Saving Carson Shelter Dogs

Saving Carson Shelter Dogs ❤️🐶WELCOME! OUR GOAL IS SIMPLE:
We help promote Carson Shelter dogs by filming videos of the is a great resource.

● We are not associated with the shelter in any way.
● We don't pull dogs.
● We don't transport dogs
● We're not involved in the adoption of animals (Shelter phone #: ☎️ 310-523-9566)
● We're not involved in coordinating rescues nor do we get involved in the logistics.
● We are not involved with fostering. In a nutshell we're a tiny set of volunteers that do this on

our own time with our own money with ONLY the dogs best interests in our hearts at all times. We've learned SO much since 2013 when we started posting photos/videos resulting in 1000's of dogs finding solid forever homes. But we continue to try to improve to help more dogs. If you found your dog from one of our videos please drop us a note to let us know! We're also on 🔸INSTAGRAM🔸YOUTUBE🔸TWITTER!


Pt1 (1 min):
Pt2 (1 min):
Pt3 (1 min):

If you live within 2 hours of LA & can foster a pet, please post your name & city you live in on the thread of the pet you are willing to help. Pets with foster offers have a much better chance of being rescued and rescue groups are often monitoring the messages. For more info from independent volunteers trying to help fosters connect with rescue groups:
💟 EMAIL: [email protected]

🔹Remember, we are NOT the shelter: Technically, dogs become 'at risk' for euthanasia at the end of the day on their 'Available Date' if they are sick, have behavioral issues or the shelter is at capacity & they don't have an adopter or rescue group commitment. Most often we are given the courtesy of 24-72 hours notice by the shelter to get the word out if they are considering euthanasia but that isn't always the case.

We receive requests from all over the world from people wanting to adopt the dogs in our videos. Obviously we want all the dogs at Carson out ASAP (if it's going to a legitimate adopter/rescue group) but if you're out-of-state just know that your local animal shelter will have lots of dogs just like the ones in our videos and they probably have less promotion 😢. So please check your local shelter first. There's no shortage of dogs in need around the world. If your heart is set on a pup in a video we suggest you first contact a local rescue group in your area to assist you. Then post in that dogs comments section who you are, the name of your rescue group, your location, and specifically what assistance you need (i.e. pulling, vetting and boarding, transport or if you will handle the transport, etc). Many rescue groups & networkers are on our threads and may be able to assist in connecting you with a Carson Shelter affiliated rescue group who is in the position to help. Please note, typically the funds necessary to save a dog from the shelter (boarding, transport to boarding, vetting, etc.) are the responsibility of the out of state rescue, but you would work that out directly with local rescue that assists you.


Captain Care/Capitán Cuidado Intervention is dedicated to keeping dogs out of shelters by helping owners in financial need with pet food, minor vet care, or shelter fines so their stray dogs can return home.

If you're interested in adopting a dog that is labeled ❤️'RESCUE ONLY'❤️ or if you're interested in adopting from out-of-state, here is a listing of Active Adoption Partners (aka 'Rescue Groups') for LA County:


Since day 1 we've had only the dogs best interests at heart and we will not hesitate to block anybody we feel is hurting a dogs chances of finding their forever home. We have no time or interest in being a part of any drama that takes away from the task at hand: Helping these dogs find legitimate homes.

There are con artists in every walk of life. Unfortunately that includes animal rescue 😢. PLEASE DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE and research anybody you're considering giving money to. Most rescue groups are fantastic so please don't be discouraged from donating/pledging but there are bad actors that take advantage of these defenseless creatures to profit from the heightened emotions surrounding the situation. Their behavior destroys trust, costing legitamate Rescue Groups precious donations and thus causing more dogs to die. Please be careful.

✅ARTICLE: 'Why is Animal Rescue Rife with Con Artists::



A5679696 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-

She was found near 10500 S. Yukon Ave., Inglewood

I'm an approximately 2 year old female German Shepherd. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C324.

🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:2 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248

💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚


A5678368 ✰ LUCKY -2/10/25-

Lucky is six years old and he came in as a stray with a microchip.

My name is LUCKY and I'm an approximately 6 year old male Poodle Mini. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/6. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C413.

🔹Poodle Mini 🔹 AGE:6 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/6
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5679717 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-

He was found near 3100 W. 133rd St. Hawthorne

I'm an approximately 2 month old male Lab Retriever. I am not yet neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/19. You can visit me at my temporary home at C411.

🔹Lab Retriever 🔹 AGE:2 months
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248

💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚


A5676254 ✰ BISCUT -2/06/25-


He’s about four years old and he was surrendered to the shelter because he had an incident with another animal. He will need a foster and rescue to save him.

My name is BISCUT and I'm an approximately 4 year old male Pit Bull. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/23. I will be available on 1/23. You can visit me at my temporary home at C122.

🔹Pit Bull 🔹 AGE:4 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/23
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5678554 ✰ -2/09/25-

🐶🐶Came in together with LOBA

Her sister LOBA was Returned to Owner but they left her at the shelter and they said there is NO notation that they will be coming back for her.

They were found near 600 West Manchester Blvd.

I'm an approximately 4 year old female German Shepherd. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/8. I will be available on 2/13. You can visit me at my temporary home at C239.

🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:4 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/8
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


🔴Urgent Final Notice🔴

✳️Lizzy (Male)✳️ID: ↩️_

He was found near after running around in the streets for two months by a person that said he bit somebody two months ago and gave him the name Lizzy Wizzy…. He has not been aggressive at all in the shelter.

Lizzy was allowed into the play yard, and she bypassed the dogs and went directly to the handlers table and hid under it. She remained there for some time and when she was approached by other dogs, she would flash her teeth or give small corrections. Lizzy Wizzy remained there for some time and appeared uncomfortable. She was shifted to the calm yard with gentle dainty dogs. Lizzy Wizzy initially kept to herself and growled or side eyed dogs that would approach her. After some time, Lizzy appeared more at ease and began to explore on her own but didn’t interact with the other dogs. Lizzy Wizzy was able to co-exist in the play yard with calm dogs preferring to keep to herself displaying no playstyle. Lizzy Wizzy would benefit from continued socialization and confidence building.

The handler proceeded to palpate Lizzy’s abdomen, back, hind legs, and tail. Again, Lizzy pulled her paws away from the handlers’ touch, growled, and barked defensively at them. Lizzy Wizzy was uncomfortable and somewhat defensive during the assessment. Lizzy Wizzy would benefit from continued socialization and confidence building. For Lizzy Wizzy DDIU recommends Tier A: Public, Rescue, or AP adoption with a Bite Disclosure form a Known History of Aggression form. Low energy level calm dogs required.

🔹German Shepherd Husky mix🔹 AGE:3 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/13
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248
💗💗 WANNA FOSTER? If you’re in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚 💚Repost 💙Foster 💖Adopt
🔺We’re NOT associated with Carson Shelter🔺


A5679692 ✰ Unknown -2/16/25-


She is about four years old and she came in as a stray with an injury to her eye. She spent time at the emergency vet getting treated.

I'm an approximately 4 year old female Eng. Bulldog. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/14. I will be available on 2/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C407.

🔹Eng. Bulldog 🔹 AGE:4 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/14
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248

💚💚INTERESTED IN FOSTERING? If you're in LA, OC, San Bernadino or Riverside County and would like to apply to foster a Carson pup, please visit to complete the online foster application. Thanks! 💚💚


A5672445 ✰ MAGGIE -2/09/25-


She was found at 200 East Hazel St. then she was adopted and quickly returned for lunging at the child in the home.

Maggie A5672445 (intact) greeted the runner with a relaxed body, soft eyes, a neutral tail wag and a closed mouth. She was hesitant to exit the kennel and required coaxing to be leashed. She moderately pulled on leash. In the catch pen when she was introduced to the dogs her body was relaxed, her eyes were soft, her tail wagged neutrally, and her mouth was closed. She was easy to collar and leash. She entered the yard and began running away from the dogs. The dogs chased her and hovered around her. She would submissively drop to the ground and allow the dogs to hover and jump on he, one of the dogs pinned her down and began to tense up. The handler had to step in and move the dogs away to prevent her from going prey like. She was moved to the gentle/dainty yard. She roamed the yard quietly and kept to herself. One of the dogs attempted to play with her, she gently played with her but quickly lose interest. She was tolerant of one of the dogs attempting to mount her. She began barking and whining to the other dogs in the yard. Overall, Maggie was tolerant of the dogs and would benefit best in a gentle/dainty yard. Behaviorally ok for public adoption, large calm dogs recommended.

My name is MAGGIE and I'm an approximately 1 year old female Siber. Husky. I am already spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/29. I will be available on 2/7. You can visit me at my temporary home at C129.

🔹Siber. Husky 🔹 AGE:1 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:1/29
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5675065 ✰ -1/16/25-

She was found near 800 E. 67th St.

I'm an approximately 2 year old female Aus. Shepherd. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/15. I will be available on 1/20. You can visit me at my temporary home at C338.

🔹Aus. Shepherd 🔹 AGE:2 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:1/15
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5673287 ✰ MILHOUSE -1/18/25-

🐶🐶Came in together with

They were found near 700 W. Artesia Blvd., Compton

A5673287(intact) Milhouse:

Milhouse was at the front of the kennel with a relaxed demeanor as the runner approached. Milhouse greeted the runner with a relaxed body, open mouth pant, natural ear set, neutral tail with a soft wag, and soft eyes. The runner was able to leash and remove Milhouse without issue. Milhouse walked ahead of the runner with a strong pull on the leash bypassing the dogs along the way. Once in the catch pen Milhouse was collared and leashed without issue. He greeted the dogs at the barrier nicely and was allowed into the play yard. Once in the yard he exchanged greetings nicely with a relaxed demeanor. Once the group dispersed Milhouse began to explore the play yard sniffing and marking various locations. Milhouse continued to greet the dogs he came across nicely as he explored. Milhouse was given play bows, but he did not reciprocate and moved away on his own. Milhouse continued to socialize amongst the calm dogs and was tolerant of the playful dogs. When he was around the handlers Milhouse would solicit petting, becoming loose and wiggly. He would pass in between the handlers’ legs or lean into their legs affectionately. Milhouse maintained a calm and social demeanor with no playstyle at this time and was able to co-exist.

A5673287(intact) Milhouse:

Milhouse was in the play yard prior to the assessment and was given time to decompress. Milhouse displayed a relaxed body, low tail with a loose wag, natural ear set, open mouth pant, and soft eyes. The handler called to Milhouse and he approached them allowing the handler to pet him. Milhouse leaned into the handlers touch and solicited further petting. Milhouse had a full body wag and would weave in between the handlers’ legs leaning his weight into the handlers’ legs. Milhouse allowed the handler to examine his ears, mouth, and front paws without issue. The handler proceeded to palpate Milhouse’s abdomen, back, hind legs and tail without issue. Milhouse maintained a loose wiggly demeanor throughout the assessment process and continued to solicit petting afterward. Milhouse is ok for public adoption medium energy level calm dogs recommended.

My name is MILHOUSE and I'm an approximately 6 year old male German Shepherd. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/7. I will be available on 1/12. You can visit me at my temporary home at C217.

🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:6 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:1/7
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5678954 ✰ -2/12/25-

🐶🐶Came in together with

They were found near 1500 W. El Segundo Blvd., Gardena

I'm an approximately 1 year old female Belg Malinois. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/10. I will be available on 2/14. You can visit me at my temporary home at C141.

🔹Belg Malinois 🔹 AGE:1 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:2/10
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5667416 ✰ LEILANI -1/27/25-

She was confiscated from her owner a couple of months ago and the investigation is now over. She is super sweet and she needs help fast.

Leilani A5667416 (intact) greeted the runner with a neutral body, neutral ears, a closed mouth, and a neutral tail wag. She was easy to remove, and she moderately pulled on leash. In the catch pen when she was introduced to the dogs her body was neutral, her eyes were alert, her tail was neutral with no wag and her mouth was closed. She sniffed the catch pen; she was easy to collar and leash. She entered the yard and was slightly tense during her greetings but quickly after began to play vow to one of the playful males in the yard. She ran around with him for a moment then began to explore. She would tense up with some of the female dogs in the yard, she was pushy, hovered around them and slightly challenged them. The handler had to correct her using the spray bottle to move her away from the dogs. When a playful dog entered the yard, she began to play with him, her body was wiggly, her eyes were soft, and her tail wagged neutrally. She solicited affection from the handler. Overall, Leilani was selective of the dogs and does not have a playstyle at this time.

Leilani A5667416 (intact) was moved to the side yard to proceed with her handling assessment. She approached the handler when she called her over, her body was neutral, her eyes were soft, her tail was low with no wag. She allowed the handler to pet her everywhere, she remained tolerant. She slightly trembled her back legs when the runner lifted them up, she closed her mouth and licked her lips but did not attempt to move. Overall, Leilani was tolerant of the dogs and did not display any concerning behavior.Behaviorally ok for public adoption, large playful males recommended, medium energy.

My name is LEILANI and I'm an approximately 4 year old female Pit Bull. I am not yet spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 12/4. I will be available on 12/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C206.

🔹Pit Bull 🔹 AGE:4 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:12/4
🔹 ON HOLD UNTIL: 12/18
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5674655 ✰ ROSA -2/01/25-

She was found near 500 E. 223rd St.

1/16/25 - Rosa A5674655(Intact) was at the front section of her kennel with a slight tense body, wide eyes, closed mouth, ears back, and a low tail. When the runner tried coaxing her, she was reluctant to approach and began to low growl. While remaining slightly tense, the runner was able to collar her with no concern. Rosa exited the kennel on her own and walked ahead of the runner with no pull on leash while bypassing the other dogs, only stopping to sniff the ground. Inside the catch pen she stood calmly seeking affection from the runner while she was collared with no issue. Once inside the yard, she became extremely uncomfortable when she was approached by the other dogs. She cornered herself next to the exit and remained in the same spot for most of the session. Each time a dog would get near, she growled and raised her lip. Due to her discomfort, she was shifted to a calmer yard but continued to keep to herself. Almost at the end of the session, Rosa began to loosen up, she started to run around energetically on her own with a fully relaxed body. Rosa will benefit from continued socialization in a calm yard to allow her to socialize at her own pace. Rosa is Ok for public adoption, Calm dogs Required, Low energy level.

My name is ROSA and I'm an approximately 2 year old female Siber. Husky. I am already spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/13. I will be available on 1/17. You can visit me at my temporary home at C231.

🔹Siber. Husky 🔹 AGE:2 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:1/13
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5535550 ✰ STELLA -1/18/25-


Stella has been in the shelter three times. The last time she was in the shelter she got very sick but both times she has been returned to her owner. This time her owner surrounded her because she continues to try to escape. He also surrendered her sister a nine month old named Jenni.

My name is STELLA and I'm an approximately 2 year old female Pit Bull. I am already spayed. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 1/18. I will be available on 1/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C226.

🔹Pit Bull 🔹 AGE:2 years
🔹 female 🔹 ARRIVED:1/18
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5670323 ✰ BLUE -12/19/24-


Blue Rocky and Papas were surrendered together.


My name is BLUE and I'm an approximately 1 year old male Pit Bull. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 12/18. I will be available on 12/18. You can visit me at my temporary home at C130.

🔹Pit Bull 🔹 AGE:1 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:12/18
🔹 ON HOLD UNTIL: 12/18
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


A5418540 ✰ DYLAN -2/13/25-

Dylan was in the Downey shelter in 2021 and now he’s in Carson. He’s on a microchip hold. Hopefully his family will come for him quickly.

My name is DYLAN and I'm an approximately 5 year old male German Shepherd. I am already neutered. I have been at the Carson Animal Care Center since 2/12. I will be available on 2/25. You can visit me at my temporary home at C321.

🔹German Shepherd 🔹 AGE:5 years
🔹 male 🔹 ARRIVED:2/12
🔹 Carson Shelter - 310-523-9566 for INFO
🔹 Mon-Sat 11-5pm, Closed Sunday
🔹216 W Victoria St. Gardena, CA 90248


216 W Victoria Street
Gardena, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 5pm
Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 5pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm



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