We encourage anyone who is interested in riding drill to try out and become a member. Thank you for considering the Desperados Drill Team. The Desperados Drill Team is a Precision Drill team. Precision Drill requires horses to perform maneuvers while riding close to each other at a full canter. This packet is intended to tell you a bit about the team: its history, philosophy and organization. It i
s also intended to let members, new and old, know what is expected of them. This packet is not intended to replace a good, thorough reading of team Bylaws. We strongly encourage each member, new and old, to read the Bylaws nightly… O.K., maybe not nightly, but at least once before you ride. HISTORY AND MEMBERSHIP
The Desperados co-ed drill team formed in 1997 in Lane County, Oregon. The team is open to men, women and, in certain circumstances, teens. Often, this team provides an opportunity for family members to ride, play and compete together. Membership is determined by try-out and vote. Specifics can be found in our By-laws. The team is a showcase of diversity in breeds and colors of horses with Quarter horses, Paints, Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Appaloosas, and Morgans making up much of our equestrian roster. Any healthy, well-mannered, willing horse is welcome regardless of color or breed. However, there are some restrictions on stallions, gaited horses, extra oversized horses and ponies. Refer to our Bylaws for more details. ORGANIZATION
The Desperados is a nonprofit group headed by a Board of Directors that includes a President, Vice President, Secretary, Drill Master, Treasurer and Historian. Each position is elected yearly. Specifics can be found in our Bylaws. We are a democracy … usually. Everyone has a say. And, believe me, everyone has an opinion. That is what we love about each other. We share opinions, we talk, we agree, we disagree, we agree to disagree, but at the end of the night we are still friends and a team. PHILOSOPHY
Fun, first! Friendship and support, second! Winning, third! This is not the order that many other drill teams follow. We want to win, to be sure, but not at the expense of fun and support. If you are obsessed with winning, this is not the team for you. That being said, we have won our fair share of events. We think our philosophy works. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW
Drill is expensive. Gas, food, travel time, tack, outfits, dues, insurance … they all add up. Each year we try to do a cost estimate for the season. It is simply an estimate to try to help people decide whether to ride or not. Drill is exhausting. Every Monday night, from October through August, you are expected to be at practice. During the performance season, you will be traveling and practicing; and practicing and traveling. Drill is best done with support. Those left at home (or drug along as the “pit crew”) may not fully understand your new obsession, but it is best if they are willing to support it anyway. Drill is time consuming and others rely on your consistent presence. Drill requires dedication and team work. “Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor dark of night shall keep us from drill practice.” Just kidding, we do not drive on unsafe roads due to weather. Drill requires dedication. Drill is extremely rewarding. A good ride keeps your spirits up for months! And the friends you make keep your spirits up for years! It takes time and practice to develop finished drill horses and riders, but the effort is very rewarding. Drill is humbling. You are going to get yelled at, corrected, and called out. Don’t lose heart. Do not be hurt. You are not an exception. It happens to all of us: new and old. In fact, you are not a real member until the drill master can yell at you by name! It is a rite of passage! If you have thin skin, then drill is probably not for you. Our drill master has a tough job. He/she has much to teach and little time to do it in. She/he must also be heard over the noise of the music, the thundering of hooves and the constant yapping of those of us who talk during drill. Sometimes the best approach is a bark without a “please,” but the “please” is always there in spirit. Drill is a contact sport. You are going to get banged-up on occasion. It is not built into the drill, of course. But brushes and bangs come along with intricate maneuvers at high speed. Winter sucks! We get to drill practice in the dark and leave in the dark. It is cold. It is wet. We lose most of our members during this time. Take heart. Push through. It gets better. WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU
You must have the basics: a horse fit for drill, a truck/tow vehicle, a trailer and riding gear. You must be in control of your horse. An out of control horse is a disaster waiting to happen in drill. A good stop is an absolute necessity. You are responsible for correcting any horse misbehavior IMMEDIATELY. You must be able to ride. You don’t have to ride fancy, but you should have correct equitation and skills that are advanced enough to allow you to do the drill. You should also be willing to improve your riding skills and equitation over time. You must be dedicated. We need every team member at every practice. Drill is very difficult to do without all members present. The first time you have to do drill with a ghost rider, you will understand. If you are not dying, get to drill. You must be able to take criticism and instruction. That is how we get better as a team. You must enjoy laughing and smiling, especially when things do not go as planned (which is most of the time). You must be willing to: travel to performances in and out of state, ride in parades, and attend meetings, work parties, functions and, most importantly, PARTIES! We vote on the performances and events that we are going to attend near the beginning of the season. This allows individuals and the team to plan ahead. Art, craft and sewing skills are highly sought after. You also must enjoy eating. If we are not riding, we are usually having a potluck and watching drill. WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOUR HORSE
Your horse must be well socialized. He/she cannot kick, bite or exhibit any other traits that are dangerous to bystanders, you, other team members or other team member’s horses. Believe me, we all understand that horses are unpredictable. But we adhere to a three strikes rule. See our Bylaws for more details. Your horse must be well broke and know the basics: walk, trot, canter, stop (very important), turn and rating. Your horse must know or be working toward the following: a slow, collected canter; neck reining; canter from the stop; side-passing; lateral movements; collection; the ability to carry a flag. Obviously, not all horses will have all of the skills at first. But you must be willing to train your horse. Some maneuvers are required for performances. If you have not mastered those maneuvers prior to the performance season, you may be asked to sit as an alternative. DRILL IS A WORK IN PROGRESS
Each one of us strives to meet the above items every year. Our horses get better; we get better. It’s a beautiful thing. Don’t be afraid. Come try.