#footballsaturday #loungingdogs #frenchiesloth
Someone’s trying to snuggle in.
When you just need a break from being a mama
When people ask if I put the puppies under blankets myself. #shesamover #theydiditthemselves #movingpuppy #frenchiepup
Luci is inside growing babies while this one is helping w yard work.
Back to working on those sticks.
These two will play w each other ongoing when one is in the kennel. Let them out together and it’s brawl time. We don’t normally talk about the difficulties of having dogs that don’t get along. These two have been struggling for a while and it definitely takes a lot of effort on everyone’s part. #wewillkeeptrying #playtimefornow #lovethesetwonuggets
(Don’t judge on the kennel time. These dogs still get treated better than most humans and have plenty of time out and about or in other areas of the house.)
This girl is crazy for the snow! We had to make her come in so she didn’t get too cold.
Tough dogs here 😂 (volume on)
Trying to figure out what the heck this stuff is.
They’ve been aggressively chewing like this for the last 5 mins solid.