Edit: Dr. Nichols let me know that they are now recommended IV lipids and hemodialysis for the brain melting kind of toxin. We have the ability to give IV lipids at emevc but you would have to travel to Boston for dialysis. This is very time sensitive but shown to save lives. Immediate decontamination, IV lipids then transfer to dialysis can be successful. One round of hemodialysis can cost over 3500 though so prevention is still the best advice we can give!
Are you closing up camp? Are you trying to keep out unwanted winter guests? Well before you do, make sure you know what poisons you are actually dealing with. Rats and mice are small mammals.... dogs and cats CAN be small to medium to large mammals. If you have your pets with you while you are closing up camp, then you need to take extra caution with rat bait.
There are several different types of rat bait. Each one has a specific mechanism of death AND some have antidotes while others do not. If you are purchasing rat poison to leave out, make sure you know what kind you are using. IF your pet ingests the toxin, it's very helpful to get the correct care.
There are three broad cateories: The bleed type vs the ruining your kidneys and making you bleed to death vs the brain melting type.
The bleeding kind:
-there are several different generations of this toxin
-this has an antidote!
-this does not lead to organ failure or death when caught early
-it can take 3 to 4 weeks to take effect after ingestion
-the newer ones are more potent and requires longer antidote treatment.
-this is the easiest type to treat.
The Ruining your kidneys and making you bleed to death type:
-No antidote availablel
- must act quickly to prevent damage
-requires several days of hospitalization, bloodwork and monitoring of the kidney values
- can lead to lifelong kidney issues.
The melting your brain kind:
-no antidote
-must eat large amounts to be fatal
-must act quickly to save your pet
-mild symptoms MIGHT reverse and go back to normal
-once there are seizures, it is always fatal
This means that based on the Active ingredient, the therapy and time you have to GET the therapy changes dramatically. If you elect to put out rat bait instead of using snap traps or other methods of rodent control, be sure to document the toxin you purchase in case of emergency.
How would I know if my dog or cat ate rat bait?
- wrappers or chewed on bar
-green blue vomit or p**p
These are often the obvious indicators. Sometimes a bloody nose or tremors or vomiting are the first signs.
If you are renting a rustic cabin, please ask the host if there is any history of rat poison. We've seen several families have to bring in their pets due to the surprise of green p**p on the second day of vacation.
Just be mindful that your pets are mammals too.