesterday she moved towards me for scratches for the first time. Today, I got it on video!!
This isn't a big deal for a lot of horses, but this really is a sign that she is truly beginning to trust me. She has been closed off and guarded, but now she's letting me in.
She has been lunging beautifully and listening to me despite things going on around her. Tomorrow we might try to venture to in front of the barns so she can see more of the action.
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded #warmspringshma
Day 159
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
Twilight was doing really well with all the hustle and bustle at the barn today.
She doesn't seem bothered by the tractor or the gator if she can see it.
She has gained a ton of confidence at the mounting block and with me working above her. I stood in each stirrup Wednesday without her bolting away. She is nearly ready to do her first ride as her lateral flexion is also soft.
We are working on the trailer but she's not so sure about it. I will stay diligent until she calmly goes in and out. She did get spooked by equipment on the other side of the wall on the other property an she did bolt. However she did eventually stop and I asked her to come to me, and she did willingly. I took her back to the trailer and waited for a lick and chew with her attempting to put a foot inside. Then I called it a day.
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded #warmspringshma
Day 146? 🫠
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
Twilight and I have been working on going out around the property and seeing new things including the goats up close. She's not bothered at all. The gator was started behind her today and she was totally chill.
She had her first exposure to a trailer since I picked her up from the corrals in February. I didn't ask her to go in, but she was very curious and did get her head inside the door without any tension.
We decided to turn the 3 mustangs (Pancho 9 Warm Springe HMA, Makha 3 South Steens HMA, Twilight 6 South Steens HMA) out together for the first time. This was also Twilight's first time in the arena with no halter.
Photo of her at the trailer will be in the comments.
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded #warmspringshma
Day 131
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
It has been awhile since I updated on Twilight.
I called in Talartha of @Parkins Mustangs and More LLC this past Monday. I had still been having some trouble sending her off to the left and not having her bolt. While working I told her we also have been struggling with backing up. Twilight would just brace and bolt any time I asked her to back.
It has been a few days, and we have had only one successful bolt. I have been able to shut down any other bolt attempts. She is backing very nicely and softly now.
Look at her gaits! She is such a nice mover.
I am looking forward to continuing with creating a soft horse so that I can back her soon. I've stood in the stirrup but I knew she wasn't ready for me to swing my leg. It will come!
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded
Warm Springs HMA
(Not available)
After just a couple of months with me, Gemma and her owner are doing so well. We have finally graduated to the larger round pen.
This mare has a wonderful mind, and her owner has some great skills from her previous experience. I am so looking forward to their summer together.
Day 110
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Twilight had yesterday off since I went to get Sydney.
Today I took her to the arena to repeat yesterday. It took us last time and few retreats to get her to the arena today. She did hesitate at the gate, but since I didn't push her to come in, she relaxed and went in pretty quickly.
I I showed her the arena again, and introduced her to ground poles. She was not bothered by them and was very careful about picking up her feet.
We have done some showmanship prep, even though I am not entered in this year's challenge. She is getting a lot better about trotting in hand.
I also was able to lunge her both directions while holding a flag and she was able to remain calm and connected to me. I did try and get her to canter both directions but could tell she was not quite ready for it. That is something that will come with confidence and time.
She has gained a lot of weight, but still needs to put on muscle and build a decent top line. She tends to run with her head up, which points to anxiety. I will not focus on her being anxious, but doing my best to build confidence in me every day.
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded
SS Makha (Sioux x America)
3 years old
16.1 hh
South Steens HMA
(Not Available)
First ride in nearly two weeks. She is getting much softer in her steering, and back up! She was a little destination addicted it seemed in the arena today.
I took her to the round pen and I rode her a bit.
She did eventually trot out really nicely for several laps each way. I almost got her to pick up the canter for more than one stride. Baby steps, we will get there.
Love how relaxed she is here during the cool out. She's really amazing.
Day 92
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Twilight whinnies when she sees me now. We worked on a lot yesterday. She is still soft to the rope, so we shall adventure out soon. Adding positive reinforcement seems to have made her blossom. I want to figure out a bag that I can put fresh grass in to keep on my person.
I was able to brush and curry her whole body and most of her legs. I am now able to pick up all four feet and pick out her front feet.
I thought since she was taking pressure well, by licking and chewing more often, I would bring out the saddle again. I have shortened the 45 minute video. The first time I brought the pad to her, it took her 2 minutes and 15 seconds to relax. I went through bringing the pad, touching he neck and body with it, then putting it on. I would take it off and put it on again. By the end she was accepting of it on both sides.
I then saddled her. I took a couple of tries with it on and off because she was kicking out, which seemed to be at the flies on her legs, but just in case, I removed it. Handled being girthed up just fine. She had no issues and moved out when I asked. We also worked on introducing a dressage whip. I found a lot of success by learning how to use it correctly at the clinic last weekend. I brought her to the mounting block, and she's getting much more comfortable with me working from above when we are close. I put my leg up on her and she seemed to be wondering what I'm waiting for.
We are almost ready for our first ride, I just want to button things up. She should be 100% comfortable, and not holding her mouth closed.
Whoever gets this mare is going to get one sweet girl. She loves sticking her whole head into my chest. She finally started showing me she wanted and enjoyed being itched.
#blmmustang #southsteensmustang #southsteenshma #groundwork #ridethebrand #wildtomild #mustanggentling #oregon #pnw #oregonhorses #coltstarting #blackhorse #branded
SS Makha (Sioux x America)
3 years old
16.1 hh
South Steens HMA
(Not Available)
Today was th second day of attending the John Saint Ryan clinic. Here Makha and I were working for her first canter under saddle. I didn't get the correct lead, and I missed the part on my first try to add my right leg. I am so proud of her, I had tears well up in my eyes.
Could not have asked for a better horse.
Legend update 🖤
He has been really struggling with forward motion at all even from a walk. A couple of weeks ago I was riding him, and I felt like I was being sent a direct message. "I don't understand what you're asking."
It genuinely put a shift in my mindset about his behavior and how I could help him through this difficult patch. I can say this is the first time he's been trotting and not slowed down to a walk in the turn. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but he felt so free this ride, like I hadn't felt yet.
He has a fantastic stop. I have also been doing lateral work and backing. I feel his confidence growing and I'm looking forward to riding him again on Sunday.
He was a perfect gentleman for his owner to ride and try saddles. Sam really likes how light and responsive he is to cues.
#fresian #oregonhorses #hearthorsetraining #coltstarting #lightbulb
Day 74
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
I think I might have finally found a place of feel with her to get her comfortable on both sides while moving. Today is the second day I was able to give pressure from behind without her blowing up. We went on a walk to the barn, we had to pass all the other stalls, the arena, etc. She did freeze by the tractor, and she didn't want to come into the arena today. I was limited on time, so I didn't work through that.
She accepted a piece of carrot from my hand for the first time. I'll post the video in the comments.
I was also able to lift her left front and hold it for the first time. I hope to give her her first trim next week.
She did well with her haunch turns both directions her forehand turn is good on the left but sticky on the right. I see a lot more perfecting in the future.
This mare is an in your pocket type and will be looking for a snuggly owner who will want to dote on her. She's also very tidy, pees on her shavings and generally poops in one area.
#blmmustang #southsteenshma #twilightofthesouthsteens #sstwilight #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining #wildtomild #coltstarting #oregonhorses #oregon #pnw #mustangtraining #ridethebrand
Day 71
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Twilight has really been struggling with any pressure that comes from behind. She wants to pull hard and rear to get away from the pressure, or she'll panic and run into it. I see a lot of slow work in our future to help her gain confidence.
She has gained some confidence though. Here she is yesterday with my husband doing some lunge work. I'll post a second video in the comments of him petting her. She is starting to see not everything and everyone is scary.
#blmmustang #southsteenshma #twilightofthesouthsteens #sstwilight #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining #wildtomild #coltstarting #oregonhorses #oregon #pnw #mustangtraining #ridethebrand
Day 61
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Twilight and I went on a short walk around the property for her to eat grass and get used to the sights. She did get spooked but something (unsure exactly what) and she bolted off. She then panicked at the lead rope following her. She did settle and let me walk up to her and grab her lead. We walked a bit more and then I took her back to her paddock. She went in and out of the gate with much less hesistation.
Then since my kiddo was off from school, I thought it would be a good time to coach her through touching her. This video is her second try. I had to explain she was moving slow, but not slowly enough for twilight to relax. So we started over and it went much better.
I think we are ready for anyone who wants to come meet her, or watch us work.
#blmmustang #southsteenshma #twilightofthesouthsteens #sstwilight #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining #wildtomild #coltstarting #oregonhorses #oregon #pnw #mustangtraining #ridethebrand
Day 59
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Today, I went in and haltered her. It was the first time she had zero hesitation when being haltered. I did lunge her lightly, but she was so forward and responsive.
Then I wanted to reward her with grass. Today took less time getting her out of the gate. She is still pretty overwhelmed crossing thresholds. I reward the slightest try and try to give her time to process.
We did go out a few feet out and then I let her graze. We ended up about 20 feet out of her pen. I got this quick video but I wanted my hands to be ready on the rope. I think she's going to start loving how much bigger her world is.
#blmmustang #southsteenshma #twilightofthesouthsteens #sstwilight #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining #wildtomild #coltstarting #oregonhorses #oregon #pnw #mustangtraining #ridethebrand
Day 54
Twilight of the South Steens
~6 years old
~15.1 hh
Twilight has been working hard with me between OHSET.
Today was the first time I was able to get behind her without her bolting. I was able to touch all the way down her front legs. I even picked up her front left for the first time without her running away.
We have also been working on mounting, me working from above her, and her relaxing while she moves. She tends to get really tense and hold her mouth shut and not let herself breathe. Now if she licks and chews during work, I stop immediately and walk away.
I want you to see that she is standing here, but if you pay attention, you can see her tight mouth, and how she lifts her head indicating she's not fully relaxed. I will be sure she is relaxed before I fully climb aboard the first time. I am not brave, I am thorough.
I have been using the shedding blade on her and she's blown a good portion of her winter coat and it's slowly revealing her true color underneath.
Sorry for the occasional finger, my kiddo was filming for me.
#blmmustang #southsteenshma #twilightofthesouthsteens #sstwilight #horsetraining #hearthorsetraining #wildtomild #coltstarting #oregonhorses #oregon #pnw #mustangtraining #ridethebrand