Meet the fam!
- brown & red brindle lab mix
- suuuuuuper high energy, allll bark & no bite
- will jump up to greet you hoping you’ll pick him up like a tiny baby regardless of his long legs
- black & grey coonhound / lab mix
- L O U D boy. Never ever stops barking… ever
- hates when OTHERS get love, will be jealous and woof / rooou at you.. but hates even more if you try and give HIM love
- red & brown bearded dragon
- doesn’t realize she’s smaller than the boys & puffs her throat out when they sniff her tank
- absolutely will hide from you until you bring out a cricket or mealworm and then she will melt in your hands like butter
- curly *not red* hair
- total goofball, except he refuses to admit it
- loves animals & loves even more when they choose him as their person instead of their literal MOTHER but whatever -.-
- totally tall person, brown hair
- terrible sense of humor, will tell you a million and three dad jokes and have an asthma attack laughing at herself
- is not at all jealous of the fact that HER DOGS chose Austin as their person when she in fact has raised them their entire freaking lives but whatever -.-