My 2020 church babies!! Thank you to every single one of you that shared a post, that sat down with the church people so I didn’t have to go alone, who showed up in the summer sun to protest with us, who shared our situation and gave awareness and thank you to the many friends I made this year through our mutual love of animals.
Here’s to 2021 being better for all of us 🥂
This year has been one hell of a year, I think any of us who have made it through this year... if we are still going, we are strong mother fu***rs! 💪🏻 and we can get through anything.
This year has brought death, pain, job loss, and so much hurt but it also brought some new memories and I proved to myself I really am strong and I don’t give up on things I’m passionate about.
I was able to face backlash, animal abusers, and cat haters and stand up for what is right.
I was feeding some strays for little over a year because it started out as just a 3 legged stray momma that had 4 kids to take care of and I never once thought it would get the attention of many animal lovers.
Over the course of me feeding I would try asking the church workers if I could come and trap some of the cats and get them fixed, they would refuse me to come on their property and then laugh while I was on my hands and knees trying to get the cats to come to me. I tried before it even got to the point it did.
I posted that first video in July for the kitten left to die in a trap in the sun, looking for help and still didn’t get any and my sweet Momma Kitty and 3 of her other kittens never seen of again, with no answers.
Then beginning of August my whole life changed, walking up to my feeding station at the church and seeing a kitten that was just alive and well 8 hours before, dead, in such a disgusting and inhumane manner.... that’s what finally sparked an outrage. Seeing the other one on the church property decomposing with no head really didn’t sit right with me and soon I would realize many others felt the same.
My video I posted, not trying to get attention but I was anxious and alone and my wife was at work and I had a dead stomped to death kitten right in front of me, I didn’t know what to do. But the video took off Thanks to Carl Smith! It got the attention of any and every animal lover. The church had hate calls from Australia, Pakistan, UK, Hawaii and ALLLLL over the United States (thanks Alyssa for putting it out on your twitch) it was shared and shared multiple times like over 3k I believe?
We had a last minute protest in front of the church where a lot of people that I can now call friends came out to support me and what I was trying to do for the cats. I was able to meet my now Kat Momma who has taught me so much in the rescuing world and she means so much to me.
But of course I was called an attention w***e by Lacy and her goons, I was drug through the mud and called every name and told I had bad intentions behind it and that I don’t care about the animals. I would die for those babies. I met Lacy through Mona because at the protest I was able to catch the 3 legged momma, that was our goal, let’s get these babies out of the horrible area they are in. Well, I was advised to give her the 3 legged baby, I was still new to animal rescuing I didn’t know how she would react being in our apartment so I agreed, the second I pull up to her apartment she tells me “don’t tell anyone I’m working with the church I don’t want people who donate to me to be mad because I’m working with the church” I was like wait wtf you’re working with the people who are causing these animals harm?
But I still didn’t know it would get to the point it did so I had left the 3 legged momma with her. Which will always be my biggest regret. A few days passed I tried messaging Lacy to get updates on the 3 legged momma and she blocked my number and Facebook and I couldn’t get ahold of her. SO I WENT THE EFF OFF!
As I see it, they are stray, no one OWNS them, they are free, but I do care for them, feed them and look out for them so if they are attached to anyone it would be me. She called me crazy, and went off the hook posting about me on Facebook and having her goons comment (still to this day months later) bashing me and what I was doing. Well, as time went on I was able to keep working on saving all the babies off the church property. I would go at 4am and sit inside my car with a trap out waiting for a baby, I would work so hard to try and get them and I was able too.
One of my babies shy guy, it was fate, i never go that early to feed them and when I pulled up I heard a horrible scream of one of the cats, I ran through the hole a homeless person cut in the church fence and ran over and Lacy who is supposed to be a knowledgeable trapper who knows you’re never supposed to leave a trap unattended because an animal can hurt themselves left the trap and lives 30 plus minutes from where the trap was left, so I don’t know how long he was hurting but I run up and he’s hanging by one paw it’s stuck in the trap part and he’s thrashing hard. It’s 5am and it’s dark mind you, out of nowhere a huge man walks up out of the dark behind me, so I grab the trap run to the car and get out of there. I take shy guy home and get him out and then I was gonna take the trap to FHS for Lacy to pick up because my purpose wasn’t for her trap it was for the cats. Well her goon messaged me and got it before I even took it to FHS like 3 hours later after I saved the cat.
But she looks at the cat as property, not a living being. Then I get home one day and there is a detective card on my door so I was like YESSSSSS THEY ARE FINALLY GONNA HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!!! Turns out the church wants to press charges against me for tresspassing to save the cats. We have a meeting with the church where the guy that ran into me at 5 am said he was gonna go after me but I’m obviously so unstable I would of said he r***d me. Like who the f**k says that? And the pastor was like “ I can’t hurt those cats look at all the good I do” like okay? And aren’t you just supposed to do gods work without bragging about it? They bullied me into taking down all the posts about the cats and writing an apology post. They wanted an article to go in the newspaper saying they are good people, so when I tell them well it would be a good story if you guys work with me, we can set up an account at Fresno humane and it can be for vetting the animals we are saving off your property it shows that you’re learning from your mistakes and he said no.
So my wife said I’m gonna support you whether you wanna bow down and do as they say or still handle this and see it through to the end, so I saw it through to the end even risking jail time to do so. Now as time goes I get all the babies, besides the two hardest ones. My sweet smart momma kitty and our Siamese baby Simon.
But this is where that animal community comes in again, Dayana got me in touch with someone who has a drop trap. Kathie sat out in the freezing cold, no sweater so it wouldn’t smell like anything different in their area and throw them off, and she did it I think 3 mornings? And we were able to save the last 2 babies from the church. They are bonded, it’s crazy how close they really are because of all they have gone through. They literally all cuddle up together, when I had them separated from the younger ones to make sure they were healthy, they would cry for each other, when one of the momma babies is away from her son she howls for him in the middle of the night and he comes running and comforts her. It’s crazy, I’ve never seen cats SO attached to one another.
So it just makes me sad because if Lacy had gotten these babies they wouldn’t be together, they would be declining separately and I just thank all the good forces in the world that I was able to save them all before anything else bad happened. They aren’t property they don’t belong to anyone, they belong to themselves and that’s what certain people failed to see, they were receiving money and those cats were just a price tag.
They literally ran my life this year because I was so anxious that one of the church people or Lacy was gonna get one of them and they wouldn’t have eachother. I was going 3x a day sometimes just to make sure they were doing okay. If I didn’t see one for a day or 2 I would be anxious and sick to my stomach and driving around until I spotted one. We wouldn’t take trips or leave the city because we didn’t want anyone else to deal with our stress of looking out for them.
Cat house on the kings heard our story and helped get them all fixed for a cheaper price since it was out of my pocket and Kat Momma helped us fix a few through Fresno Humane. A lady in Exeter has a Catopia and her husband and her are going to take in our church babies ALL OF THEM CAN STAY TOGETHER, and she’s gonna keep them safe and give them a good life until we can get a house and then we will take them back, we haven’t told her about that part yet but I know she will be okay with it 😝🥰
I felt so discouraged at times, people messaging me hateful disgusting stuff, how cats are like rats to them and then shoot them for fun, just horrible stuff. It was so stressful on top of stuff I had going on in my personal life that I still haven’t gotten to process. It has been one hell of a long year but if we can make it through this year, we can do anything. Seriously thank you to every single person who shared the post, shared the video, took the time just to hear my story and situation. You are amazing and I really love the animal community, the good ones who actually do good, you are why my faith is restored in humanity.