Return 2 Home Lost Pet Resources

Return 2 Home Lost Pet Resources Melissa and Laura are certified in lost pet rescue through MARN (Missing Animal Resource Network).

Melissa Felts and Laura Green are volunteers who help with lost pet situations, including humanely trapping, and/or advising the pet owners how to SAFELY get their pet home. They have an assortment of humane traps and cellular trail cameras that they use when trapping dogs and cats. Many of the lost pets can be brought safely home simply by their counseling the owners on what to do and what not to

do, based on the particular situation. If you would like assistance with your lost pet, please send a message. They will do their best to get back in touch with you within 24 hours. Your message should include your phone number, the address where the pet went missing from, a description of how the pet happened to go missing, the type of pet, it's age, and whether or not it is spayed/neutered.

Zoe is safe after a week-long adventure!  She's the one you saw get out of the trap last week! She ran off when she was ...

Zoe is safe after a week-long adventure! She's the one you saw get out of the trap last week! She ran off when she was with her family, off leash, at their son's house, and one of his dogs growled at her. After the trap mishap, there were no sightings for 2 days. Then, on day 3 there was a sighting just 3 houses down! She was in the yard, but a bird scared her and she ran to the woods. Laura and Zoe's dad met there a few hours later to move cameras around and set up feeding stations. I had just gotten home from having tables at the 208 Trail Sale and was exhausted. I let the dogs out, fed them, fed the cats, and sat on the sofa. Then, my phone started going off with notifications from the camera. I don't know if it's a problem with the app, or if it's due to reduced cell service in the area where the cameras were located, but I received about a dozen photos over a 15 minute period all at once. I looked, and it was Zoe! But, the last photo was Laura, who was pictured only 4 minutes after Zoe's last picture! I immediately called the owner, to verify that it was Zoe and not his son's male Shepherd, but he didn't answer the phone. So, I called Laura. She had figured that the notifications on her phone were because of her, so she hadn't looked at them. She pulled the video (it is in the comments) while I tried several more times to reach the owner. Once Laura got back to where he was she told him that I was trying to reach him. He had left his phone in the car. He got it and confirmed that it was Zoe. She had headed back towards the house where she was seen this morning. Laura had already spoken to the neighbors (apparently while Zoe was eating!) and found out the properties she was free to come and go on, and which ones she was not. So, she sent the owner to the house from the morning sighting and told him to go to the back yard and implement everything we had taught him about calming signals. In the meantime, Laura and I were planning the backup plan in case she was just too afraid to come out of the woods. I called Zoe's mom and asked her to come down with their other dog and to stay in the son's yard (where she escaped from to begin with). Nearly an hour passed, and I called Laura and asked if she had any news. She said that she had heard from the owner, and Zoe was going in and out of the woods. She was doing a bit of barking and a bit of howling. That's good! When dogs are scared, their brains "flip" in to fear/flight mode, and they no longer recognize familiar people right away. By her howling, and not leaving the area, it told me that something in her frozen/stuck brain had gotten through, and her brain was trying to get unstuck. It was taking long enough, that we were concerned that the owner was trying too hard, and paying her too much attention. So, Laura called him, but he didn't answer his phone. So, his wife called him. That's where it gets fuzzy as to what happened -- we think he answered the phone. Sometimes, simply taking your mind off of your focus for just a few seconds, like it takes to talk to someone on the phone, is all that is needed for the dog to become "normal" again. What we do know is that he said she finally recognized him and came racing out of the woods to him! Everyone shed tears of joy! Welcome home, Zoe!



🐾 Paws & Laws: The Truth About Lost Dogs 🐾

Let’s clear up some major misconceptions about what to do when you find a lost dog. We’ve seen a lot of “Facebook experts” giving advice that could actually get you into trouble, so let’s set the record straight.

Did you know that Stafford County Animal Shelter is required by law to exist? 🤔 According to Code of Virginia 3.2-6546, every county or city must maintain a public animal shelter. And why is that? Because the law also states that we must hold dogs running at large without the required tags or in violation of local ordinances in the shelter.

Did you catch that? We are REQUIRED to hold lost dogs IN THE SHELTER. 🏠

Many people think they’re doing the right thing by taking a found dog home and keeping it out of the shelter, but this is not correct! Stafford County Animal Shelter is an open-admission facility that is accessible to the public, increasing the chances of reuniting lost pets with their owners. Here’s what we do for each lost dog:

🔍 Microchip Scanning
📋 Cross-checking Lost Reports
📝 Maintaining a Record of Each Animal
🏠 Safely Housing Them for the Required Stray Period

So, how long do we hold them? The law says:

-5 Days for animals with no signs of ownership (no collar, microchip, tattoo, etc.).
-10 Days if there is any sign of ownership.

After this holding period, we can legally place the animal up for adoption. 🐾

Now, here’s something many don’t realize: If you find a dog and keep it, thinking it’s been abandoned, you could be in for a surprise. Even after months, if the rightful owner comes forward, they are legally entitled to have their dog back.

So, if you find a lost dog, bring it to us! Failure to do so is actually against the law. All dogs and cats are considered personal property in Virginia and may be the subject of larceny if unlawfully detained by a finder.

Additionally, Virginia Code 3.2-6551 states that any individual who finds a companion animal and (i) provides care or safekeeping or (ii) retains the companion animal in such a manner as to control its activities must, within 48 hours:

1️⃣ Make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner if the owner can be identified through any tag, license, collar, tattoo, or other form of identification.
2️⃣ Notify the public animal shelter that serves the locality where the companion animal was found, providing contact information, a description of the animal, and the location where the animal was found.

But it's important to note: That stray hold period does not begin until that animal is brought to the shelter.

We’re here to help reunite pets with their families, and by following the law, we can all do our part to make sure these animals find their way home.

Stay tuned for more in our "Paws & Laws" series! 🐕


Folks, we are not going to be available for trapping help for a few days -- we should be back to "normal" on Sunday, September 15. We will do our best to respond to messages in order to give advice, but our response time will be slower than normal. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Sorry if our cursing woke you, but this just happened. 😪. Well, I guess we'll have to set the Missy.


To whomever donated the Chewy gift card to us, THANK YOU!!!! They really come in handy!!


You all are awesome! Thanks for the good vibes! We FINALLY got her!

Ok, everyone. I need your help.  This cat went missing 18 days ago.  We became involved about a week ago, and got the ca...

Ok, everyone. I need your help. This cat went missing 18 days ago. We became involved about a week ago, and got the cat on camera the first night. The night before last, she finally put her entire body in the trap, but was just short of setting it off. Then the storms last night, and she, nor the fox or raccoons, showed themselves. So, trap is set again for tonight. We need good vibes for her to step on the trip plate this time! So, please send good energy to Magnolia the cat!

For those who are quick to suggest that a drone be hired when a pet goes missing, here is a good article about it.  Just...

For those who are quick to suggest that a drone be hired when a pet goes missing, here is a good article about it. Just like hiring a tracking dog, there is a time when it may help, and many times that it's a waste of money.

Six Things to Consider Before Using a Drone in Your Lost Dog Search There are a few things that we would like you to consider before you rush out to hire a drone operator.  Is the pilot certified? The drone pilot must have a FAA Remote Pilot Certificate (Pt 107).  Do not use an uncertified or am...

Animal Control called asking for our help with a dog that they had been getting calls about for nearly 2 months.  We got...

Animal Control called asking for our help with a dog that they had been getting calls about for nearly 2 months. We got permission from the property owner of where he was last seen and was a frequent visitor, to set a camera and trap. They said he'd show up for 2 or 3 nights, and then be gone for 2 or 3 nights, and then would show up again.
When we set the trap, we bungeed it open because there are a lot of woods, and we needed to get an idea of the wildlife that we were dealing with. There is nothing worse than having to get up multiple times a night to release raccoons from the trap! Well, he showed up at 5:00 a.m. and did not hesitate to go in! Yay! So, we set the trap for the next night. As it turned out, my friend, Cathy Feduke, lives just a few houses away, and she let us use her driveway so that we could do a stakeout. And, of course, the dog did not show that night. So, we did it again the next night -- and again, he didn't show. On the third night, we took Cathy up on her offer that if the dog got caught, she would go and sit with him until we got there (I was 20 minutes away, Laura about 30 minutes away). And, he didn't show. We did the same thing on night #4, and he showed up early! 1:00 a.m.! And he walked right into the trap! Cathy arrived within a minute of my call to her, and sat with him feeding him dog treats. He seemed to like them! And Laura and I showed up as soon as we could (fortunately, traffic is light that early in the morning!). Then, we loaded him (still in the trap) into my car and took him to the shelter.
Thanks, Cathy, for all of your help! And Brooke and Stevie for letting us set up in your yard!


Ugh...There's nothing like being on stakeout from 3:30 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. and the dog doesn't show up....

ONLY at the Cosner's Corner Dog Krazy!!🚨DISCOUNT ALERT 🚨We are offering a special deal on Verus Cat and Dog cans, availa...

ONLY at the Cosner's Corner Dog Krazy!!
We are offering a special deal on Verus Cat and Dog cans, available for both purchase and donation. If you wish to support Squishy Face Crew Rescue and Return to Home, please visit our store and we will make sure our amazing friends get them! Customers can also take advantage of this discounted offer.
Cat Cans: $1.00
Dog Cans $1.50

Order online here:

It's been a long, sleep-deprived, week!  Amelia is a terrified little dog (about 26 pounds) who was pulled from a kill-s...

It's been a long, sleep-deprived, week! Amelia is a terrified little dog (about 26 pounds) who was pulled from a kill-shelter not far from Fredericksburg, by the Fred SPCA. She was at the SPCA long enough to get her intake paperwork filled out, and then microchipped, and she was off to a foster home. Once in her foster home, she fear-pooped in her crate. So, the foster let her loose in her "foster room" while she cleaned the crate. Well, she pooped all over the room. So, the foster tried to put a leash on her in order to take her outside, but Amelia was so scared that she snapped at her when she put her hand on her collar. Fine....the yard is fence, so you can go out without a leash THIS TIME. She let her out, and Amelia bolted for the fence and cleared it! What????? The foster immediately called the SPCA to report the escape, and then got in the car to try and get eyes on the pup. The SPCA immediately contacted us. We had the foster come home (because what would she do if she saw the dog? We knew the dog would not come to her...and we don't have a magic wand to make the dog come to us). We put a camera and feeding station, and the foster put up signs. Nothing on the first night, although there was an alleged sighting a mile and a half away. More signs were put up. Then, night #2, she showed up on camera!! So did the foxes and the raccoons. So, we put out a trap, along with peanut butter mixed with sugary cereal (like Captain Crunch Berries) for the raccoons, and sardines for the foxes. Amelia showed up again, but did not go in the trap. But one of the foxes did! Luckily, he didn't trip it. So, the next night, we put out 1/2 dozen raw eggs for the foxes. And we trapped an opossum! *sigh*. And Amelia didn't show up. But, the raccoons and foxes were now leaving the trap alone! Night #5, Amelia showed up early, but was scared away by a cat. *sigh*. Finally, on night #6, we added Beggin Strips treats to the "bait", and she went in the trap! Phew! Amelia was safe! Today, she's going back to the SPCA where they will decide if she should stay there, or go to a different foster home (with a taller fence). The foster was so upset about "losing" the dog, that, initially, she was considering no longer fostering. Fortunately, for the animal rescue world, she pushed through those thoughts and not only will continue to foster, but will help us with our lost pet cases!! It's a double win!! She did a great job! She put up about 100 signs, watched the cameras all night long, let the opossum out within minutes of his being trapped, baited the trap, made the peanut butter balls....she found out that it's not as easy as it seems!


Another form of a scam is going around -- they are supposedly calling from the shelter or vets office stating that your pet is there, injured, and they need money in order to treat. They are even able to get the phone numbers to show up on your caller id! So, if you receive such a call, hang up and call the shelter or vets office directly in order to confirm!

I just read this in a newsletter that I receive from Possum-bilities in the Burg2. Please share!The Downside of Being Cu...

I just read this in a newsletter that I receive from Possum-bilities in the Burg2. Please share!

The Downside of Being Cute.

PLEASE get wildlife to licensed professionals immediately!

This cute little possum was saved off of a dead mom by well intentioned finders who kept him for two weeks. Turns out he had a badly dislocated wrist which, had it been treated right away, could've been helped and he'd be on his rehab-way back to the wild in a few weeks. Instead, he was not only kept in pain for two weeks but, because of the improper diet he was fed, he now also has severely swollen joints from three letters rehabbers hate the most...MBD (metabolic bone disease). MBD is also extremely painful.

I was able to get him to Dr. Jen and her amazing staff at Blue Ridge Wildlife Center this morning where he was given pain meds, xrayed, told he was a precious, brave baby (by me) and had the cutest little tiny splint made.

His prognosis? Guarded. He will most likely never be able to be released back to the wild. IF his wrist stabilizes and IF the MBD can be reversed with diet, calcium and vitamins he MAY be able to be an education possum. Big IFS. We will not subject him to a life of constant pain if the treatments don't work.

The finders kept this little boy because they didn't want him to die in the road with his mom and siblings. Honorable. They didn't know their actions were causing way more harm to him. It was not their intention. Sadly, it's not the intentions that matter when it comes to wildlife. It's the end result.

We see this All. The. Time. And it breaks our hearts.

Please share this and if you or someone you know finds injured or abandoned wild animals, please reach out to a licensed rehabber or wildlife center immediately. Even an hour can make all the difference.

Sad news this morning....Mysti, an indoor/outdoor cat, had her little life disrupted when the moving van showed up.  Sca...

Sad news this morning....Mysti, an indoor/outdoor cat, had her little life disrupted when the moving van showed up. Scared from all of the commotion, she ran out of the front door. She was last seen at 1:00 a.m. on a neighbor's Ring camera (1 street over). The moving van returned the next day to finish packing, but no one saw Mysti. A day or two later, we were contacted. The family had been putting food out within view of their Ring camera, so we knew that she wasn't showing up. Our biggest concern was that she somehow got on to the moving van. Tracking dogs were used to confirm, or in this case rule out, alleged sightings. The only scent they found was on the porch where she was at 1:00 a.m. a few nights before, and the scent went to the woods behind the house across the street. The family stayed in town for about another week before having to leave the state. In the meantime, the moving vans had been unloaded in to a warehouse for storage until time to move to the South. Sadly, unbeknownst to anyone, Mysti had returned home and sought refuge in her favorite sofa -- which the movers picked up and put on the van. Sadly, she did not survive.

After 32 Loooooonnnnnggggg days, Sunny is home!!!  On July 3, he tore through a screen in the bathroom window and escape...

After 32 Loooooonnnnnggggg days, Sunny is home!!! On July 3, he tore through a screen in the bathroom window and escaped. We were contacted about 10 days later, and immediately put out a camera and discussed signs with the owner. He had put signs up, but they were not effective. He immediately replaced them with better signs, and we had BIG signs printed for them. They had a few sightings, and we brought Flynn and Truman out to confirm or dismiss them. `The first was inconclusive (too much pavement -- scent doesn't stick to pavement. It was 1/4 mile from home going NE)). The next was confirmed by both dogs (1/4 and 1/2 mile from home, going NW). The real time sighting came this afternoon, 3/4 miles from home (to the NE) when the mom had just put a sign up in a new neighborhood and someone saw the sign and called right away. They were able to take a picture of the cat, and it was Sunny!! He's got a few fleas and ticks, and has lost weight, but otherwise seems fine. Welcome home, Sunny! And YAY!!! to the family for putting up plenty of signs, and expanding their areas as the days passed!!


Wow!! 3 people are holding fundraisers for us for their birthdays! We soooooo appreciate all of you!

Nala was involved in a horrible single-vehicle accident on I-95 in the HOV lanes on Monday afternoon.  A witness saw the...

Nala was involved in a horrible single-vehicle accident on I-95 in the HOV lanes on Monday afternoon. A witness saw the dog run across the north bound lanes and go through a barbed wire fence and into the woods. We became involved the next day. We were told that she was wearing a tracking collar, but that it quit working. Turns out, she was wearing a Hey Buddy tag on her collar, but that's one of those ID tags that has a QR code that anyone can scan with their phones to get the owners information. It's not a tracker. Dang. Then, the owner told us mile marker 144, but police dispatch told us mile marker 143 -- they are on opposite sides of 610. *sigh*. Brenda Wilson (she runs the Lost and Found Pets Prince William County VA page) has trapped a couple of dogs on the 143 side, so she set out with fliers to pass out to the businesses around there. Laura and I headed up to scope the area. Our concern was that we didn't know if Nala was injured our not -- when scared, animals will get an adrenaline rush and we humans won't realize that they are injured. So, did she run across the interstate, go through the fence, and then collapse? We searched a wooded area as best we could until it was becoming too dark. Nothing. And nothing on Wednesday. Then, on Thursday morning, I received 3 calls at the same time of sightings. All said she was around mile marker 145. Now, tell me MM 145 and I'm going to think it's a bit before that. You're in a moving vehicle, see a dog, and then think "I need the exact location!" By that time, you've moved, probably, 1/4 - 1/2 mile. So, I headed out and did a search but did not see her, although I did find a couple of paw prints (and a lot of deer hoof prints!) This was a very dangerous place to be, so I was hoping if I could put a camera and feeding station behind the big sound barrier walls, that I could lure her to a safer area. Nope. Nothing but an opossum, a turkey vulture, and a hawk showed up at that feeding station. Then, early this afternoon, Captain McCall (Stafford Animal Control) contacted me about another sighting that had just come in. They responded (as they had done the day before) but did not see her. So, it was time for the trap. It was just too dangerous for anyone to even think about hand capturing her that close to the interstate, and we now had sightings on 2 days in the same location. Laura reminded me to take bacon grease with me, and I headed out. I got the trap in place, set the camera, and then spread the bacon grease on a nearby speed limit sign (since there were no trees in that area). It only took 3 1/2 hours for her to show up! At first, we thought she was going to flip the trap over with her nose, because she was at the side back trying to get the food. Finally, she gave up and walked around to the front of the trap and went right in. It took about a minute for her to step on the trip plate, but we had her! 4 of us (me, Laura, Brenda, and Ann Marie [Pibbles 4 Hope] flew to our cars and headed out. I also called Animal Control. Whomever got there first was to just stay with her until I got there to transport her. Well, Laura and Ann Marie decided we had plenty of people going, so they went home and helped monitor the camera. Then my phone rings -- it's a woman named Susan. She saw the dog in the trap on the side of the road, and thought someone dumped her there! Luckily, I had taped a lost dog poster on the trap and it had my number on it. So, she waited until Brenda got there. Then, a truck driver pulled over to see if the 2 women and dog needed assistance. He gave the dog a bottle of water and the ladies a bottle of tea! And he stayed so that he could help load the trap into my car. I got there, and Nala was safely loaded (in the trap) into my car. Then, I called the owner and gave her the news. She was ready to drive from North Carolina to Fredericksburg to get her! But, I didn't want her driving that distance because she wouldn't get home until midnight or so, so I met her halfway in Jarrett, Virginia (it's about 30 minutes below Petersburg). If you want to live in a town where there is NOTHING, you should move to Jarrett! From the exit off of I-95 it was 3.7 miles to the nearest business -- a car repair shop! And I recall only passing 1 house.... Anyway, welcome home, Nala!! We're glad that your scary adventure is over!!

After escaping from his boarder's house 3 1/2 days ago, this morning Artemis is SAFE!!  His owners cut their vacation sh...

After escaping from his boarder's house 3 1/2 days ago, this morning Artemis is SAFE!! His owners cut their vacation short as soon as they heard that he was missing, and they headed straight to where he got lost. Fliers were made, friends jumped in and posted all over social media. Pete Storm of Browncoat Drone Services was contacted to do a drone search. One of their friends contacted us and we gave advice, but were not able to get fully involved until yesterday (we've got several cases going on right now, one which is proving to be horribly time consuming, and the dog is just not cooperating!). Pete was out yesterday morning with his drone, but the weather was not cooperating. First, it was too foggy. After waiting a few hours for the fog to burn off, the sun became too intense for the drone search. Thermal imaging cameras are used (because you can't see anything through the trees if using a regular camera). So, they pick up the heat/temperature changes within their view. When the temps are as hot as they have been, you get a lot of "false positives". So, Pete packed up his toys and went home. But, one great thing about Pete is that he is also MARN trained in lost pet rescue, just like Laura and I! (As well as Bob Swenson and his team with Lost Animal Resource Group - LARG, and Carmen Butler with Professional Pet Trackers!!) So, we ALWAYS coach the owners about calming signals, and the do's and don'ts of searching so that you are not actually pushing the dog away. And when the owners were not hanging signs or driving around looking for Arty, they were doing more research about the "calming signals" that Pete and Laura and I were telling him about (and likely others on social media were telling them, too). But, as with anything, you can read and study and listen all that you want, but when the time comes to actually use the information, many times your emotions cause it to all fly out of the window. And that almost happened this morning. The owner received a real-time sighting of Arty in the woods, about 2 miles from where he was last seen. It so happened that the owner was currently on that same street, driving around and looking! He called me right away to tell me that there was another sighting. I asked when the dog was seen, and he said "seconds ago!". And then....."I see him! He's at the wood line!" I could hear his excitement building, and at that point my job was to reel his emotions in and talk him through this. He stopped his truck and got out and starting calling to Arty. I nixed that very quickly! Arty responded just as I knew he would -- he ran into the trees. That's when the owner realized that we were all right -- his dog did not recognize him! I got the owner to sit on the ground and we started talking -- how old is Arty? What is Arty's favorite thing to eat? He answered "Arty loves treats", and "Arty is a good boy", and using words that Arty would recognize. He had treats in his truck, so he went to his truck to get them. He also had a squeaky toy (which Arty loves!). But, after he squeaked it quickly 3 times, I told him to stop, and not over do it. He slowly walked back to his sitting spot, and we continued to talk. Arty was now standing back at the tree line looking at him. The owner turned himself so that he wasn't facing Arty and continued to talk to me. And I had him occasionally squeak the toy, and toss it in the air and catch it. "He's coming towards me!" "Just stay calm, I can hear your excitement building and we don't want to push him away again." "Ok, ok". He continued to talk as Arty slowly approached. And then "I've got my hand on his collar!!" It took a few seconds longer for total recognition to hit and then "He's licking my face!". They hugged for a bit, and then he worked his way back to the truck with him. I told him that I was staying on the phone until he was safely in the truck with the doors and windows closed. Very soon, he was safe! And on the drive home, he fell asleep, using his owner's arm as a pillow. Phew!!

Very good information if you are considering hiring a tracker (we are trappers, not trackers)

Very good information if you are considering hiring a tracker (we are trappers, not trackers)

We often get asked about tracking dog services for missing dogs. Some of these services are good, some are not so good and some are out and out scams. They will cost many hundreds and possibly tho…


We have become aware of a circulating scam where pet owners are contacted by individuals falsely claiming to represent our shelter. These individuals state that we have the owner’s missing pet in our care and request money, allegedly for the pet’s immediate medical expenses. They may ask owners to send funds via platforms like Apple Pay or Venmo, while falsifying their caller ID to appear as though the call is coming from our shelter.

Rest assured, the Fairfax County Animal Shelter does not ask for funds over the phone or in advance of picking up a lost pet. If you receive any suspicious communications claiming to be from us, please do not hesitate to hang up and contact us directly.

☎️ Michael R. Frey Campus: 703-830-1100
☎️ Lorton Campus: 703-324-0299
📧 [email protected]

After 8 long days, Gojira is home!!  He and his humans were visiting friends when they decided to shoot off some firewor...

After 8 long days, Gojira is home!! He and his humans were visiting friends when they decided to shoot off some fireworks. Both Gojira and he canine buddy ran, but his buddy came right back, but Gojira didn't. There was a sighting down the street the next day stating that he was in the street and got hit by a car, but he continued to run into the woods. The woods were searched, but there was no sign of him. The next sighting was 4 days later when he showed up on a Ring camera. A neighbor said that he looked as though he was limping. We were all just thrilled that he was alive! After the sighting on the Ring camera, we set out a camera and trap. The hard part was, at this point, keeping the humans from continuing to search the woods. Since we knew that he wasn't mortally injured, it was important that he not get "pushed" to another location. He never did show up on camera, but the friends who's house he was at thought that they heard a dog whining in the woods yesterday. Gojira's owner went over and sat in the yard for several hours, hoping that he'd come out. But, he didn't. Then, this afternoon, when the friend and his canine buddy went out into the yard, Gojira came out of the woods! The human was able to scoop him up and bring him inside, where he was all kisses! He's got quite a few abrasions on him (from being hit by the car, and possibly from briars in the woods), but he's in great spirits. Welcome home, Gojira!!


Fredericksburg, VA


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