
Snowball Snowball is 7 years old. He was our neighbors dog who lived outside his entire life. We adopted & h


2 huskies, both males found on Symonds Ave Warwick 468-4377


I miss you Snowball!!!!

Merry Christmas from Snowball! I had a great Christmas and I didn't chew my stocking this year that mommy's friend Pam m...

Merry Christmas from Snowball! I had a great Christmas and I didn't chew my stocking this year that mommy's friend Pam made and had to fix for me cause I tore it apart last year.

Well it's me Snowball figured I haven't posted in a long time.  I am doing great.  I love my home and my mom and dad.  I...

Well it's me Snowball figured I haven't posted in a long time. I am doing great. I love my home and my mom and dad. I'm not much of an outside dog anymore. I love to be in the house with mom and dad.

Been a very long time since I posted.   I have been enjoying life with my mom and dad and terrorizing the parrots.  I am...

Been a very long time since I posted. I have been enjoying life with my mom and dad and terrorizing the parrots. I am so happy that I can do whatever I want whenever I want. I am spoiled the way it should be.


Long time since I posted. I am enjoying life, mom and dad treat me like a king. Mommy and I went for a nice walk yesterday. Today, mom said we would go if there was a break in the rain. I love going for walks so I can p*e on anything that I can lol. Oh I got these yummy treats from my Aunt Dena, they are so good I can't eat just one.


It's been a while since I posted but my mommy is getting ready to go see Grandma and I told her to make sure she wishes Grandma a happy birthday from me! She said she would take me to visit but my cousin Chloe might be there and I might think she is one of my squeek toys. Happy 95th Birthday Grandma White.


Well it's been a few great month. I am just loving life like a dog should. Mommy and I just got back from our walk. We had a nice walk and stopped to visit with Harley the Bernese Mountain Dog. She is a big dog and likes to bark at me. Mommy says I am a good boy because I just stand there and look at her :) Now time to eat my yogurt filled Kong. One of my favorite treats. Good night everyone.


Can't believe in less than a month it will be 3 years since I was adopted. It has been 3 years since I had to stay outside in the brutal cold/heat. I am loving my life. I get to sleep with mom and dad in their bed if I want, or on the nice fluffy rug, or on the cold floor, wherever my heart desires. My mommy and daddy really love me and I love them.


It's been a while since I posted and I just want to say how happy I am to be in a nice warm home tonight. I am loving life and love my mom and dad. They spoil me. I hope that all my fur baby friends are in nice, warm, loving homes tonight.


Hi's almost Christmas and I am so excited. Mommy said Santa is coming and that because I was such a good boy I am getting lots of presents. I love my home and am so glad mommy and daddy rescued me.


Mommy and daddy were proud of me today. They took me to the vet because I had a rash on my belly. Even though they put a muzzle on me, I was the best I have ever been. Mommy gave me a couple of pills to calm me before we went and it helped with my anxiety. The vet said I have an allergy to something. Mommy said Buddy had the same thing. I got all my shots and don't have to go back for a year! woo hoo! Now, I am just waiting for mommy so I can go to bed. I am exhausted. xoxo


Good morning fb world. I am so happy we are not having another morning like yesterday, that was quite the storm and it really scared me! Mommy was trying to comfort me but I really don't like those boomers! Me and daddy went in the basement and watched television during the storm and I was so much better. I like days like today. Time for me to enjoy breakfast with dad and then take a nap.


Loving my central air conditioning! My mom loves this weather but not me. I keep trying to tell her "go put on your fur coat and sit outside for a minute. Then you'll know how I feel." I am so happy that I don't have to sit out in this heat anymore.


What a life I am living. It's the little things in life like being able to sleep inside in an air conditioned house, sleeping in bed with mom and dad, just being spolied like all fur babies should . Ahhh

It's been a while but I am enjoying life.   In this picture I am waiting for daddy to give me a piece of licorice.   it'...

It's been a while but I am enjoying life. In this picture I am waiting for daddy to give me a piece of licorice. it's a muggy night and I am thankful that we have central air in the house. Can't believe it's been over 2 years since I lived outside. I love my home and my mom and dad.


Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted. I have been enjoying life. Spent most of the winter in my nice warm house doing whatever I wanted to do. It was nice to be able to go out when I wanted to but to stay in a nice warm, dry house. I love sleeping with mom and dad and am loving the weather. Pretty soon it will be too hot for me and I'll want to be in the central air :) I love my life!


For years I lived outside in this and mommy keeps asking me how I survived. I try to tell her but she doesn't understand doggie talk lol! Daddy let me out this morning but there was no way I was staying out in this. I couldn't wait to get back in my nice warm home with my mommy and daddy who spoil me rotten. So grateful I was rescued. If you ever get a chance to rescue a fur baby like me, please do. We all deserve to be loved

What a day today!  Watched mommy shovel off the deck at least 3 times so  could go out and she shoveled me a spot in the...

What a day today! Watched mommy shovel off the deck at least 3 times so could go out and she shoveled me a spot in the yard. Boy am I glad I no longer live outside. I have been in my nice warm home most of the day. Only going out when I want to go which hasn't been much. Time to eat my dinner and enjoy some warm, homemade chicken soup sprinkled .over my food. YUM! I hope if you have fur babies that you are spoiling them. We all deserve to be spoiled! Woof, woof!


Happy New Year everyone! I haven't posted in a while but today I am grateful I no longer live outside and that mommy and daddy rescued me. It is 14 degrees out there today. I went out this morning and I lasted all of 5 minutes and wanted to come back in to my warm house. Have a wonderful day everyone and please bring your pets inside and keep them warm.


Mommy just informed me that I have to go to the vet tomorrow for some shots. I told her I would try to be good but I know they are going to muzzle me and I am not going to like it. Mom says I have been a really good boy lately. It's time to go to bed with mom and dad. I love sleeping in a nice warm house on a nice warm bed. Good night all, especially my fur baby friends. xo


I was a good boy this morning. I finally let mom and dad sleep in a little. Mommy couldn't believe it! I love sleeping on the bed. Today is a beautiful day to hang with mom :)


Woke mom and dad up at 1:00 this morning by jumping on the bed. I decided I didn't want to sleep on the floor I wanted to sleep between mom and dad. Sleeping on a water bed is pretty comfortable. I love it! Mom and dad are nervous I am going to puncture a hole in it. I am a spoiled fur baby! I am loving life!


So I know we need rain but I am not a fan of thunder and lightning. Mommy let me out tonight and I couldn't leave the deck. I went running back to the slider and jumped for mommy to let me in. She came outside with me and walked with me so I could p*e. All I wanted to do is p*e and the lighting was scaring me. Mommy says I don't need to be scared but I guess I always will be. At least tonight there is no loud thunder so I'm not on mommy or daddy's lap. Hope I can sleep tonight. Good night all! woof, woof


I've been waking mom and dad up every day around 5:30 by jumping on the bed, laying between mom and dad, licking their faces and mommy just said to me "Snowball please let me sleep a little longer tomorrow." I am going to try and let her but I can't make her any promises. She keeps saying she needs her beauty sleep but I don't know what she means. Have I told you lately how much I love my house. If mom and dad are home I'd rather be inside with them. I love my life! woof!


So, what have I been up to? I love waking up mom and dad at 5:30 in the morning jumping on their bed and playing. Mommy doesn't think it's funny but I do. I just hope I don't pop the waterbed lol! Mommy wouldn't be too happy about that now would she. Life is good. I am sooooo loved by my mommy and daddy! Hugs from them every day. I never knew what it was like to be pet, hugged, brushed, etc. woof woof


Life is good! Mom said people have been asking how I am doing so I figured I'd send a post. I am loving my life. I love being in a air conditioned home instead of stuck out in the heat like I was for 8 years. I get to go in and out of the house when I want and mom and dad spoil me rotten. I would much rather be in the house with them then outside. I am enjoying my Banilla yogurt filled Kong right now. Mom fills my Kong up for me with yogurt and then freezes it so it's like eating an ice cream cone for me except I don't eat the Kong lol! Hope everyone is doing well. xoxo


Mom says I have officially become an inside dog because I would much rather be in the house with mom and dad then be outside even on a nice day. If mom and dad are in the house I want to be right next to them. Mom just told me that depending on how warm it gets this coming week she is going to fill up my pool so I can cool off when I want to. I love my mom and dad so much. I follow them wherever they go but I am still having a hard time trusting other people and still don't really like them. I try but....... With mom and dad I am a wonderful, loving dog. I sleep next to mom and dad, give them kisses good night, I wake them up with kisses ~ I love them and they love me :)


So mom got mad at me yesterday because I bit someone. Mom says I am protecting her and dad and she told me that she was upset with me. She understand I am only trying to protect but I can't do that. I was a bad boy yesterday. Mom doesn't know what she is going to do with me. I love my mom and dad so much and just want to protect them but I guess biting people is out of the question :( Today I have been a good boy. Sleeping on deck with mom.


Wishing all mom's out there, including fur baby mom's, a Happy Mother's Day. I woke my mommy up with a big lick on the face this morning, a little earlier than she would like (6:45) but she loves when I lick her face. I promised mommy I would be a good boy for her today :)


A year ago today I was adopted. I am so thankful for my new home and my mommy and daddy. Daddy bought me a cheeseburger today to celebrate. Mommy was at hospital most of the day but she gave me a big hug this morning and tonight! Thank God I am in a nice dry house tonight. If it wasn't for my mommy and daddy I'd be out in his right now. Instead I am in a nice dry house enjoying my frozen yogurt kong!!! WOOF!!!


.....Snowball's status a year ago today. xoxo so glad I adopted him.


I can't believe it's been almost a year since I was rescued. In 2 more days it will be a year that I was adopted. I have free roam of a big yard and house! Even though I am still not a fan of many people, I love my mom and dad and they love me!


Well in another 9 days it will be my one year anniversary since I have been adopted. Mommy and daddy say I have come a long way but still have a hard time trusting people. I love my home. I love sleeping upstairs next to my dad and waking up with mom and dad and giving them kisses. Thank you to all my supporters -- mommy appreciates you all! woof woof!


Fall River, MA



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Snowball we met some really cool people for your neck of the woods this evening when we went into a Doggie Gourmet store to get your friends Emma and Bella some cupcakes. They had this shirt that I want to get you but it was a Large and I know it's not big enough for you. I told her you weighed about 50/70lbs (sorry if I over guessed I know you maybe sensitive about you weigh...I know I am) and Oompa told them a little about your story and the nice lady is going to try to find a shirt that will fit you....your very own FB shirt that says Friend Me! Have a good night! All our love, Nonnie and Oompa
I had a good day today although mom said I fell asleep in this funny position today so she decided to take a pic of me. I was very comfortable. Now I am sleeping again. I ate my yogurt and now I am out again. Thank you all for your support. I am trying to be a good boy ;) xoxo
Snowball we were in CVS a little but ago and we saw a shirt I wanted to get you but the only had an XS it sd Like Me with a paw (a FB tshirt) it was perfect! Maybe we will find another one xoxo
I had another great day. I got to spend some quality time with dad today. We played in the yard and I watched him cut the grass. I didn't redecorate the deck today so mommy and daddy were really happy about that! Mommy said tonight was one of my best nights yet. I am enjoying my yogurt filled kong right now cause mommy said she is getting ready to go to bed so it's time for me to go to bed too. I think I am beginning to trust people and realize that there are people out there that love animals and love me! I am enjoying my new family, home and yard...this is the life! Good night to all my fans -- woof, woof!
Mommy said I was a great boy today. She went for breakfast with dad and it was still raining so I ate went outside for a bit then had to go in my crate til mom got home. Then mom played catch with me and I actually listened to mom today. I only played for about 10 minutes but I had fun. I got really tired and took a nap. Let's see how I am tonight playing with my toys in the house. woof
Well I didn't realize you had your own page Snowball, but I'm so happy you have the most wonderful Mommy the universe could give you. I know you already love her and she just adores you! You be as good as you can for her, and you're so smart, you'll learn more and more every day, so you won't have to hear the "no" word so much! Maybe Mommy could post more pictures of you, so I can love you more from a distance too! Give your Mommy a big, wet kiss for me, ok?
really lol a snowball page... you crack me up woman!!!
You have some very amazing new parents who will love you with all their heart!!! And I know you will return that love - it is very contagious!!! You (and they) are one wonderful family!!
Awww, Patti! He is so lucky to have found you guys;)
You're showing him what life is really about.
So cute
How can someone keep a dog in a kennel his entire life????....I just dont get that.....our dog sleeps on our bed...couch.....and is our family........uughhh to people who do that to dogs.....just sayin.........