The Duck Lady is a small family owned and operated duck, Sebastopol and dewlap toulouse goose and chicken, ringneck pheasant and coturnix quail breeder in Garner NC. We specialize in purebred ancona ducks of all colors, snowy call ducks, sebastopol geese, dewlap toulouse geese and deathlayer chickens. We started out with just 4 ducks and instantly fell in love with these animals. In November of 20
19, we decided to start hatching ancona ducklings. Anconas are a dual purpose breed not only known for their excellent lay rates and their meat, but also for their temperament, beauty and foraging ability. Since then, we have added snowy call ducks, geese and chickens. We only do small hatches weekly during the laying season of each breed and while weather still permits the babies to feather out before it gets really cold. Since we are not a hatchery but a home breeder that does not do large scale hatching, we can give each baby attention and a healthy start for as long as it takes for them to find their forever homes. Each fluff butt is started on Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E and probiotics the day they hatch in order to ensure that you get healthy and happy additions to your flock. Because we started with a mixed flock of Rouen, White Layer, and Pekin, we still hatch a few mixes when requested. We have also added Welsh Harlequin, cyuga and khaki campbell to that mix as well. Each has a name and a personality that we love and we hope that they will provide you with all the joy and entertainment (AND EGGS!) that they provide us! Ancona ducklings, 2 days old to 2 weeks old are 8 each, 3-4 weeks old are 10 each, older than 1 month and mature drakes (when available) are 15 each - laying females (when available) are 30 each
Hatching eggs are 30/dozen
Snowy calls, 2 days old to 1 month old are 10 each. Older drakes are 15 and older hens are 30 each. Hatching eggs (when available) are 40. Mixes (ducks) can be any combination of the following:
Rouen, White Layer, Pekin, Welsh Harlequin
2 days to 2 weeks old are 6 each, 3-4 weeks old are 8 each, older than 1 month and mature drakes (when available) are 12 each - laying females (when available) are 20 each
Hatching eggs are 20/dozen