You didn’t think I was going to skip out on sharing miss Sadee Bug’s before and bath pictures did you? I’m not a monster!
I always try to take photos of my puppers for you all but some bloopers turn out funnier than others😂 @the.spaniel.siblings always have the funniest bloopers I swear😂
#cockerspaniel #cockerspanielsiblings #spanielsiblings #doggrooming #doggroomingmemes #funnydoggroomer #funnycockerspaniel #funnydogs #dogmemes #cockerspanielgrooming #cockerspanielgroom #cockerspanielgroomer #spanielgroom
Funny story time from a dog groomer. Sometimes I wonder if I’m annoying. But if you can’t handle how dog obsessed I am, perhaps I’m just not the flavor of human for you🤣
Photography of @truffleandshuffle by me
Photography of Penguin and Saoirse by @treasuredpetsfineart
#doggroomer #doggroomermeme #funnydoggroomer #doginfluencer #doginfluencers #groomerinfluencer #doggrooming #grooming #groomingsalon #doggroomersofinstagram #poodlelover #poodles #westhighlandterrier #dogobsessed
Groomer Outfit check❤️. Just because I work with dogs every day, doesn’t mean I can’t try and dress cute/like myself! I love to try and wear what feels like me and while I’m a little limited by what I can wear based on what fabric doesn’t trap hair inside my shirt, I still find plenty of options. Putting effort into what I wear at work gives me a little boost each day and I love it! If only it were safe to wear heels at the salon, but unfortunately I WOULD slip and die😂
All that being said I am human (and chronically ill) and do still often come to work in a t shirt and leggings. Hey, sometimes you just have to get through the day and that’s a win in and of itself! The ability to have flexibility in my job is always one of my favorite parts about it.
Did I forget to take a video with a client one day and cheat using my own girls instead? Yes I did but shh 🤫
#outfitcheck #outfitcheck✔️ #workoutfit #whatiwearinaweek #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #doginfluencer #doginstagram #groomerlife #groomerslife🐾🐾🐶🐶 #cockerspaniel #germanshepherd #poodle #standardpoodle #papillon #shetlandsheepdog #outfittour #wearinaweek #whatiwearinaweek #doggroomerchallenge #workfit
Bigger bird indeed Miss Wren😍! I love a bird themed dog name! Sounds very specific but my own pets are all named after Birds! It started with Penguin (my logo dog) and then followed with my cats Kiwi and Puffin, and my newest pup is named Saoirse which means freedom and her middle name is Starling, which is a bird.
Do you theme your pets’ names?
#goldendoodle #goldendoodlegrooming #questionoftheday #qootd #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #doggrooming #doodlegrooming #fluffydoodle #teddydbeardoodle #doodlenameidea #dognameideas #doggynames #doodlemania #allyoubiggerbirds #biggerbird #bigbird #doggroomerinfluencer #doginfluencer
Chaka Khan the Pony Poodle with a mullet that just won’t quit🕺✨
Penny and Pepper were a delight to meet! Can’t wait to see them again next time
#doodles #doodlesofinstagram #doodlegrooms #doodlegrooming #doggroomer #doggroomersofinstagram #doggroominglife #maltipoo #maltipoogrooming
Surprise! Penguin now has a retro style poodle moustache🥸. I was going to go back to a clean face, but took it as an opportunity to try something fun and different on my way there. I can always shave it off! But frankly, I’m surprised to say I love it and I think it’s here to stay for a while at least!
#poodlestache #retrotrim #retropoodle #vintagepoodle #dogmoustache #poodlegrooming #poodlegrooming #minipoodlegroom #minipoodlemix #doggroomer #doggrooming
Teddy and Topper are a pair of brothers. One loves having his picture taken and the other doesn’t. Can you tell which is which😂
#goldendoodlegrooming #goldendoodlegroom #goldendoodle #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #doggroomer #lexingtonky #georgetownky #versaillesky #parisky #dogsofky #kentuckydogs #kentucky #supportlocalbusiness #doodlesofinstagram #doodlesoftheworld #beforeandafter #dogreel #dogreels #freshshears #freshshearsgroom #freshshearsgrooming #doodlegroomer #fluffydoodle #teddybeardoodle
Who is that? Why that’s Astro!!! Super floof deshedded, trimmed, and ready for the summer heat ☀️
#corgi #corgigrooming #corgigroom #doggrooming #doggroomer #corgis #corgisofinstagram #corgitrim #freshlygroomed #freshlygroomeddog #fluffycorgi #corgis #corgigroomer
Blaze and his little toupee bringing joy to my life yesterday😂. I love it. One of the things about mixed dogs people often don’t realize is how much of a Russian roulette their genetics are. Many doodles have the plusher, more teddy bear like coat more skin to a poodle or somewhere in between poodle and the other breed they’re mixed with. That’s what people usually think of when they think of doodles. But I do see these terrier like wire coats, flat coats, straight coats etc all the time! Just goes to show you never know what you’re going to get with a mixed breed dog- it’s all surprises. Blaze here just has a particularly unique look compared to what I usually see. He is still young so his “toupee” may still yet grow out and blend on with the rest of his body. We’ll have to see! It’s fun to see how the genetic gamble turns out as they grow and develop. Love you buddy!
#aussiedoodle #aussiedoodlesofinstagram #aussiedoodlegrooming #doodlegroom #doodlegrooming #doggrooming #doggroomer #doggroomermemes #doggroomermeme #funnydoggroomer #dogfluencer #dogtoupee #donaldtrumpdog #caterpillardog #breadloafdog #aussiepoodle #aussiepoodlemix #aussiemix #doodlepuppy