This art is about capturing a moment in time and being true to anatomy. The whitetail deer is so much more than many old dusty taxidermy deer heads convey. My passion is bringing to life the true look and essence of these animals. This specific buck was 9 years old. Not only was he huge, but he had specific features that needed sculpted back in. Just like every deer mount needs. They're all different and unique. I was able to use many trail cam and specimen photos as reference for this deer, and it is very satisfying to see him look as he once did.
#taxidermy #artist #tannerswildlifeartistry #kansastaxidermist #taxidermyart #highqualitytaxidermy #wildlifeart #wildlifeartist
My review of the Naked Buck Head product Naked Bull Head XL. Check them out for your next detachable antler mount option, whether it's a giant bull elk and you need it for ease of transportation or you have some shed antlers you want mounted.
#tannerswildlifeartistry #nakedbuckhead #nakedbullhead #detachableantlers #supportsmallbusiness #taxidermy #taxidermist
Watch as I taxidermy a wallaby!
#taxidermy #taxidermyart #taxidermylife #taxidermist #wildlifeart #wildlifeartistry #wildlifeartist #tannerswildlifeartistry #wallaby #redneckedwallaby #marsupial #kangaroo #wallabytaxidermy #marsupialtaxidermy #exoticanimals #Australia #newzealand #newzealandhunting #australiahunting #timelapse #art #animalart #highqualitytaxidermy #oddities
I put together an incredible whitetail buck today.
#taxidermy #taxidermist #tannerswildlifeartistry #highqualitytaxidermy #timelapse #taxidermyart #taxidermylife #taxidermistsofinstagram #deer #deertaxidermy #deermount #deerseason2023 #deerhunting #hunting #whitetailbuck #whitetailhunting #whitetaileddeer #whitetail
Anyone else love big bucks in velvet?
#tannerswildlifeartistry #taxidermy #taxidermyart #taxidermist #highqualitytaxidermy #workinprogress #wildlifeart #wildlifeartistry #whitetailhunting #whitetailbuck #whitetaileddeer #whitetail #velvet #velvetantlers #earlyseasonwhitetail #kansaswhitetail #kansashunting #southeastkansastaxidermy #hunting
They're called "Shoulder Mounts" for a reason. Save yourself the worry and let me cape your deer for $50 at Tanner's Wildlife Artisty.
#taxidermy #taxidermist #highqualitytaxidermy #southeastkansastaxidermy #tannerswildlifeartistry #smallbuisnessowner #supportsmallbusiness #skinning #shouldermount
Join me in the process of putting together a coyote table pedestal.
#taxidermy #taxidermist #taxidermyart #wildlifeart #wildlifeartist #wildlifeartistry
The long process of putting together a competition whitetail mount with my first Missouri archery buck.
#taxidermyart #wildlifeartist #wildlifeartistry #tannerswildlifeartistry
Just finished this huge stud of a whitetail. Complete with a custom cave wall art back for this wall pedestal.
#taxidermy #taxidermyart #taxidermist #whitetail #whitetailhunting #whitetailbuck #bowhunting #deermount #wallpedestal #wildlifeartist #tannerswildlifeartistry #southeastkansastaxidermy
Creating a custom design on a turkey tail plaque. Want something like this done for your turkey? I can do any wildlife (flora/fauna) art for your plaque. Just request a custom design and have a unique display created for your trophy.
#taxidermist #taxidermyart #wildlifeartist #taxidermy #turkeyhunting #turkey #turkeyseason #art #woodburning #woodart
Last mount I did in 2022. Mounted this Kansas giant on a slightly altered upright-straight form. Looking forward to what 2023 has to offer. Happy New Year!
#tannerswildlifeartistry #taxidermy #taxidermist #taxidermyart #wildlifeartistry #wildlifeartist
Just put together this very old whitetail buck. His estimated age was 7.5 years old. I had to put a lot of effort into the claywork to show his age. Every deer is different!
#taxidermy #taxidermyart #taxidermist #wildlifeartistry #tannerswildlifeartistry #whitetaildeer #whitetailbuck #whitetail #deer #deermount #shouldermount #southeastkansastaxidermy