Introducing our newest foster, Perry! She was saved from a hoarding situation and currently working on getting comfortable with being inside and with us. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #hoarding #animalhoarding #saved #phinesandferb #wheresperry #newfoster
Moon kept messing with her suture sight so we got approval from the vet to wrap it to help her recovery. Every 2 days we have to do a new one and Moon did great for the first exchange. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #spay #spayrecovery #wrap #medical #vettech
Foodie Moonie works on a new can. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #foodie #catfood #hilarious #canteatenough #asmr #eatingasmr #cateatingasmr #spay #spayrecovery #trick #friskies #friskiescatfood
Foodie Moonie is trying Turkey And Giblets Pate by Friskies. See how much of a foodie she is for this. 🤔#ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #foodie #catfood #hilarious #canteatenough #friskies #friskiescatfood #bobsburgers #foodiemoodie #hungrycat
You could say Moon loves eating and just wants as much as her mouth can hold 😂#ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #foodie #catfood #hilarious #mouthful #canteatenough #spayandneuter #spayrecovery #funnycats
Buck has started getting playtime with the big fosters and we think Tot and him have started a beautiful friendship. Tot plays very well with him and doesn’t go too hard while also making sure Buck is learning proper play behavior. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #newfriends #puppiesoftiktok #bestfriends #playtogether #cute #adorable #buddies
Milk shows off how well she’s been using her back leg that now we may be able to save it! More exercise to strengthen the muscle 💪🏻 #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #fyp #strengthtraining #disabledcats #disablekitten #encouragement
Thank you Cane Rosso Rescue for letting us come and get some supplies for our small rescue. We are so sorry about what happened and what caused for this event but we are truly grateful that this event helped a lot of other rescues. If anyone is interested in donating to Cane Rosso Rescue they have a venmo and they are still actively helping the rescue world and currently have fosters that will still need help. Please donate as they are an incredible rescue with some incredible people. #ruhrohrescue #canerossorescue #event #helpinghand #helpingothers #donate #support #rescuesupport
Intake A0016 has finished his stray hold and has officially become a Ruh Roh Rescue Puppy. We will begin his medical journey and get him ready for adoption. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #rescue #fyp #newpuppy #intake #strayhold #newestmember #puppylove #adorable
Mumbles had a medical emergency over this past weekend. He ended up needing intensive surgery and is now on the road to recovery. ❤️🩹
If you would like to donate to Mumbles please go to and donate to our PayPal. #ruhrohrescue #foster #adoption #rescue #fyp #sickcat #emergency #medical #roadtorecovery #feelbetter #pleasehelp #paypal #foriegnbody #invasive #intense