A little clip of our two year old stallion prospect “gun” on his first ride
Just to show the willingness and mind in this colt after his first ride in about a year of just being started as a 2 year old he takes to anything like a champ
I started this colt as a 2 year old with just about 5 light rides to introduce him to a little. I then let him sit and it’s been about a year since he’s been rode. This is his first time being rode as a three year old and we will be preparing him this winter to be used on the mountain this summer. thank you Clayton for helping me with this ride and video, this is a very nice horse and he will be available after the 2025 summer
Cow camp
Beautiful group of horses we have up here
Yesterday I shared a first ride that I did individually. This way you can see two different methods we did what we like to call a team first ride today. The idea is to put less pressure on the horse from the rider while transitioning to teaching a horse how to be comfortable holding there rider the pressure will continue to come from the ground. The goal in this ride is to end when the horse is comfortable in both directions at a walk trot and lope. As you will see also in this video there is a point that the horse does blow up and Ashlyn comes off. We correct that with pressure and making the horse work instantly after the action. Once Ashlyn is ready we take the horse back to riding like it never happened and we don’t stop untill once again the horse is relaxed and ready to end on a good note
Miss piggy
(+)This is miss piggy aka Lilly:) we have already prepped miss piggy with ground work to this point. Here we are on her first ride. As you can see I’m going to attempt to apply foot pressure to introduce it but chances are they will not know what foot pressure is at this time. This is why I bring the rope on the saddle with me to apply extra pressure in attempts to get this horse in a forward motion. My main goal on the first ride is not direction but teaching my horse to comfortably be able to hold and pack my weight on there back at all three transitions in both directions before ending my ride and releasing them at the end.
Miss piggy
(+)This is miss piggy aka Lilly:) we have already prepped miss piggy with ground work to this point. Here we are on her first ride. As you can see I’m going to attempt to apply foot pressure to introduce it but chances are they will not know what foot pressure is at this time. This is why I bring the rope on the saddle with me to apply extra pressure in attempts to get this horse in a forward motion. My main goal on the first ride is not direction but teaching my horse to comfortably be able to hold and pack my weight on there back at all three transitions in both directions before ending my ride and releasing them at the end.
Using another horse to help build confidence in a young horse can create a more comfortable environment do to the natural instincts a horse has to build a bond with there herd. Using natural instincts to our advantage makes a huge difference in the progress of a young horse
Sour patch
Confidence and control in the arena
This gelding when he got to us was scared of everything around him scared of people on the ground scared to even be touched or caught in his pen. After a combination of ground work by me and Ashlyn at absolute training this gelding is now building all kinds of confidence and holding a rider with smooth pride and confidence
You can’t get a horse to move like this without teaching the proper leg pressure