What is better in the world than 2 pasos playing on a fresh fall day? ❤️
A little bareback ground pole exercise!
Macarena and Avery rocked this 🥰
Emersyn and Fairy practicing simple lead changes tonight!
Emersyn just turned 10 yrs old and Fairy is a paso fino! They did so well with this and it was only their second time trying out this exercise.
We took a couple riders out to a little local saddle club show last night and we had a blast. ❤️
I'm so grateful for the opportunities this life gives me. Keep an eye out for camp photos tomorrow!
4 horses, 4 riders, 3 breeds, 3 different types of saddles.... we could say we're a little diverse here 😊
Here at our riding school we appreciate all horses...
Big and small
Sweet and spicy
Smooth and bouncy
I thought this would be a fun little comparison video between our tallest dude and one of our pasos!
One of our activities this week was to script, film, and edit an educational video!
Here's the last of 3. They had their choice of horse or no horse, which horse, and basically any thing. I just gave them topics.
Their topic was saddling a horse. Thank goodness Henry is a tolerant gentleman. They missed a strap on this saddle that none of our other saddles have, so just ignore that. But they did awesome
One of our activities this week was to script, film, and edit an educational video!
Here's the 2nd of 3. They had their choice of horse or no horse, which horse, and basically any thing. I just gave them topics.
Their topic was "horse safety."
I love this. When I asked what horse they wanted to use, they told me they were gonna be the horses as they didn't want to demonstrate unsafe behaviors with a real horse. They grow up so fast🥹
One of our activities this week was to script, film, and edit an educational video!
Here's the first of 3. They had their choice of horse or no horse, which horse, and basically any thing. I just gave them topics.
I love these kids. They came up with all of this.
I think Razzle was far more interested in eating grass than being a movie star but they managed🤣
When you get lemons make lemonade, right? We knew we had a windy day coming up for camp and when I went to the craft store Saturday I found these little foam unicorn planes on sale... I figured it would be hilarious, or disappointing or both... and both it was!
But we raced, and made it a competition with lots of laughs (mostly from me). It was a good day despite the wind ❤️
The beautiful macarena teaching a rider how to steer at a trot!
We love our horses. Macarena is a paso fino that we've owned since birth. ❤️🐎🦄
Campers racing around the world yesterday 😊