Howdy! Why haven’t I been active? Why haven’t I had public updates, sales, etc?
I can’t yet! Over the summer when my productivity picked up I took plenty of orders. As soon as a wave of difficulty came into my life I stopped and still haven’t taken an order since and have just worked on getting through that list. I sat down with myself last night and the list is not long, and I continue to work towards the end of it. But it would not be fair for me to take orders, make premades, etc if I have people that have sat and dreamt of this set they created in their head. But don’t worry I haven’t disappeared! I know I’ve mentioned this a few times since then, especially my story!
Running a shop is serious stuff. It takes a specific kind of person and life to succeed and I’m so proud of the people I see absolutely kill it. My life is very unpredictable in its ways so I’m okay with being a premade shop because morally it’s the best, despite the disappointment. I know customs will be offered in doses I can handle. And I still have a whole waitlist to get through. But I know overall afterwards, premade shop is best as the general. However that chapter cannot begin until I meet my promises. I am over the moon grateful at how graceful and lovely you all have been. Even those that prefer refund than the current wait, have been with upmost respect. My list is filled with gorgeous sets, it makes the work I do accomplish feel like an adventure. You are all truly so creative. I am the kind of handler that can’t get away from black. So I live vicariously through all of you that crave color and make it look effortlessly professional and sleek. I made mistakes, as I have made in the past openly, but this time I’m not hiding from them or running, even though my activity is on the lower side! And as usual, an immense thank you to my customer service. Even in times when I’m unable to be at my phone from life events for days at a time, you are still persistent to get the customers word to my phone, and not let me forget a question. You keep my in track! Love you all, can’t wait to show you these sets. Can’t wait for the day I plan a sale.