Lone Star Legends Mastiffs

Lone Star Legends Mastiffs Breeders of exceptional quality, healthy AKC registered English Mastiff Dogs We are a small breeder of AKC registered English Mastiffs.

Home of UnBOOlievable Purebred AKC Quality English Mastiffs raised for health, beauty and temperament as family pets and companions. To date, we have owned 15 purebred Mastiffs in as many years. Over that time, as our love for the breed has grown, so has our desire and commitment to produce quality Mastiffs so other's can share the joy we've known over the years. We have carefully selected and exp

anded the quality, beauty and color range of our dogs over the years and English Mastiff is our dog of choice. Known as "Gentle Giants", Mastiffs have been the preferred choice for generations of Royalty, due to their inate ability to offer protection for their Master, yet maintain good temperament and be a loyal and faithful companion. Though large in stature, Mastiffs' gentle nature generally make them wonderful family pets, as well an excellent choice for those requiring a medical alert or a service dog. Each of our breeding dogs are health tested and AKC registered, along with registration of any litters they may produce. More importantly, they are also each members of our family from procurement to death. All puppies are socialized with both pets and people, from young to old.

THE DREAM THAT MANY WILL NOT UNDERSTAND:My Dogs are my personal dream.One day when I am very old and when I cannot walk ...


My Dogs are my personal dream.
One day when I am very old and when I cannot walk anymore, it will be in my heart as a trophy of my memories.

Every time I am with my dogs, I think about how wonderful they are.

I stopped talking about it to those who do not understand, and I learned to communicate with others of the same mindset.

I have met some amazing people I now call friends from all over this big world because of my dogs. We are bound together by unbreakable threads of loving companionship, joyful barking, the patter of paws on floors, the quiet breathing of dogs at peace.

I spent money that I did not have, giving up many things, but all these things are not worth even one special moment with my dogs.

They are not just a pet or a thing that I own, they are the lost part of my soul and my spirit.

And when someone says to me: "It's just a dog", ... I do not answer. I just swing my head and smile.

A dog..... only the person who loves them understands it.

Wishing good Karma to my friends and all their dogs...

And the adventure continues. .

Warning- Brag Post!!Another awesome show in the books! Despite being long, hot and tiresome show, this dynamic due produ...

Warning- Brag Post!!

Another awesome show in the books! Despite being long, hot and tiresome show, this dynamic due produced excellent results. J&P K9 This Girl Is On FIRE! (aka Blaze) took 3 Winners Bitch, 3 Best of Breed, 2 Group 1 Adult and a BEST IN SHOW.

Not be be outdone with little training at her 1st show, baby sister Mama's Fifty Shades of Grey Mistess of Mayhem (aka Maya) took 2 Reserve Winners, 1 Winners Bitch, 2 Best of Breed Jr, 1 Best of Breed, 2 Group 1 Jr, 2 Group 2 Adult.

Special thanks to Stacey Johnson John Seibel International Canine Kennel Club, Judge Ken Hapgood (tough judge and our harshest critic) for Blaze's BIS along with all the other judges for our awards at Sunday's show, and Kristen Bow and others for "back up" handling.
Patty Vargas
Elesha Pledger


I'm not crying 😢😭

True story...

True story...

If I passed before my dog(s), I would ask for permission to return just to say goodbye; to let my dog(s) know that God called me, and that I didn't abandon them.

I would tell them I want them to take care of themself (and each other), and that in the meantime, I'll be waiting for them.

I would give them one last kiss, one last hug, and tell them that they are the best things that have ever happened to me. That I have loved each with all my heart & I've loved them the most.

If I pass first, give me permission to tell them that. And especially to tell them that when we finally meet again, it will be forever.

- Anonymous


This made me LOL

Dear Customer,

Congratulations on acquiring your Mastiff .

Please find the instructions for your particular model listed below:

Although your Mastiffs comes fully assembled, due to particular issues during production, we do occasionally have issues with components such as screws. They invariably are either loose or missing altogether.

Mode 1: This is the sleep mode, activated for the majority of the day as the Mastiff ages. This is normal and you should not worry about it, just accept the peace and quiet while you can.

Mode 2: Anarchy. Although we have tried to ease the effect of anarchy mode, it’s not always possible. There are inherent issues with the timer settings of anarchy mode in regards to there being none. Should your Mastiff suddenly go from comatose to running around the walls, we cannot stop this feature.

Sunlight: Do not allow your Mastiff to stay in the sun too long. They can burn if left unattended but they also recharge. Too much of a charge and mode 2 can be activated without warning.

Energy consumption: This has been an ongoing issue as their energy consumption is too direct. We have tried to put baffles, non return valves and diversions in place but none seem to work adequately. Safe to say what goes in comes out, in both solids and gas. The gas, although noxious, can only inhibit breathing of the owner for up to ten minutes.

Naming: Your Mastiff comes untitled as we feel owners should use names of their own. If you are unsure, we have listed below a few names our owners like to use:
You’re kidding me
Is that yours?
Don’t you dare
Ok, you
Put that down
Get that out of your mouth

The zipper: We ask you not to try to open a Mastiffs zipper on their back as this will invalidate your one hour warranty. Rumours that they are merely toddlers in a dog suit is highly contested.

Software: Your Mastiff is pre-installed with the highest software and hardware. This includes the loyalty chip, the steal the dinner chip, fun chip, the guarding chip and, of course, the highly popular mayhem chip. They are all running on the Whatthehell operating system 12.2. Although this has been in circulation for many years, we have found it simply cannot be improved upon.

Should you have any queries you can reach us on 1800-what-did-I-do

Thank you.

We hope you have many years of enjoyment with your Mastiff

Please be aware that by the time you have read this, your warranty will have run out.
Unfortunately, we do not renew warranties and we do not offer refunds or returns..ever. It’s your problem now.

**borrowed from elsewhere**



Come out Saturday to meet J&P K9's Heaven With a Wild Side - aka The Mighty Rampage!!

Come out Saturday to meet J&P K9's Heaven With a Wild Side - aka The Mighty Rampage!!

Absolutely the hardest thing that comes with owning a pet, and yet we are there every single time, if possible. They are...

Absolutely the hardest thing that comes with owning a pet, and yet we are there every single time, if possible. They are our family and that was our commitment “to the end”. I can’t imagine one of my dogs leaving me if they could be there and roles were reversed.



Message from Administrator Chad Hudson:

We want to make you aware! 🐍
Please watch where you walk between now and early November... be sure to keep an eye out while walking with your children and walking your pet....and wear shoes!
This is prime time baby copperheads are born with venom and will strike to defend themselves.
Snakes are generally not aggressive, but they will bite if they are touched or stepped on.
It is wise not to reach under bushes, around rocks or flower pots without looking first.
Copperhead snakes like damp places, so they could be found under children’s toys or dog dishes.
This is just a reminder to keep aware of you and your loved ones surroundings when out and about.


For all the members who have lost their babies recently...💔💔
How your vet sees euthanasia.....

So, you bring me this puppy - she kisses my face, devours the cookies I offer, and our friendship starts.

Several visits later, he starts to learn where all the cookie jars are in the clinic, and that lady in the white coat, well she’s okay....

Fast forward many visits later, now I am in love with your dog and your whole family because, well, you are just really really good people and I have not only watched that pup turn into a really sweet family member, but I got to watch the kids grow every year and be a very small part of your journey.

Remember that time she ate your teenage daughter’s thong underwear? 😝😝😝 yeah we all had a good laugh over that once surgery was done and she was recovered. Your daughter probably never forgave me for bagging that up and showing the whole fam-jam when they came to pick her up from the clinic.

So many adventures, so little time.....

And here we are, fifteen or so odd years later, having to say goodbye.

He’s got heart disease and I can’t fix it anymore. She’s got cancer and there is no cure. He has arthritis and the meds just aren’t working. I want her to live forever for you. I want that so badly it hurts. I feel like I have failed him and you when I have run out of options to keep them, and you, comfortable and happy.

So now it’s time, and I am supposed to be professional. Objective. I am the doctor. Calm. Cool. Collected. Always under control.

F~*k that.

I have known you and her for a third of my life, and most of my professional career.

But I keep it together. My superhuman amazing technicians have put the catheter in. My support staff from reception to assistants have done all the paperwork. Trust me they may not show it but their hearts are breaking for you. They have been there. They know. And they know you and care about you too.

And I have the needle in the pocket of my white coat. The same pocket that was always full of treats for him. I take a deep yoga breath and come into the room. Gotta stay strong now.......

She’s giving me that sweet look she always does, the one that is followed by puppy kisses and a glance at the cookie jar. But she is too weak now. She is ready. You are not. I am not. But this s**t has to happen because we love her too much to let her suffer.

She would keep going as long as we asked her too. But we can’t ask her to anymore. It’s not fair to her. I wish our human hearts could be so giving all the time. I wish I could be the person my dog thinks I am. I wish I wish i wish I could find a way for them to live forever. But I don’t have those magical powers. I am just a vet.

So we kiss him back, not much left of his body that still works, but that old tail wags, just enough that I lose my s**t on the inside but I try not to cry. Gotta stay strong.

Her body relaxes, she is in your arms and your are sobbing. Another family has lost one of its most cherished members. I put my stethoscope to her heart to make sure it has stopped but she is held so tight to your chest that maybe that is your heart I hear pounding or maybe it’s mine and all the blood rushing through my ears as I try so so so hard not to turn into a blubbering mess.

Confirmed, he has passed. You lay him gently on the table and we hug tightly as you go to leave.

The door closes behind you and I don’t know if you hear this, but I sob hysterically into your pets ear. She is gone, he will be missed, and you have to face what I know will be one of the hardest parts of today.

Entering that house and they are not there to greet you.

Please know that I know how you feel. As you leave the clinic I just wish with every fibre of my being that you never had to face that. I wish they could live forever.

And please know, I am so grateful that I was a small part of your journey.

Love always, Your vet.


This is being shared as a precaution from another poster.

Saturday night I got home late and my dog didn't recognize me. Being a nanny I thought I woke him up and he was having a night terror. Sunday, he was still acting weird. I realized that I had been running my new diffuser and decided to turn it off. Sunday afternoon, he was feeling better.

Today at work, my dog sitter said that he wouldn't come out from under the bed. It was very odd as he is a happy dog.

I came from work early and again, he was very confused about who I was.

So I took him to emergency vet.

It turns out that the tea tree oil I was using in the diffuser is toxic for dogs. Thankfully the test showed that his liver was ok but we weren't out of the woods yet. He was given fluids under his skin to get the toxins out.

The vet and the poison control are saying that they see these cases often now that the popularity of essential oil is growing.

Please make sure that the essential oils you are burning are not toxic for your pets.

Here is a list of essential oils not to use if you have a dog at home

Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
Birch (Betula)
Bitter Almond (Prunus dulcis)
Boldo (Peumus boldus)
Calamus (Acorus calamus)
Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Cassia (Cassia fistula)
Chenopodium (Chenopodium album)
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Goosefoot (Chenopodium murale)
Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
Hyssop (Hyssopus sp. with the exception of Decumbens)
Juniper (Juniperus sp. with the exception of Juniper Berry)
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
Mustard (Brassica juncea)
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
Red or White Thyme
Rue (Ruta graveolens)
Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus)
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Savory (Satureja)
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Terebinth (Pistacia palaestina)
Thuja (Thuja occidentalis)
Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Please share this story as it may save someones precious furry family member!


The Circle is a short film about the relationship of a man, Ford NIxon, and his puppy, Chief. With a slight twist at the end, this emotional short film is al...



There's A LOT more to it than just a quick trot in a circle and standing pretty for the judge - that's just what it look...

There's A LOT more to it than just a quick trot in a circle and standing pretty for the judge - that's just what it looks like from the outside!

Here's how they know you should never put liver in your pantyhose—and why that Busy Bee scene in 'Best in Show' may not be so far-fetched.

A Doberman, a Poodle and a Mastiff died and are all standing in front of God at the entrance to the kingdom of heaven ❤G...

A Doberman, a Poodle and a Mastiff died and are all standing in front of God at the entrance to the kingdom of heaven ❤
God asks all three, what they believe in?
The Doberman says: "I believe in discipline, training and loyalty to my owner."
"Good," says God, "take a seat on my right side."
"Poodle, what do you believe in?" Asked God.
The Poodle answers: "I believe in love and care from my owner as well as peace in the world."
"Ah," God said, "You can take a seat to my left side."
Then he looked at the Mastiff: "And what do you believe in?"
The Mastiff just stood there, looked at him with a loving stare and answered :
"I believe you're sitting in my seat!" 😂😂


Forney, TX





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