Just because your home has been ferret proofed before does not mean it is safe for the next ferret. Every ferret is different for what it will try to get into.
* If your ferret has access to the kitchen, block under and around any gaps around appliances. Ferrets can climb under or behind appliances and get electrocuted, stuck or even escape. Do not use foam or rubber to block areas.
* A ferret can climb a baby gate or claw through it.
* Pick up EVERYTHING small off the floor. Ferrets can and will eat anything small they find on the floor. This can cause a blockage requiring emergency surgery.
* Check under all cabinets to make sure there aren't any holes. If there are, they must be blocked. There may be holes in the walls behind the cabinet where the ferret can escape. There can be things under the cabinets that can hurt the ferret. The ferret can get under there and not want to come out or it can go potty under there and you can’t get it cleaned up.
* Block any space of 1" or more if you don't want the ferret in that area, including under doors, through pet gates, etc.
* Be sure the ferret can't get to the laundry area. This is the main way ferrets escape or get hurt. They claw or chew through the dryer hose. They can also crawl under or in the back of the washer and get hurt or stuck.
* Ferrets get stressed easily and shouldn't be around loud noises (TV, video games, crying babies). This can cause stress related illnesses.
* Keep any small objects picked up off the floor, even if it is not edible. Ferrets are very curious and may eat anything that's small enough. A lot end up in emergency surgery every year because of this, and many die from it.
* Ferrets should not be around recliners. Ferrets crawl up into recliners and get crushed when the recliner is pushed into the reclining or sitting position.
* Ferrets should not be around rocking chairs. When a rocking chair is being rocked, a ferret can get seriously hurt by running under the leg.
* Ferrets will scratch through screen. Don't allow them to get near it.
* If you have hardwood or linoleum floors, consider putting down throw rugs, sheets, towels, etc. for traction for the ferret. They'll run and play harder if they're not worried about slipping.
* Remove any bug or mouse traps or spray. Only use bug sprays that are safe for ferrets and allow to dry before letting the ferrets be around it. Never use flea bombs with ferrets in the house.
* Consider getting magnets on cabinet doors. Ferrets can learn how to open the doors. You can adjust the pull on the magnet, depending on how determined the ferret is, and it's still easy for a human to open.
* Keep toilets closed. Ferrets can pull themselves up and get in the toilet, then drown.
* Ferrets will dig in dirt. So keep house plants out of reach.
* If you find there's something the ferret likes to chew on, remove it and everything like it. Some ferrets will chew on vinyl or latex toys, socks, and so on. If they do, these things must be taken away or the ferret can get a blockage and die.
* Ferrets are great climbers. They will climb on furniture, up the cage, on beds, etc. If they can get to a cloth on something, like a tablecloth, they will use that to pull themselves up. Once they get up, they will get into anything they can. Also, they cannot always get back down. If they can't easily get back down, they may seriously hurt themselves trying to do so.
* To keep a ferret from getting up inside furniture, use a staple gun and staple plastic chicken mesh under furniture or nail thin wood.
* Use carpet squares to shove under cushions along the edges of furniture to keep a ferret from getting down inside the furniture.