Bedtime shenanigans. 6 week old Itty bitty babes
In town the kids had a snow ❄️ day, but on the outskirts here it's a beautiful and warm sunny day. Perfect weather for our itty bitty pups to go out and explore
Some long overdue puppy spam
Cinnamon is so curious and brave. Sugar already fell asleeo
We often share our struggling pup. The daily ups and downs, the sleepless nights, and the tiny bits of hope. After our recent loss of Sven in May and all of his updates, and an additional 3 losses in our Dixie pastries litter in July - sharing seemed like it may bring a shadow, or make a future loss harder to bare
Then along came Topaz. He is part of our Willow x Whsieky Gemstone litter, and that is not Topaz's story. I've been waiting for just the right time to share his journey with all the info.
At birth, Topaz was one of the largest pups, weighing 17oz. At only a few days old, he was losing weight and became a focus. He would get priority feedings. He was never huddled up with his litter mates, and we would constantly put him on the heating pad. Still with our efforts, he continued to lose weight. When we stepped in to do more, in just the short hour to gather supplies, he became hypothermic (yes, in August) he was suddenly not strong enough to nurse a bottle and dehydrated. We got him warm wrapped in a heating pad. Gave him warm fluids and a tube feeding and saw him perk up just a little. Still, this fight went on for almost 2 weeks. He got down to only 500 grams (his birth weight), and just when we thought he was improving, he would regress. More fluids, back to tube feedings. All we can really do is keep them warm, feed, and hydrated. It's incredibly hard for a puppy to thrive on formula, and it reaches a point where it is up to the puppy to fight. Topaz is a fighter. At 4 weeks old, and barely 3 pounds (less than half his litter mayes), I finally could say with confidence that we are out of the woods. He was eating mush and taking a bottle. He was lively and playful. Now, it was time to look deeper for any underlying issues. We had a vet exam that was clear. We attempted to run a blood panel, but he was just too small for a sample. We had concerns about his vision at this time. He would walk into everything and make no efforts to protect his eyes. Within a
Much to Honey's concern, her pups are very eager to explore. I pulled out the vacuum and they didn't hesitate to check it out. So brave for so small and young
Our Gemstones are having fun while learning to be brave. The slide is always my favorite!
We have the best kennel kitty Clover offers some exposure and play time. She will also correct pups if they get to carried away
Walnut & Nashville had a blast today at the lake! Both are water loving and Walnut enjoyed some fetch. These 2 social butterflies wanted to meet and greet everyone, but especially the kids.