Before walking out the door, be sure to give your pet their MitoMaxⓇ Plant-Based probiotic supplement! Available for digestive (MitoMaxⓇ DH), urinary (MitoMaxⓇ UH), and hip & joint (MitoMaxⓇ JH) support.
ImagilinⓇ Technology specializes in developing innovative nutritional supplement applications for animals, and partner with veterinary experts to help develop cleaner, healthier supplements that are safe, effective, and held to a higher standard. MitoMax Ⓡ probiotic product lines complement antibiotic treatment and survive stomach acid. With a 2 year shelf-life and requires no refrigeration, MitoMax Ⓡ is a complete choice.
MitoMaxⓇ probiotic product lines include a plant-based, patented probiotic brand that supports your furry friends using the novel strain Pediococcus acidilactici NRRL B-50517 (Mito-5051 Ⓡ). Probiotics are offered as capsules or freeze dried treats, containing billions of live microorganisms! Mito-5051 Ⓡ may help with overall health related to digestion, stress, joints and hips, as well as urinary tract maintenance.
Discover the New Frontier of Pet Supplements. Purchase and learn more: www.mitopets.com