Regal Spoods

Regal Spoods P. Regius specialize in CBCB white lines. Accessories and enclosures available message me for deets


Hi! Hope everyone is having a good holiday season! Sorry to have been away for such a long time I really have a lot of babies I am raising and mentally really needed a break while I was not h0ming babesšŸ˜….
This here is sweet Lemurian with her babies that have evaded me thus far, hiding in Lemurianā€™s 2nd nest. Mamaā€™s will do this sometimes lay clutches really close together and it makes it hard to separate them at these times. Luckily this gal is a good mama and I donā€™t have to worry about her hurting her babies.

I do have babies that are ready, but before I let any of my females go, I need to find a little snowflake for a client that has waited longer than Iā€™ve ever had anyone wait before so I really need to make sure that I make the perfect choice for her. That means most of my girls will be i7-i9 when finding their people.

I hope you have a great rest of the Season and hopefully i can manage to get some good clips of the juveniles as they grow up bc they are just adorable.
Gwen, Opal, and all others are all growing well thus far.
X Cheryl

Just bc.  I think this might be the one dare i sayšŸ™Š

Just bc. I think this might be the one dare i sayšŸ™Š

Check out Jump Beside Her Spiderā€™s video.

I love this silly video

I love this silly video

Check out Jump Beside Her Spiderā€™s video.

This is my TikTok link if anyone may be confused about the same being differnet.  Same with my Morph account!  Itā€™s this...

This is my TikTok link if anyone may be confused about the same being differnet. Same with my Morph account! Itā€™s this same name šŸ˜‰.
A lot of my mamas are posted on here which I may not have the best pictures of, but I do have video of here .
Iā€™m totally old-school. I need to learn new tricks I guess but I could use some more followers (and saying that I need followers still sounds really weird to mešŸ˜…šŸ¤£). But if you would be so kind and have an account on there it would be amazing if you could give me a follow. Iā€™d love to be able to do more in the platform sometime soon!

1073 Followers, 144 Following, 4546 Likes - Watch awesome short videos created by Jump Beside Her Spider


Hey! Wanted to jump on and say happy Monday, well Technically Tuesday lol. Hope everybodyā€™s doing wellšŸ˜„.
Thanks for being patient as I was away for so long. I was on a family vacation so basically meant putting my phone away and filling the cup.
Iā€™ll be getting back to any messages starting today. Feeling energized to get these babies raised up. I canā€™t wait to be able to show you some morešŸ„¹.
Mr. Mystaceus is now mature and my girl Bowie needs another molt still. Maybe babies in the future. Mrs. Tux has not laid yet. Itā€™s been a while after pairing. If anyone has any tips on the smaller breeds Iā€™m all ears as Iā€™d love to be able to offer them from these ladies.
XX Cheryl

Itā€™s Opal approvedšŸ„¹.  My client/friend made a few of these for my spoods w short namesšŸ˜­.  I saw hers and had to g3t a fe...

Itā€™s Opal approvedšŸ„¹. My client/friend made a few of these for my spoods w short namesšŸ˜­. I saw hers and had to g3t a few! They fit in a small puffy envelope. Sheā€™s doing some laps around where her G Gma Amethyst did when she was a Mama herself. Same as the well loved and used dream catcherā™¾ļø

Hi!  Happy weekend!  I feel kind of bad, not having much to show you in the way of babies or even mamas right now becaus...

Hi! Happy weekend! I feel kind of bad, not having much to show you in the way of babies or even mamas right now because everybodyā€™s been so busy! The babies for the most part are little, but I have been Gwen and Stars. Iā€™ve told you before theyā€™re doing well!
But as I looked at one of my good friends post, I noticed wow, how she had before and after Mama posts, and I realize that I didnā€™t take enough pictures for great before and after Mama baby pics lol! And itā€™s OK we all have our different ways of doing things. Itā€™s just something that I always wanted to do so Iā€™m a little bit. Bummed that I didnā€™t do it this time. Maybe next yearšŸ˜…, MAYBE lol

Opal came out HUGE trying to get all of her babies to follow her out of her nest so that she could lay another clutch. This would be her. I want to say fourth clutch, but it could be her third Iā€™d have to lookšŸ«£. ļæ¼Beautiful opal has rubbed off most of the gorgeous coloring on her back and legs from being such a good mama and I think that she will have a well-deserved after babies photo as well as my other mamas that works so hard just to show a few few before, and after they take care of their babies!

So this post is just basically to say that Iā€™m not going away anywhere Iā€™m here. Iā€™m just super super busy taking care of everyone getting them ready for homes and pampering Mamaā€™s working hard. Keeping my boys fed and seeing ladies to make sure they know there is such a thing. Trying to keep a household, mama and get ready for the holidays. Oh do I hope I have some babies to be home for Christmas, but I am holding onto my tight looking for the perfect female for my client to has waited so patiently for the perfect one!
Anyway again happy werkend and Iā€™ll add some baby cup pics and some babes I took out already still waiting to hit that magic šŸ„‚

Hoping everyone had an amazing safe halloween!  Hereā€™s my newly molted P. Mystaceus with her big girl bow and allll.  Sh...

Hoping everyone had an amazing safe halloween! Hereā€™s my newly molted P. Mystaceus with her big girl bow and allll. She doesnā€™t care to be held, but boy she is a fun to watch Spider!

Sneak peak of Starā€™s first female to come out and be held.  4th generation captive bred.  Go Star!āœØ

Sneak peak of Starā€™s first female to come out and be held. 4th generation captive bred. Go Star!āœØ

Claraā€™s boy trying to pet the lucky kitty cat.  Those are some of his helmets heā€™s standing onšŸ˜¹

Claraā€™s boy trying to pet the lucky kitty cat. Those are some of his helmets heā€™s standing onšŸ˜¹

I have the most amazing people in my life and you guys are seriously the most bestest fir all of your help trying to hel...

I have the most amazing people in my life and you guys are seriously the most bestest fir all of your help trying to help me work this out so ut works for everyonešŸ˜­.
My client decided on one of my grey girls šŸ›³ļøā€™d, and waiting on the most beautiful of all my babes from this 4th gen. Also šŸ›³ļøā€™d.
Seriooulsly the most gracious gal i could ever ask for. Imma be humbled for a long time and so grateful this will work out. Excited for these Star and Gwen babies to molt a few times but one looked at me all fat like ā€œmight wanna move me to my own cup?ā€šŸ˜….

Br33ders please readšŸ™

Oh where do I startšŸ˜­.
I lost my notebook for a few weeks and during that time I was scrambling trying to figure out all of the details between things that I had written down and messages and the little that I had put in my phone obviously it just wasnā€™t enoughšŸ˜©.
I either had 2 G43ā€™s unknowingly or had one and forgot to take her tape off of her enclosure when i moved her up. Either way I messed up big time and to say Iā€™m horrified would be about correct.

I thought I had sent G43 to her owner seeing pictures she had sent but these were pics of a spider she had ad0pt3d a while back. So her owner is a second time client which as you know means everything to me. Which makes this even more heartbreaking.

I did not rehome her thankfully but I did pair her and her owner does not do what I do with my whites. She was to be adored as a special friend and in my eyes sheā€™s just one of a kind. Glitterā€™s girl so she was just as white as a snow and as kind as they come. G43 was named after my Nephew Hunter, it was his number in football. Hence the reason I thought I may have numbered two of them the same.šŸ¤Æ

I told my client what had happened and sheā€™s thinking about all of the many options I gave her including a full r3funD with a white baby when i find one out of my growing babes among maybe i4/5 more anything to try to make this acceptable. Thing is, I know itā€™s not. I know 100% thereā€™s no way I can make this better anytime soon. She knew exactly what she wanted and I totally screwed this up royally

One thing that I did not think of is asking my friends:
if you do have one you think Snow White and sweet as can be. if you would message me and we could talk about it. I would really appreciate it. I would be willing to trade G 43 paired for your spider if the owner agrees. I know itā€™s a super Tall order because myself I have a few holdbacks, but none of them are glitters and none are close to the coloring.
G43 is paired and would be a br33d3rs dr3am). Mine anyway!

Hereā€™s a pic G43 of my sweet client was waiting onā€¦.

Update on the lost spood!!She made it you guys, she made it!!!ļæ¼ iā€™m not gonna say that I wasnā€™t nervous and scared for h...

Update on the lost spood!!
She made it you guys, she made it!!!
ļæ¼ iā€™m not gonna say that I wasnā€™t nervous and scared for her, but I was confident in my packing and after a week and almost 4 days she is alive and well with her new owner and I am going to be breathing a sigh of relief for the rest of the weekšŸŽ‰šŸ˜­. Thanks to her new owner for being the most patient understanding human being while this whole time past again just thank you. I appreciate you so much! ļæ¼ thank you to FedEx, who definitely did their best under some really tough situations! And thank you to redline-shipping who kept us all informed step-by-step of what was going on with the baby when they knew! Kept hope floating! ļæ¼ so I can finally breathe and so can anyone else that was worried about the babyšŸ„¹. Love and gratitude is hella high rn! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

Sorry I have not been up to posting latelyšŸ™. ļæ¼ I am fine. Everythingā€™s OK except for I am still waiting for one of my girls to make it to her person! ļæ¼ I do have faith in my packing skills, so I believe sheā€™ll make it there safe as long as she makes it there by tomorrow, but any well wishes fingers crossed whatever you do I take any all of it for us! ļæ¼ as soon as I find out whatā€™s going on with this baby, I will be back to posting pictures as usualšŸ«¶. One of my girls with her new Mama belowšŸ„¹. If you have pictures of any of my babies that youā€™ve gotten from me along the way, if you want to drop a picture that would be so awesome. I would love to show everybody your babies and it doesnā€™t have to be this post you can send it to me privately, and I can post it without your name on it if youā€™d prefer, but I think it would be fun for everybody to see some babies from the past and recent! Tysm for being you! Cheryl

Such a good girl.  TicTacšŸ§”

Such a good girl. TicTacšŸ§”

59 likes, 7 comments. ā€œ Support your broke breedersšŸ§”ā€

I donā€™t do many of these, but Rest in love and paradise TicTac. She laid eggs from Christmas in 22 up in Till about a we...

I donā€™t do many of these, but Rest in love and paradise TicTac. She laid eggs from Christmas in 22 up in Till about a week ago and she passed last night. She mustā€™ve been nearing three years oldšŸ§”šŸŒˆ.

Sorry I have had nothing or no time to post anything lately. Thereā€™s been so much going on with three packages that were...

Sorry I have had nothing or no time to post anything lately. Thereā€™s been so much going on with three packages that were sent. Well insurance was still on two of the three made it to their new people. Iā€™m still waiting on the one and until that happens, I will not be able to, relax too much at all. ļæ¼
As always, thank you for being so patient and understanding! As soon as the insurance comes in to me, it will be handed to you!šŸ™
Back to cuteā€™s to get your mind off of tragedy if there is nothing you can do yet to help all of the people and animals that need itšŸ˜ž.
Ad0ptions will start agian after Star and Gwens babies molt a few more times (2 for some!!). ļæ¼ Iā€™ll be taking pictures of them because theyā€™re next month. Theyā€™ll be showing their shell color and possibly even a little bit of body color!

This young lady found the perfect person to love on heršŸ„¹.  TysmšŸ™Iā€™ve called her my baby since she got her own cup early ...

This young lady found the perfect person to love on heršŸ„¹. TysmšŸ™

Iā€™ve called her my baby since she got her own cup early bc she just wanted to be with me. She is on Morph for a permanent place to be a Mama or a special friend.
Claras daughter, Cherrysā€™s Grand, Amethystā€™s great grandšŸ’Ÿ. Thatā€™s a whole lot of love right deršŸ˜Š matured September and if she did have one more molt to go, it wouldnā€™t surprise me a ton. I do have a picture of her epi. I will place it in the comments:)

Hit 1.3K without knowing how to work tech!  Haha!  Thank you so muchšŸ˜ƒThe last few update pics I was given permission to ...

Hit 1.3K without knowing how to work tech! Haha! Thank you so muchšŸ˜ƒ

The last few update pics I was given permission to share were just so cool! These are 3 diff spiders I believe they were all glitters one might have been Claraā€™s. These are examples of why you never really know exactly whatā€™s gonna happen, but ļæ¼ I like to have a little fun making a guess but I donā€™t like to tell people what my guess is because if Iā€™m wrong, Iā€™m a feel horrible. This cute little black spider I wouldā€™ve never thought that she wouldā€™ve turned out looking like this!
The orange one got very light, but Iā€™m sure some of her sisters stayed orange Iā€™m not positive.
The white one was šŸ” as a white.

I wanted to touch on the fact that sometimes (most) it takes a couple hours for them to dry off after shipping if they get a little bit damp (as you see in oics below) or after a molt These are the times I freak out and hope my clients wait half a day before thinking something funny happenedšŸ˜…. I agree itā€™s crazy!
Anyway the Molt came for the white one, now thatā€™s a crazy sweet molt just Wow.
Top two pictures are the same Spider
I do want to mention that these are not usual but exceptions, cool ones!


Everett, WA



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