A5679696 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-
She was found near 10500 S. Yukon Ave., Inglewood
#A5679696 I'm an approximately 2 year old female German Shepherd. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C324.
🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:2 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5679717 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-
He was found near 3100 W. 133rd St. Hawthorne
#A5679717 I'm an approximately 2 month old male Lab Retriever. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/19. You can visit me at my temporary home at C411.
🔹Lab Retriever 🔹 AGE:2 months
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
🔴Urgent Final Notice🔴 ✳️CHIKITO ✳️ID: #A5675056 ↩️😢OWNER SURRENDER😢💖Three Siblings Surrendered togetherA5675050 Rodbol AdoptedA5675053 SkyA5675056 ChikitoAs he explored Chikito began to socialize nicely amongst the calmer dogs in the yard. He was given play bows and Chikito reciprocated and joined in. He participated in light play chase and light gentle wrestling. If he was overwhelmed while playing Chikito would give appropriate corrections. After some time Chikito stopped playing and spent time with the handlers. He would solicit petting from them and would pace his paws on the table and lean on the handler. Chikito spent the remainder of the play session with the handler following them and soliciting petting when they were stationary.Chikito maintained a loose wiggly demeanor and solicited further petting post assessment. Chikito is ok for public adoption medium energy level calm dogs recommended._______________________________________________🔹Doberman 🔹 AGE:1 years🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/15🔹 ON HOLD UNTIL: 1/15🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248_______________________________________________💗💗 WANNA FOSTER? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚 💚Repost 💙Foster 💖Adopt🔺We’re NOT associated with Carson Shelter🔺 #doberman #savingcarsonshelterdogs
🔴Urgent Final Notice🔴
✳️Lizzy (Male)✳️ID: #A5674562 ↩️_
He was found near after running around in the streets for two months by a person that said he bit somebody two months ago and gave him the name Lizzy Wizzy…. He has not been aggressive at all in the shelter.
Lizzy was allowed into the play yard, and she bypassed the dogs and went directly to the handlers table and hid under it. She remained there for some time and when she was approached by other dogs, she would flash her teeth or give small corrections. Lizzy Wizzy remained there for some time and appeared uncomfortable. She was shifted to the calm yard with gentle dainty dogs. Lizzy Wizzy initially kept to herself and growled or side eyed dogs that would approach her. After some time, Lizzy appeared more at ease and began to explore on her own but didn’t interact with the other dogs. Lizzy Wizzy was able to co-exist in the play yard with calm dogs preferring to keep to herself displaying no playstyle. Lizzy Wizzy would benefit from continued socialization and confidence building.
The handler proceeded to palpate Lizzy’s abdomen, back, hind legs, and tail. Again, Lizzy pulled her paws away from the handlers’ touch, growled, and barked defensively at them. Lizzy Wizzy was uncomfortable and somewhat defensive during the assessment. Lizzy Wizzy would benefit from continued socialization and confidence building. For Lizzy Wizzy DDIU recommends Tier A: Public, Rescue, or AP adoption with a Bite Disclosure form a Known History of Aggression form. Low energy level calm dogs required.
🔹German Shepherd Husky mix🔹 AGE:3 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/13
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💗💗 WANNA FOSTER? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would lik
A5679692 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-
She is about four years old and she came in as a stray with an injury to her eye. She spent time at the emergency vet getting treated.
#A5679692 I'm an approximately 4 year old female Eng. Bulldog. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C407.
🔹Eng. Bulldog 🔹 AGE:4 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5677726 ✰ HERCULES -2/14/25-
He came in as a stray and he has a microchip but his family never came and he needs help.
#A5677726 My name is HERCULES and I'm an approximately 3 year old male German Shepherd. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/3. I will be available on 2/12. You can visit me at my temporary home at C243.
🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:3 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/3
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5678368 ✰ LUCKY -2/14/25-
Lucky is six years old and he came in as a stray with a microchip.
#A5678368 My name is LUCKY and I'm an approximately 6 year old male Poodle Mini. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/6. I will be available on 2/21. You can visit me at my temporary home at C413.
🔹Poodle Mini 🔹 AGE:6 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/6
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5558580 ✰ BAMBI GU"NTHEUR -2/14/25-
Bambi has been in the shelter before and The last time she was wearing a vest that said she is a service dog for her owner. This time she was found on Normandie Avenue in Torrance. Hopefully her owner will be coming to get her quickly.
#A5558580 My name is BAMBI GU"NTHEUR and I'm an approximately 9 year old female Golden Retriever. I am already spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/23. You can visit me at my temporary home at C309.
🔹Golden Retriever 🔹 AGE:9 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5678953 ✰ Unknown -2/14/25-
🐶🐶Came in together with #A5678954
They were found near 1500 W. El Segundo Blvd., Gardena
#A5678953 I'm an approximately 1 year old female Belg Malinois. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/10. I will be available on 2/14. You can visit me at my temporary home at C142.
🔹Belg Malinois 🔹 AGE:1 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/10
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
A5679654 ✰ Unknown -2/14/25-
He was found near 22300 S. Wilmington Ave. Carson
#A5679654 I'm an approximately 3 year old male Lab Retriever. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C310.
🔹Lab Retriever 🔹 AGE:3 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
Sweetie Pie
A5679319 ✰ SWEETIE PIE -2/14/25-
😢OWNER SURRENDER😢 🐶🐶Came in together with #A5679307 Squirmy
They were surrendered when their family moved. She was very anxious when she was brought into the shelter so she will be getting a behavior assessment.
#A5679319 My name is SWEETIE PIE and I'm an approximately 1 year old female Chihuahua. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/12. I will be available on 2/12. You can visit me at my temporary home at C148.
🔹Chihuahua 🔹 AGE:1 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/12
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚
🔴Urgent Final Notice🔴 🔴Needs Foster and Rescue🔴✳️Lenox ✳️ID: #A5675183 ↩️🔥Came in together with #A5675182 🐶🐶They were found near 1400 W. Imperial Highway, Los Angeles 90047Lenox allowed to be collared. Once in the yard, he exchanged greetings nicely with the other dogs. One of the male dogs began to challenge Lenox but he remained calm while the handler steered the other dog away. Lenox continued to sniff the dogs around him, while appearing relax in the yard. Later, Lenox moved on to explore the yard with a fully relaxed body while he sniffed some of the dogs along the way. The handler first began to examine his ears, then the mouth area but Lenox quickly responded with a light pressure bite to the assessment hand. As the assessment continued, he became more agitated, air snapping as warnings. He sat down when the hand made contact with his rear legs. Due to his stress level, the handler decided to conclude the assessment. The entire time, he stood with a tense body, dilated pupils, a low tail, ears slightly back, and a closed mouth. At this point handling Lenox is limited due to a handling sensitivity concern, therefore Lenox is considered Rescue only with a KHOA for handling sensitivity, Adults only required, Large dogs ok, Medium energy leve_______________________________________________🔹Mastiff 🔹 AGE:2 years🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/16🔹 ON HOLD UNTIL: 1/20🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248_______________________________________________💗💗 WANNA FOSTER? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit CarsonFosters.com to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚 💚Repost 💙Foster 💖Adopt🔺We’re NOT associated with Carson Shelter🔺 #mastiff #savingcarsonshelterdogs