The Dude stayed consistent through his first big weekend 💞
When you say to your colt, “we practically live in this arena and this is where you learned the pattern, you’ll be fine!” But the big screen that he’s gotten used to blowing leaves at him turned in to a black hole that sucked his brain straight into it 🤣 paired with all the people to look at out of the second and a suspicious barrel setter, it appears Rip needs some cardboard cutouts to work with and no more screen time for this kid! 😆 seasoning colts will keep you humble and on your toes!
Rip drew the short straw in the blizzard 🤣
Ellie and I hit the second barrel of her career today (I’ll remember everyone because she vows to never touch one and makes sure it’s my knee paying the rider error price 😆). I let her make a nice run Friday!
Come for a ride with Dude through the Winnemucca snow globe 🤣 ❄️ ⛄️
Rip wishes the trailer would supply him with snow cones every day.
For everybody who stayed home this weekend: you were right, you’re always right, it will always snow for the ranch hand rodeo 🤣 but it was a good weekend nonetheless and we’ll all tell ourselves the same lie as we hit “enter” again next year 😂
We didn’t make the picture perfect first pole run I’d hoped for, but when it comes to the weave: clean is king! Ellie hung in there to win the 3D poles! With a few second delay getting stuck around the bottom turn, I’m excited to see how we progress from here!
Another smooth run for the Dude! He is getting there and I am loving it 😍
Shoutout to Chloe! She was all set to kick my butt on Dualplicate Copy in the youth this weekend before Cate drew herself out with a trailer injury this morning 😭
I was so proud of Dude last night! He cruised through a nice smooth pattern to be just one second off his sister and aunt, and clocked just a hair out of the money in the 4D! He keeps trying a little harder every time out and that’s all I need 🥰
I have my new nieces from Nebraska visiting and they’re HANDY 😍 already trying to keep this one, it starts by getting her hooked on Cate 🤣