Wyndover Farm

Wyndover Farm Artistry In Motion Wyndover Farm is a small, hobby farm with room to grow and room to share. I grew up on a farm in New Hampshire and am returning to my roots.

We rescue, rehab, and train horses. Dressage rider using Natural Horsemanship techniques.

😭😭😭😭😭 gone but not forgotten.... The original pony boys, Toulouse, the Wonder Pony, and Van Gogh, the mini man. RIP boys...

😭😭😭😭😭 gone but not forgotten.... The original pony boys, Toulouse, the Wonder Pony, and Van Gogh, the mini man. RIP boys. I miss you everyday. 😭

Fiora has been helping me with chores, this week. She's doing really well being tied. I'm using a blocker tie ring on th...

Fiora has been helping me with chores, this week. She's doing really well being tied. I'm using a blocker tie ring on the lighter setting but you'll notice that when she hits the limit she steps forward.

I've increased the speed at which I move around her, while I do chores. At the beginning of the week, I moved slowly and cautiously, pausing before I passed her. After a few days of this, I'm able to just walk by with the wheelbarrow or hay bags or .... The HOSE! Today was the first day I felt comfortable videoing while moving the hose.

You'll notice in a couple pics I have a purple line around her leg. I'm working toward her picking up her feet. She is very nervous with my hands on her legs. She moves away from my hand or the brush on her lower leg. But she will yield, briefly, her leg with a tug of the rope.... Before she slams it down.... Sigh.... We'll get there.

I'm able to groom the rest of her body but she still gets nervous and is reactive if I brush too fast or too hard.

She continues to be very nervous on approach and we still, occasionally, have to use the rope over the neck before I can clip the lead on, but we're working on it.

The past few days have been dry enough that she and Brownie have enjoyed some pasture time.

Fiora's first time being tied. It was yucky out so we stayed in the barn and groomed.  I braided her mane and was able t...

Fiora's first time being tied.

It was yucky out so we stayed in the barn and groomed. I braided her mane and was able to brush out her tail. We continued our work with her feet. I'm able to get her to pick up both front feet with a line, but she moves away if I try with my hand.

We are doing some maintenance on the Pony Palace so Brownie and Fiora are temporarily in the main barn. She likes being able to watch the goings on.

A few more firsts for Fiora...1st time locked in a stall1st time moved after dark1st time groomed by someone other than ...

A few more firsts for Fiora...

1st time locked in a stall
1st time moved after dark
1st time groomed by someone other than me (her momma has groomed her, once, as well)

We had several dump truck deliveries of gravel, today. She was not a fan of the big, banging trucks. I waited to bring her to the arena until after that was done. She took a bit to settle down and I had to use the rope around the neck to clip on to move her to the arena. She takes a bit to deescalate if she gets overloaded.

After these videos, she was easy to clip on. Though I said in the video I was gonna have Thomas lead her, when I got outside and it was black, I felt more comfortable leading her, myself. Tomorrow, though, I'm gonna have him move her.

Brownie got his feet trimmed and is hanging with Fiora in the arena and hay manger! Thanks, Auntie Christina Cline! You ...

Brownie got his feet trimmed and is hanging with Fiora in the arena and hay manger!

Thanks, Auntie Christina Cline! You take such wonderful care of all of my ponies' feet. (Notice no butt pic this time😜)


Overdue Fiora Update. I fell a bit behind after the weather. We're still defrosting and getting things back to smooth running.

We had a couple weeks of bad weather - snow, winds, and freezing temperatures. That left us with the horses in the barns for almost a week, with just a couple hours, here and there, to get out and stretch their legs. the road between the barns was icy so was not safe to bring Brownie or Fiora to the arena. I also don't work horses in below freezing weather. This is a 'me' thing, I'm over 50 and sensitive to the cold. Of course, during the storms Thomas was out of town and the roads were too icy for interns to make it here, safely. So 8 horses, 2 barns, and me for a week below freezing....fun times. (Karri, remember that video you just sent me.....LOL 500 times LOL)

The video is several clips together. You'll notice the first date stamp of the video is the 12th. Her first time back to the arena. This how she's been to catch during the weather. Much quicker than the last update.........but wait until you see the last clip in the video, just 3 days later. I've had several of these 'quick clip' interactions.

Last update we were experiencing 3-5 days of 'shyness" after an arena outing. Since the storms (and being cooped up for a week with Brownie) she was happy to make 4 trips, last week! Only playing difficult on a windy day!

We've also improved our lunging in both directions, where previously she was difficult to go clockwise.

She leads with manners, on a loose line. She stands with manners, on a loose line. She moves off of light pressure.

She had several visits to the main barn and had opportunity to explore the stalls....this is a big thing for her! The first few times in the barn she was very wide eyed. Not sure if she's ever been in a large barn, before. When she first got here, it took her several days before she'd go into her own barn.....now she loves it!

We are working on grooming and picking up feet. so far, we're just working on having her stand still while I touch her legs. So far we are just working with the front, left. Her right side is her weaker side and the back end is the widow maker, so we start where she's comfortable and I'm safe.

I continue to help her work through her fears. She's got so much PTSD from some trauma that it is heartbreaking to watch the fear come to her eyes....but she's trusting more, and more.


Fiora and Brownie enjoying their arena time!

Brownie and Fiora enjoy an escape from the Pony Palace.  Ice, snow, and wind have greatly reduced our ability to get the...

Brownie and Fiora enjoy an escape from the Pony Palace. Ice, snow, and wind have greatly reduced our ability to get the horses safely out of the barns. Today was the first day I've been able to use my arena so (almost) everyone got some roll and run time.

I was surprised that they didn't have the zoomies like my guys did but they had a few hours to stretch their legs but also had a manger fill of hay, which is where they stayed 🤷😎

On the way back, I was able to convince her to walk through one of the exterior stall doors, in the main barn. She's been into the main entry but never all the way in. Her eyes were big but she stayed calm.

Snow ponies!!  I have a rule of 2 when I decide whether or not to blanket my healthy horses. (Monet is 36 and Picasso ha...

Snow ponies!! I have a rule of 2 when I decide whether or not to blanket my healthy horses. (Monet is 36 and Picasso had a Neuro issue, they stayed blanketed more).

Three 3 factors I consider are precipitation, wind, and temperature. Any one of the 3, no blanket. Like today, it was cold, but no wind and no rain so no blanket. But if it's windy AND cold or cold AND raining/snowing then I blanket.

They've been in their blankets for a couple days so they're happy to have them off and a chance to romp in the arena. Between the snow and the ground rising due to frost, I couldn't get the gate to move. Today is the first day I've been able to get in there to really use it.

Brrrrr 20° with 30mph winds from Canada.  We keep the horses in, during this weather. They'll be allowed about 20 minute...

Brrrrr 20° with 30mph winds from Canada. We keep the horses in, during this weather. They'll be allowed about 20 minutes out, later, to stretch their legs but I have a 36 yo (Monet) and a horse with Neuro issues (Picasso) so I don't take any chances with them. I just make sure they always have hay in their nets and drinkable water in their buckets. They are all wearing thick blankets, with 300g of fill. Our barn is 27° right now. RARELY, do I blanket this heavy. Like maybe 1 week a year, when we have this annual snow/freezing snap. At least I still have water to both barns.

You'll notice that I clean the stalls but make a pile in the back. I'm alone taking care of 8 horses, 3 dogs, 3 chickens, and 8 cats, so I'm conserving the energy I would expend trying to push a wheelbarrow through the drift that forms immediately out the back door. Even if I plow with the tractor, by the time I finish stalls the drift is back. So I came up with this idea. When the storm is over I can pull the tractor up to each back door then just huck it in.

Meanwhile, my LGDs and sheltie LOVE the snow!

Friend of the family and farm, Se'a Manion started visiting about a year and a half ago. She started by coming to visit ...

Friend of the family and farm, Se'a Manion started visiting about a year and a half ago. She started by coming to visit Toulouse while he was on stall rest. After he was gone, she continued to visit the ponies, every week, with carrots and apples. Here are a few pics she captured, last week!

See ya soon, Se'a 🥰


Lena Voronovich taught Brownie how to PARK next to a mounting block! Nice job, Lena!! I think this is just his 2nd session. He picks new things up quickly.


Just taking a liberty walk with Brownie and trying to come up with a plan to find him the perfect home.

I'm thinking of offering an intern position where the intern (and buyer of this amazing guy) would learn to train their own horse, from the ground up. This would be great for someone who wants to learn how to start their own horse under saddle and to cart.

Not quite sure how to word it. I've been kicking it around in my head. I'm thinking of the gals who grew up riding their parents' horses and are ready to own their own but don't have $6k for a trained horse and don't quite have the skill set to start their own horse.

Friends and followers, what do you think of my idea?


"Don't rush them out of their confidence or into a panic". Well said, Gary Docking (Mr Private Driving)

This is why we spend so much time on groundwork. Specifically, retraining Captain after his accident. He was very easily overloaded. We took lots and lots of time reintroducing the harness because even wearing it caused him anxiety. We continue to help him work through his PTSD but taking the extra months made all the difference. (It did not help that he was not trained properly in the beginning. I strongly feel that his accident never would have occurred had he gone through proper conditioning and education. But he's here now and we are getting him where he needs to go and one day he will make an amazing lesson. Pony.)

SQUEAL!!!! JUST FOUND PICS FROM MY FIRST DRIVING COMPETITION, in New England!!!!! (Summer between 5th and 6th grade, so ...

SQUEAL!!!! JUST FOUND PICS FROM MY FIRST DRIVING COMPETITION, in New England!!!!! (Summer between 5th and 6th grade, so '84ish).

I'm driving Barbie, a Welsh Mountain Pony (like Lautrec) with my trainer, Hannah Howard Altman. At this show I did a drive then ride class. As it sounds, we started driving then left the ring, unhitched, tacked up, then rode. It was a huge, open class with horses and ponies. Well I cleaned my tack the night before. Fresh clean, oiled saddle...... But forgot the stirrup leathers at home! I rode without stirrups on a slippery saddle and still took 5th!!!!

I bought Lautrec in 2024, 40 years after driving my first Welsh pony 😜 damn I'm old 🤷😎

Gawd, thinking back to that summer, I 'gatored for her and messed up our timing and cost us on marathon.... Live and learn, I was 11🤷


Brrrrr nobody wanted to leave the barn this AM

Monet, the red mare, I'm calling momma in the video, is 36 (est.) this year. She's Cezanne's momma, arriving to the farm pregnant, in 2014. She looks damn good for 36.

Notice the irregular hair growth on her checks and chin? That concerns me as that is a symptom of Cushing's. We've tested her, in the past, but she's been negative and we've never had any other symptoms, other than this weird growth. I'm not going to test, though. I'm not restricting her from the herd/pasture life she loves. If the day comes that she can't be on grass or suffers chronic laminitis, we won't restrict we'll say goodbye.

Right now, though she's moving slower, she's the Queen of the herd. She's the boss of them all. Not 1 single horse, including Cezanne, the as***le, threatens her position as Queen S**t of it All.

She lives to eat and is holding her weight. Honestly, though, I think she continues to look great because she's regularly exercised. We don't let her just sit around and waste away. A couple times a week she gets 10 minutes of jog work, with Picasso. Or worked at liberty in the arena. She still kicks up her heels and is athletic.... Just slow.


Miss Fiora goes to the big arena.

She had a visit from her momma on Wednesday and that was a big day for her. She was able to lead and groom her. The following days, though, she was more challenging to catch. Even today it took about 15 minutes to get the line hooked on her. And that was why I opted not to let her loose, today.

Instead, we did some lunging. I managed her nerves about her surroundings by making her move her feet. This is something we do several times a week, in her paddock. This is not new. She is not frightened by the swinging line. I work spinning it and tossing it over her body, every day.

She is historically challenging to get going clockwise, today she turned up the difficulty level but we got it, in the end. I included all of each video that was taken. After today, I don't have it in me to edit.
The videos are not in order. Between Mariah uploading then me downloading and posting I'm really not sure what order is correct, so I commented on each one.

I'm trying to simultaneously move into a position such that a triangle forms from her face to me to her tail and apply pressure to drive her forward. As you can see, if I'm not in the proper position and add pressure, she backs away. Because this is her tough side, she's resistant to allow me access on that side.

I restarted several times. Allowed her to stop, relax, drop her head, and luck& chew. Next, I approach her right side, rubbing down her neck and body. Getting her ok with me on that side. Once there, I add pressure from the rope (typically just swinging it towards her).

We finally got it!


3440 Mountain View Road
Ferndale, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm




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Our Story

Wyndover Farm is a small, private training and boarding facility in Ferndale, WA.

OUR FACILITY: The farm is located on 8 acres of fenced and cross-fenced pastures. Our main barn was renovated in 2016 and has 7 large (10X16) stalls with paddocks. Stalls are furnished with stall cams accessible from phone app (with logon info) allowing for 24/7 viewing. During winter/cold months, water buckets are heated. The main barn has a large ‘Tack Sanctuary’ with plenty of room for your tack. It is also furnished with a fireplace, sofa, utility table and entertainment center -- a great place to cool off, warm up, chill out, hide out, and relax before/after your ride. Our foaling barn also stores our hay for the farm. It is outfitted with a single, large foaling stall that can be divided into two stalls. The foaling barn is attached to it’s own grassy paddock. There are 8 hot-fenced pastures, our horses are kept together as a herd. Boarders have the option of pasturing with our herd or pasturing in a individual pasture.

WORK/PLAY AREA: We enjoy a 20m X 50m fenced arena, a 60 ft roundpen, and a 60X60 lighted ring. The property is set up to allow for property-wide riding/driving/jumping circuit during the dry months. From our property, we have access to 30+ acres of open fields, great for hacking. From these fields we also have access to Lake Terrell Wild life Area -- 1,500-acre area including a 500-acre man-made, shallow lake and features lots of trail riding/exploring options.