Talk about a morning! So I bought some new cages recently off dubia cause they’re super affordable at 250 a 4x2x2 you can make a 8x2x2 for under 500 with discounts. So me owning so many boas this seemed like a great way to save money versus buying or building cages that size cause even when I make them myself it still comes out to more then 500. Now I will say the quality and durability of the cages I build to these doesn’t quite match up cause mine are made thicker and sturdier hence why they cost more. With my collection constantly growing and me working more hours at work I decided to save time and money and buy these cages. Well this morning I went to check on my dubia colony and there was a 8foot boa next to it so I went to see how tf she had gotten out since she had been in that cage for months already with no issues. Well I found out she pushed through the plastic vents they make for the cages and got it stuck on her crawling out the hold with the vent stuck hard around her mid section with scales running towards the back I could not use oil to slide it off with out tearing off scales. so In a panic I ran to my work truck grabbed my bolt cutters and wire cutters and a saw blade from my tool box. Miranda grabbed the snake and brought her to the room on the bed and luckily I was able to cut it off and with no damage to the snake just a couple bent scales. Luckily we caught it fast enough and her circulation wasn’t cut off bad or anything she should be ok. She’s soaking in some betadine and taking a little bath to help get the oil off. I had Miranda Mulwee oil her up so the ring wasn’t digging in worse while I was cutting on it. It made things more slippery but ultimately I think it helped the poor girl not get hurt worse. Now we get to wash the bed sheets again since they’re all oily