As a trainer, you MUST be willing to use different methods for different dogs and you must be willing to adjust your session goals. I will die on that hill.
Our initial goal for this session was to get these two pups together for some play time. That didn't happen. Cooper struggles with distractions and if the energy around him raises, his energy takes off like a rocket. This often results in a reaction. Barking, lunging etc. Which is exactly what happened when he saw the little bundle of energy enter the room.
For a lot of dogs, we can use commands to help them navigate their environment. For Cooper, being in a command means there is a chance for food and food trumps everything for him. So much so, that he isn't actually taking in his environment and learning how to cope with it.
This is a dog that gets way more benefit from doing nothing. We didn't use commands. We simply waited while he took in what was going on around him and gave him food for holding it together and for being able to make a good choice in the moment without our direction.
Reminder to stay open minded & work the dog in front of you.
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Just a small business owner trying to up her marketing skills.
If you're an existing client, please share! We want to see this business grow and have the goal of a bigger facility and another full-time trainer this year!
Thank you for all of you who have and continue to support us. We love you guys!🤎
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #dogtraining #dogtrainer #gypsyk9camp #nicolethedogtrainer #balancedtraining #dogsofinstagram #stateofmind #boardandtrain #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner
Scaring Rachel is my favorite hobby.
Thank you for being here. For working so hard everyday. For taking care of our client dogs like they're your own. For helping out with the foster dogs. For educating so many people. For continuing to make a good name for this business. Lastly, thank you for tolerating me giving you heart attacks.🤎
Christmas with Grizzly, Crank, Lyra, Luna, Gunner & Ranger.🤍
Grizzly turns 12 years old today & I don't know how that happened.🥺🖤
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #nicolethedogtrainer #gsd #gsdsofinstagram #blackgsd #blackshepherd #grizzlythewolf
Nope, they demand it.🤣
Already missing warmer weather but we will keep making the best of it and hoping for some good snow to play in.🖤
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #dogtraining #dogtrainer #nicolethedogtrainer #balancedtraining #dogsofinstagram #gsd #pitbull #gsdsofinstagram #pitbullsofinstagram
A quick Saturday morning hike with some dogs and goats.
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #dogtraining #dogtrainer #nicolethedogtrainer #balancedtraining #dogsofinstagram #gsd #goat #goatsofinstagram #heeler #cattledog
Gunner turned 8 on 12/3 so here is a belated happy birthday him!
My husband has had Gun since he was a tiny pup & I'm incredibly grateful that my husband had such an amazing dog by his side. I have had the pleasure of getting to know him over the last few years. He is a true child but he is so good at reading us and different situations. If you're not feeling great, he's the first one to offer support and cuddles. Gunner has a real edgy side to him but he's shown me he's capable of getting along with just about anyone and anything. He makes you earn his trust and I absolutely love that about him. I'm so happy to have him in my life.
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #dogsoftiktok #smallbusinessowner #SmallBusiness #DogTraining #dogtrainer #balancedtraining
Send us more English labs please.🤣
#gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions #gypsyk9camp #dogtraining #dogtrainer #nicolethedogtrainer #balancedtraining #dogsofinstagram #lab #labradorretriever #englishlab
When we explain our Camps(board &trains), one of the common questions we get is "Do you have anything shorter or cheaper?"
1. My programs NEVER be shorter because we actually care about the dogs stress levels and state of mind. Meaning, the shorter the program, the more that dog has to be pushed past their limits to get results which leads to more stress and less learning.
2. Our training may seem "expensive" and I'm fine with that. Together, we have over 10 years of experience and have dumped thousands of dollars into our education & continued education. We are confident that we can provide skills and knowledge that make the cost well worth it. In my opinion, cheap & quick options with "guaranteed results" is bullsh*t.
#smallbusinessowner #SmallBusiness #balancedtraining #DogTraining #dogtrainer #gypsyk9 #gypsyk9solutions 16m ago