Breezy Equine

Breezy Equine Equine Massage Therapy / Training

Yesterday, I laid my sweet girl to rest. I’m struggling with the words to explain how much this horse means to me, and I...

Yesterday, I laid my sweet girl to rest. I’m struggling with the words to explain how much this horse means to me, and I can’t believe she’s gone. It may sound silly to some, but Remi shaped who I am today and brought some of the most important people into my life. She taught me patience, she taught me to never give up, and she taught me a whole new level of love and dedication. She gave me 8 of the most incredible years of my life; but forever wouldn’t have been enough. She was so strong & such a fighter. She would have never given up. Although she wasn’t the most snuggly mare, I never doubted for a second that she loved me and knew how much I loved her back. I made a promise to her 8 years ago that she would never know another bad day, and as much as it has pained me to let her go, I know in my heart that I’m saving her from ever feeling another day of pain.

We had so many visitors over the last two weeks, and we could feel every ounce of love.

Remi, I hope heaven is filled with endless mike n Ike’s (mostly tropical ones), oatmeal cookies & circus peanuts. Thank you for letting me love you ♥️

If you have a favorite Remi memory, please feel free to share.

Sheza Classy Breeze

I have some availability in the next few weeks for massage!! Let’s get your horses feeling their best 🥰

I have some availability in the next few weeks for massage!! Let’s get your horses feeling their best 🥰

Prayers to this sweet client of mine that has turned into a friend ♥️She lost her mare last night after a rough couple o...

Prayers to this sweet client of mine that has turned into a friend ♥️

She lost her mare last night after a rough couple of weeks. Madie is the worlds best owner and Rhythm loved her so much.

We bonded over our mares ability to always somehow be sick or hurt at the same time. Rhythm was a sweet and goofy girl who would do anything for her human. She will be missed 💔💔 Madie Ruth Vessels

I haven’t updated in a hot minute, but some major life updates happened! I got married 2 weeks ago so on top of trying t...

I haven’t updated in a hot minute, but some major life updates happened! I got married 2 weeks ago so on top of trying to save my baby Remi, I was super busy finishing up final touches on the wedding. Spent a week in Montana with my now HUSBAND (so weird to say😂) and now I’m back, slowly getting back to my routine.

Meanwhile, Remi has since been re tested and came back negative for EHV1, and got to go outside! She’s pretty stiff so we will have a heck of a rehab going on but I’m so proud of how hard she fought.

The past 2 months have been insane. We unfortunately ended up losing 5 horses to the virus and it’s been absolutely gut wrenching. We all are so appreciative of the prayers and support. I wish we could rewind time and make sure this never happened. 😭

I’ve been dreading making this post for the last few days now. 2 weeks ago on Wednesday, my personal mare Remi presented...

I’ve been dreading making this post for the last few days now.

2 weeks ago on Wednesday, my personal mare Remi presented with onset of neurological symptoms. It was the most bizarre thing that even the vet was puzzled by. She couldn’t walk without tripping over her hind feet, she couldn’t urinate on her own, and had loss of sensation from roughly L2 and back. We got the dreaded phone call on the Monday following that she was positive for EHV-1, which is Equine Herpes Virus, and she her symptoms were EHM. (Equine HerpesVirus Myeloencephalopathy: the neurological disease associated with EHV-1)

She has been in isolation since, along with 5 other horses from our farm that have also presented with symptoms. We have unfortunately lost 4. We have no idea where this came from, how it happened, or who will be next. (Praying we have no new cases as we immediately followed the correct steps to try to isolate this terrible illness)

Each time a new horse presents, our 28 days of isolation restart.

I cannot, with any amount of good conscious, bring a new horse into this area. We are hoping and praying the virus stays contained within our farm and has not spread to farms across our region, but the scary thing is that we won’t know for maybe weeks to months if it has spread.

With that being said, I am unfortunately going to withdraw from competing in this years ATFO. I’m heartbroken as I was really looking forward to making another Riddle and giving another horse a fair shot at life. I’m sure someday I will be back. For now, I’ll focus on getting my sweet Remi girl and all of her friends back to health. ♥️♥️

🌟 Can’t wait to do this again 🌟

🌟 Can’t wait to do this again 🌟

I’m so excited to announce that I was invited back to compete in the 2022 ATFO!!I have some favorites already, but who a...

I’m so excited to announce that I was invited back to compete in the 2022 ATFO!!

I have some favorites already, but who are yours?!

It’s been a while since we posted about Miss Cookie, but her adopter sent an update so I figured I’d share 🙂“Cookie is t...

It’s been a while since we posted about Miss Cookie, but her adopter sent an update so I figured I’d share 🙂

“Cookie is thriving. She has 3 boyfriends that LOVE her (they cry when she leaves the pasture or passes them in their stalls at night). She's getting confident and comfortable with a regular care routine - grooming, hoof care, walks. She's been seen once by the farrier and it looks like the intermittent lameness is likely due to some imbalances in the hoof. She's due again in another couple weeks, but I've been treating for thrush regularly and we're seeing some healthy frog growth! Training-wise I'm taking it slow to make sure she's physically comfortable first. Mostly focusing on creating a routine. She's pretty consistently able to be caught and will graduate to not needing a turnout halter soon! She is very picky but I've found a gut supplement and calming supplement she likes that should help with her sensitive tummy (suspected ulcers but I don't want to subject her to a scope). We're anticipating spring vaccinations and likely a dental soon. Meanwhile she'll get to keep eating free choice hay and whatever I can convince her is good. She enjoys pampering - grooming, hair braiding, etc. She's very clever and talkative so she lets me know what's going on. She loves treats and most especially apples. I love her to pieces and hopefully she feels the same!”

I’m so happy she’s doing so well, from the minute I met her adopter I felt at ease. She was so patient with her and I knew she’d be a great home that Cookie would do so well in. This is what it’s all about!! ♥️♥️



This is so important!!

This is so important!!

Response vs Reaction
Being able to tell the difference between each of these “answers” that a horse gives us is a big deal. For example, when you put your leg on your horse to ask them step to away, do they respond to your leg? Or react to your leg?

A reaction would be seen as a horse who is fearful of the leg, and immediately moves away in an effort to “dodge” the pressure. This type of answer can easily be accepted for riders and “seem correct.” Reactions to any cue or aid in our horses tells us that the animal is fearful of asks and not confident in the communication we have with them. Any type of “reaction” to a cue/aid will cause tightness through the body. The tightness caused from this will most certainly affect any maneuver and how the horse orchestrates it.

A true good response with our horse is when we ask something, and they immediately respond with confidence and relaxation. At this stage we know that we have 1. Asked correctly and 2. That our horse is truly confident in what we are asking and what is being asked of them.
For instance, when a horse responds well to leg, they don’t feel the need to tighten muscles, or brace against it, instead they will be able to use their body fluently and without stiffness making for much better maneuvers. Keep in mind, reactions vs response happens with any and all of our cues. We have just used the leg today as an example.

In the early stages of our training, reaction can happen. It’s our job to keep going with our horse and teach them how to respond. The way in which we ask, is key here. Use your pressures steady and rhythmic. Ask lightly first, and only increase as needed. Being sure to increase your pressure incrementally and with rhythm. Sporadic pressure will ALWAYS result in confusion and anxiety from our horse.

Our job as trainers and riders is to teach the horse that when we apply pressure, that’s it’s only information. When they are confident in “how we ask” they will be always seek to find the right answer through relaxation, rather than panic to find the right answer through fear.

We’ve been quiet!Spending the winter training my personal horse, planning a wedding, and waiting til the next ATFO 😍Meet...

We’ve been quiet!

Spending the winter training my personal horse, planning a wedding, and waiting til the next ATFO 😍

Meet Belle. A coming 12 year old solid paint pony, who was weaned from her mom at age 7, a few months before I got her from a friend. She was put on the back burner for a bit but it’s her turn to get her fancy buttons tuned up and man, she is fun!! My mom and I own her, and hope to show her at some Ranch Horse shows this year!


The Appalachian Trainer Face Off is looking for Professional Trainers to Apply to be considered for the ATFO!

We have been flooded with amateur applications, and we are super stoked about it, as we have many horses for that division, but we are looking to increase the number of professional applicants!

So we have increased the CASH prize for the Pro Division Champion to $5,000, in addition to the 50% adoption fee of their horse and other prizes.

Beyond the awards, Heart of Phoenix has a social media platform that, combined, reaches over 100k very engaged horse people worldwide, as well as being part of a feature series on Horse.TV

Pick up of the competition horses is May 3rd in Winfield, WV and the competition is Aug 18-20 in the same location.

You can learn more at

What do we look for in a Professional Candidate?

Trainers will be over 25 years old (exceptions made if ALL other elements are met), have a solid history of success training difficult / problem and feral horses, have extensive client references, have a popular and established social media platform with good photo and video content showing good marketing, and most importantly, submit training and horsemanship videos that clearly appear competitive in professional division for this competition (we want to see evidence that the applicant has a similar skill set to previous division champions).

We are still accepting applications for BOTH Divisions through April 1st, and we will pick the TOP 15 applicants, based on merit of application and skill demonstrated, by April 15th.

Both Divisions have CASH awards from 1-3rd place and receive 50% of the adoption fees paid at the adoption event on August 20th.

Base adoption fees will be $1,200 for Amateur Division and $1,500 for Pro Divisions. Top 3 performers in Freestyle performances in each division will be able to set a RESERVE for their horses (if those trainers will accept those horses back for more training if they do not adopt).

There are also awards for best Turned out horse (best groomed / tacked and conditioned horse) and the best BEFORE and After transformation (giving consideration to those who select horses in sub-par condition at pick up and rehab the horse), as well a social media marketing and fan favorite!

While I was SO excited and happy to deliver Cookie to her new home, the absolute highlight of the trip was seeing Riddle...

While I was SO excited and happy to deliver Cookie to her new home, the absolute highlight of the trip was seeing Riddle, her new family, and Susan ♥️♥️

They have done an incredible job with continuing continuing her training. I’m so proud of both her and her mom ♥️

Welcome home Cookie!! I couldn’t be happier for her and her new mom. I will miss her sweet little face in the barn, but ...

Welcome home Cookie!!

I couldn’t be happier for her and her new mom. I will miss her sweet little face in the barn, but this is what it’s all about. She walked confidently into her new field and looks happy as ever. Enjoy the warm weather sweet girl! ♥️

Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue, INC

On our way to deliver cookie to her new mama!!

On our way to deliver cookie to her new mama!!

How CUTE is Riddle?! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

How CUTE is Riddle?! Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Decorated our stalls for Christmas!!!

Decorated our stalls for Christmas!!!

HUGE thank you to Summit Equestrian Center for allowing us to haul in and use the heated wash rack to wash out our crust...

HUGE thank you to Summit Equestrian Center for allowing us to haul in and use the heated wash rack to wash out our crusty tail!!!

I didn’t get any good pictures so this one will have to do 😂😂

Cookie was the most brave pony there ever was tonight. Loaded right on the trailer, walked in the barn like she’d been there a million times, allowed me to wash her butt (which she is not a fan of me touching) AND loaded back into the trailer in the dark. So proud of her and how she handles scary things ♥️♥️

Happy Holidays from Breezy Equine!From now until 12/25, massage bundles will be on sale. A package of 3 will now be avai...

Happy Holidays from Breezy Equine!

From now until 12/25, massage bundles will be on sale. A package of 3 will now be available for $135, which is $45 worth of savings!

Must be paid within 24 hours of purchase, and massages must be used within 6 months.

Treat your horses now so they can feel their best by spring & show season!

Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

Happy National Day of the Horse!! I am so lucky to have loved some of the best horses ♥️ they’ve each taught me so much ...

Happy National Day of the Horse!!

I am so lucky to have loved some of the best horses ♥️ they’ve each taught me so much and I cherish every moment I get to spend at the barn.

Let me see your horses!!

Also most of these amazing pictures are by Jodi Sargent Photography 🥰

Sweet Cookie girl has a potential adopter drive all the way from North Carolina to meet her last weekend!! Fingers cross...

Sweet Cookie girl has a potential adopter drive all the way from North Carolina to meet her last weekend!! Fingers crossed everything checks out and she’ll head to her new home soon ♥️♥️

In the meantime, we’re continuing to work on basic ground work and picking up our feet. This girl holds onto her tension and it is VERY hard to get her to let go. But we’ll get there… eventually. 🙂

Cookie is just so darn cute!!I’ve been trying to think of different levels of sponsorship opportunities, but I’m not the...

Cookie is just so darn cute!!

I’ve been trying to think of different levels of sponsorship opportunities, but I’m not the most creative person. Sponsorships help eliminate costs for the rescue so that they can use those funds to help other horses in need. Heart of Phoenix pays for Cookies board monthly, and I’m working with her on my own time for free, however the more we raise to cover cookies monthly costs, the more funds Heart of Phoenix can dedicate to helping the other horses in their care. If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see in return for a sponsorship, even if it’s $5, please reach out to me. I’m grateful for any ideas!

Breezy Equine would like to say Happy Thanksgiving from the 4 legged Turkeys, Belle, Remi & Cookie!!So thankful for ever...

Breezy Equine would like to say Happy Thanksgiving from the 4 legged Turkeys, Belle, Remi & Cookie!!

So thankful for everyone’s constant support. Enjoy this time with your family & loved ones ♥️🦃

Cookie had THE BEST massage tonight!! All thanks to Rockin D Equine Therapies. She spent almost 2 hours on her, we plann...

Cookie had THE BEST massage tonight!! All thanks to Rockin D Equine Therapies. She spent almost 2 hours on her, we planned on just getting her comfortable with touch so that next time we could maybe make some bigger changes. Well this smart girl is such a thinker, and she would walk away if something was too much, then come right back to the magic hands when she was ready. She had some amazing releases and it was super cool to see the tension leaving her body ♥️


Slowly trying to win this girl over 😂 I gave her a week off just to be a horse, and today we’re back at it. Rubbed all over until she was comfortable with me walking away and reapproaching, picked up all 4 feet to clean them out, wiped up her gross butt, and just stood next to me while I talked to barn friends 🙂

She was yawning and sighing over and over which made me super happy, and also ate apples from our barn favorite, Donna Baker.

Here we are watching Kelly Steele, and hopefully learning through osmosis 😂😂

Cookie gets her first massage tomorrow with the amazinf Rockin D Equine Therapies. She worked wonders on riddle so I’m super excited to see what she has to say

Cookie would like to give a HUGE thank you to Diane Markellos for donating loose mineral, a weight builder, heated water...

Cookie would like to give a HUGE thank you to Diane Markellos for donating loose mineral, a weight builder, heated water bucket AND donating towards her farrier needs. That was such a kind donation and this sweet girl is pretty much set going into winter ❤️❤️

Cookie was SUCH a good girl today. We got good reports that they didn’t see anything serious and the vet thought she loo...

Cookie was SUCH a good girl today. We got good reports that they didn’t see anything serious and the vet thought she looked great. He watched the videos I had and, based on the way she presented today, believes that the lameness I am seeing could be related to the changes were making in her feet while trying to get her back to being balanced. So we will continue to take it slow and work on little things ♥️

If anyone is interested in donating to Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue, INC towards this vet bill, Cookie would greatly appreciate it!!


You can’t ask for much better than that!! Cookie and I head to Rood & Riddle in the morning to figure out why she’s been off since I brought her home. Positive vibes for an easy fix!!

Cookie wants to thank our good friend Emily Lyn for being such a kind sponsor and buying us treats and a bit for her fut...

Cookie wants to thank our good friend Emily Lyn for being such a kind sponsor and buying us treats and a bit for her future training!! Emily was also a sponsor for Riddle and we greatly appreciate her continued support and encouragement!!

As a reminder, we are still in need of monthly sponsors for board to help offset some costs for the rescue as well as farrier sponsors. Right now I’m paying $60 roughly every 2-3 weeks to get Cookies feet back to where they should be. If you’re interested in helping us please reach out!


Check out our updated wish list! Keep us in mind during your holiday shopping and when you are scoring those Black Friday deals. Remember, you can support us for free by using when you shop or selecting us at Kroger

Cookie got her first blanket today!!!

Cookie got her first blanket today!!!


A quiet evening at the barn tonight with Sweet Cookie Girl is just what I needed 🥰 we had a nice and calm session working with her feet. My farrier was out on Thursday and was so incredibly patient with her, and just kept reminding her that there’s nothing to worry about. We were able to get a pretty good trim on her front feet, and will continue working on her hinds. She allows me to touch her anywhere but she’s not relaxed about it by any means, so I spent tonight just rubbing all over and we had lots of big sighs. Slow is fast, and fast is slow. Repeating that over and over

Cookie wants everyone to know she’s being a good girl 🥰 we’ve been spending lots of time getting her feet worked with an...

Cookie wants everyone to know she’s being a good girl 🥰 we’ve been spending lots of time getting her feet worked with and getting her comfortable with handling them. They’re in need of lots of work, and she’s been fairly Ouchy on them, so getting them balanced is our #1 priority right now. She’s still looking for help to sponsor her board month to month. If you’re interested, please reach out!!

Wish list:

Cookie graduated to a big pasture today!

Cookie graduated to a big pasture today!

Just being a good girl!! Worked on picking up our feet & standing tied. My farrier came out last week to introduce himse...

Just being a good girl!! Worked on picking up our feet & standing tied. My farrier came out last week to introduce himself to her and made some small changes, but her feet are going to need some work to get them correct! He comes back Thursday so we’re going to spend some time each session working on lifting them

I have the best horse ever. Remi and Roller go to school!  My friend Simon is a teacher and asked if I could bring a hor...

I have the best horse ever. Remi and Roller go to school! My friend Simon is a teacher and asked if I could bring a horse to their schools Colonial Days so here we are!!

Cookie says “Hi I’m cute!”

Cookie says “Hi I’m cute!”


Fort Wayne, IN





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