With speed, she used to walk
With a light and even gait
She'd conquer daily struggles
Knowing well they wouldn't wait
She held her head and shoulders high
Watching minutes, hours and days go by
The work she did never offered a break
Her back, arms, and sometimes her heart, would ache
But she didn't quit, she never gave up
It was all she knew, it was what she loved
Days came and went, the routines changed
Sunrise, sunset, sunshine, snow and rain
Demands on body, mind and health
Who said with ranch work came great wealth?
The horses are the jewels that glimmer in the sun
Sorrel, bays, greys, roans, palomino and dun
Those who watch from oh, so far away
Never really know what fills our days
The commitment, dedication, the brutal truths
The heartaches and pain, the mental strain
There's horsewomen out there who want to quit
There's ranchers, farmers, wives and kids
All they know is this life of animal care
Chores in all weather, and that life isn't fair
They know the pain of loss
The strain of paying bills
That hard decisions must be made
They carry that guilt every day
So why don't they quit this soul-crushing life?
Why don't they move on, find work 9 til 5?
'Cos it's not just a job, it's in their blood
It's in their bones, it's what they know
It's a way of life, it's just what they do
To all of those who care for stock
Who brave the cold, the wind, the heat
May your resolve have strength enough to bear
May your heart continue to carry the weight of care
May your strength be mighty when your pain makes you weak
May the moments of joy refuel your tattered soul
May your determination be greater than your need for rest
May you know you are valued, and know you are the best
The best that the animals could want, or need
That gait is slower now, there's a hitch in that getalong
She watches where she steps now, even though her legs are still strong
Gotta keep on moving, don't let age get in the way
Horses, all animals, need us, every single day
So next time you see a rancher, farmer, or anyone who cares for stock
Take a moment to think about their lives, the loads they carry every day
And remember their dedication let's nothing else get in the way
They are unique, they are resilient, they are a rare and diminishing breed
Always putting the animals before their own wants and needs
Sue B.
As Winter approaches, and we are all a little older, here's to those who care for livestock, in all weather, all year.
Heroes for the animals, God bless you all