As you all know, this is our girl Willow that was stolen out of our yard several months ago. She was found yesterday and the breeder that we got her from was contacted through her microchip (which my husband is also on). After a lot of back & forth & way too many lies, she is refusing to give us back our Willow & her argument for keeping her is that she is not in good health which is something that is out of our control because she was stolen & who knows who she was with for all these months. Her name is Tonya Postma from High Rocking Pom Pom’s formerly High Rocking Aussies. She has blocked both my husband & I on social media & the last thing she said was “I dare you to come & get her”. Police in Fresno & in Fort Jones (where she lives) are aware of this situation & reports have been made. This post is to bring awareness of what is going on & if anyone has any advice or questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We have all proper documentation showing that we are the rightful owners. Below is the picture that was posted of Willow in the FB lost & found group. We just want our Willow back home with us!💔🐶