It's hard to believe that people leave their pets behind. I consider them family, and wouldn't leave a child behind. Anyway, here is a list, courtesy of Cornell Feline Center, that you might want to print out in case of emergency. I keep lists on my fridge for both me and the cats. In a panic, one tends to get "analysis paralysis". I have a bucket of lightweight litter that is only for emergencies. You can get disposable litter boxes that look like they're made from egg cartons material. A little folding pocket camping spade that fits on your belt is helpful for cleaning the box and/or digging holes. I also made a first aid kit in a plastic tool box just for animals. I have collapsible food and water bowls in my truck and in the first aid kit. Think about stuff that is lightweight and easily packed.
I would also recommend some Quiet Moments calming chews with melatonin by NaturVet (no, I don't get paid or kick backs from them) that I recommend to my clients, as I have found through experience, work better than most calming products.