This year. My younger cousin died of covid last christmas. My mom was infected with covid by a "friend" who was my aunts hospice nurse. She was 85 and had copd for over 20 years. She never came back home.she went from the crappiest "healthcare" setting i have EVER seen to rehab to assisted living, back to the Er, back to assisted living, back to hospital where she got another covid infection. She went to hospice and died per her wishes. During all this my anti-depressant stopped working after 10+ years. I was still juggling her situation, school and everything else. I have been barely functional since she died in april. I tried going to a local naturopath, but other than the nearly $1,000 in charges all i got was disrespect and anti-transgender bu****it saying he didn't see a reason to respect my gender since i chose to change how god made me. Oh and 5 columns of food i couldnt eat. I re tore my rotator cuff, git double kidney infections that the er here wanted to admit me for.Its been over two months since i could eat more than a few ounces of food without severe pain.it got so bad i lived off gatorade and ensure.i got in to see my internist. He wanted to do endoscopy. Almost 3 weeks later. He did colonoscopy at the same time cause i was due after they found pre-cancerous cells in the one i had last year. They put me on meds for the stomach, and found out a week later they found more pre-canceous cells,but the doc was on vacation so i didnt know what those results would mean and had no way to find out. While all this fun was happening i begged my med prescriber for psych meds to give me something to help me sleep. She was also on vacation. When i called the next week. I "mistakenly" got told that she couldnt help me and to goto the er. ( even though we had discussed a sleep med if the latest cocktail of meds didnt help) . so after continuing to spiral and getting only 2 hours most nights, i went to er for behavioral health to give me a change in meds
HUGE MISTAKE. First, not allowed clothing, reading materials, stuffed animals, personal bedding, coloring or anything else. I had to fight to get my cpap and then could only use it while someone was watching me on overnight shift and usually halfway through overnight shift.til 5 am only.
Second, i wasn't supposed to have an issue with another patient breaking through our shared bathroom door trying to land on my bed, standing over me, and when i said something i got moved to a room where there wasn't an outlet for my cpap at all.
Third, this place was bad. Saw one doc sat. He was good, but the HOSPITAL DIDN'T EVEN CARRY THE MED HE WANTED TO PUT ME ON. I would have had to get a friend to pick up the script ( at the HOSPITAL employee pharmacy across the street, and have them bring it to the hospital) Nor could they get the medication for my stomach, nor could they be bothered for several days to lete have my thyroid medication at the appropriate time. They told me i was refusing meds. You are supposed to take thyroid meds on empty stomach not 10 mins after you eat. Was supposed to see the other sunday. Nope, he walked out for lunch and quit. So they called an icu doc back from vacation to fill in on BOTH wards. Saw him for 2 days. And tried to get an answer about when i could go home.
I waited 24 hours for that answer. Meanwhile, i was placed on the girls side, touched without permission repeatedly in front of staff, when i asked why nothing was done or said to her. THE NURSE'S response was we try to ignore her, saying anything just makes it worse. Glad to know ozarks healthcare cares about their patients safety soooo much.
I went back to my room. Still not having an answer even though i was repeatedly told i would have an answer BEFORE THE DOCTOR LEFT FOR THE EVENING.
I WEnt to the day room. Where some fundie trump supporting bitch ( she had gone on repeated pro trump rants during what was supposed to be coping skills class) told me that i should stop pretending to be a woman and cut my dick off and that i was never going to get discharged. Just proves how f**king stupid she is. Where i went back to my room after telling her to take that comment and her pro trump rants and shove them up her ass.
During the night they moved my roommate out and moved another individual in. Who was on oxygen and needed monitoring. When his gasping for breath or alarms didnt wake me up. The staff who was supposed to be monitoring his O2 levels but was watching videos loudly on his phone did.
The next morning, i spoke to one of the day shift nurses who filed a complaint for me. I met with DON and complaint office staff. Right after that meeting, i get told by the "social worker" that i am not getting discharged and he doesnt know when but its definitely not today. Right after that, i talk to doc. Who was waiting til after i met with complaint and after having me go through the whole mess AGAIN. Says he will discharge me asap.. His version of asap is over an hour.meanwhile i am getting s**t from the nurse about the fact i am pi**ed off.
So yeah for future reference do not goto bhu at ozarks healthcare if you need safety, respect or meds. As will be explained in part 2. My med prescriber NEVER left message for me to goto er with the phone nurse, and its now been almost 4 weeks. After repeated calls to their complaint and advocacy dept. I finally heard back LAST FRIDAY.when i was told the nursing supervisor on the ward was supposed to have contacted me. He didnt. We were supposed to all speak on the phone last monday. Neither one called. I called on tuesday. Crickets. Its now 1 am friday morning
And after my experience there, i am afraid to go inpatient again. But that doesnt f**king matter to them. Nor that its been two weeks waiting to even schedule an ultrasound. Nor that they have a rheumatologist there that says detransitioning will cure my reactive arthritis, pulls out other patients medical records circles THEIR MEDS ON THEIR RECORDS and asks why i am not taking what he prescribed for me and whose staff can't be bothered to check their files and see i have and have been undergoing treatment for over 3 years, in their hospital system, for something they suggested i get tested for by my primary doctor. What the ever living f**k?