My story . . . Scentsy has been apart of my home for years now. I have a very rambunctious boy. I had an off brand warmer and he had knocked into it and and burnt himself, I was lucky and he wasn't burnt too badly. That is when I looked into Scentsy. I found that their wax does not get hot enough to burn skin and quickly dries. Scentsy is also wickless which means no flame. Therefore, it is safe
for children and pets. The warmers melt the purifan wax at a low enough temperature that kids wont burn themselves on the should they accidently bump into it, or as my curious monster did, try playing in it. Not only that their wax scents last a lot longer then any where else. I, however did not start then, but did try to sale another product that is an individual consultant. I tried it out for three months and could tell it was not for me. I could not get into it what so ever and was having a great deal with selling something I, myself do not like, nor use. I recently quit it and was debating on even starting selling Scentsy for the fear I would fail at it. Come July of 2015 I finally decided to become a member of Scentsy. The BIG sale of it only being $49 to start was a BIG help! For I am a single mother and a full time student so it is hard for me to get time with my son if I have a job as well. Being an individual consultant is best for me because of it being on my own time. Which makes my son happy that I am home with him instead of being at work while he is with some babysitter and only seeing me for an hour before he goes to bed. So now my journey begins.