Todd's Bernese Babies

Todd's Bernese Babies 5 girls and 4 boys


0 puppies left.

I have 2 girls and 1 boy left. They need forever homes

I have 2 girls and 1 boy left. They need forever homes

I have 4 boys and 5girls ready for forever homes june 22 nd.

I have 4 boys and 5girls ready for forever homes june 22 nd.

Just had new puppies April 25th. We have 5 girls and 4 boys. They're already eyes open and walking. Love our Army. Conta...

Just had new puppies April 25th. We have 5 girls and 4 boys. They're already eyes open and walking. Love our Army. Contact us to get your baby.

We are expecting a new litter of Berbers from Lily and Basil April 23. Now taking waiting list for your little Angels pu...

We are expecting a new litter of Berbers from Lily and Basil April 23. Now taking waiting list for your little Angels puppies. Call 765-714-5514 Cathy Todd to reserve your pup. Going fast.

Only this little guy left. 9 weeks old. Ready for a forever home. Call 765-714-5514

Only this little guy left. 9 weeks old. Ready for a forever home. Call 765-714-5514

Only 2 left. Green collar boy with great laybacked attitude and very playful Orange collar female left. Girl is the larg...

Only 2 left. Green collar boy with great laybacked attitude and very playful Orange collar female left. Girl is the largest of the females. They are waiting to go home to their forever homes. 2000. Limited reg 2500. For full registered for breeding.


Only 1 male and 2 females available now. Going quick. Reserve yours today. 7 weeks old today. 2000.for limited 2500. For full registered breeding rights.

Akc Bernie Puppies for sale. 2 males 2 females. Call 765-714-5514

Akc Bernie Puppies for sale. 2 males 2 females. Call 765-714-5514

These puppies were born 12-10-21. 2 boys 2 girls for sale. AKC reg. Ready for forever homes 2-10-22

These puppies were born 12-10-21. 2 boys 2 girls for sale. AKC reg. Ready for forever homes 2-10-22


Frankfort, IN





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