I have used Origional P**p Bags since they came out. Not only are they a great product but they give back. Currently they are working to save an abused elephant who has lived the past 5 years in chains. They have secured a sanctuary for Peanut and are working to collect the funds needed to save Peanut. Please buy The Origional P**p Bags in April. 20% of all purchases will go towards Peanuts release. You can also make donations.
Visit P**pBags.com/RescuePeanut for more information.
Thank you for your support of The Original P**p Bags®, and our You Buy; We Donate® philanthropy program over the years. Recently, an enlightening interview with Aaron Jackson of Planting Peace, for our Earth Month celebration, unveiled the heart-wrenching reality of elephants born into captivity. ...